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1. It is natural process of animal species to become extinct (e.g. dinosaurs, dodos etc.). There is no reason why people should stop happening this. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Animal species disappear because of changes on the Earth that are caused either by nature or by human activities. While nothing can be done about nature, humans can help save many animal species from being extinct.

Extinction is a natural phenomenon. After all, more than 90 percent of all animal species that have ever lived on Earth are not alive today, and this has had nothing to do with human beings. Sometimes, a natural event, like a volcano eruption, can kill an entire species. It is interesting to know that dinosaurs were wiped out by an enormous asteroid impact on the planet around 66 million years ago, in the absence of humans. Animal extinctions may also be caused by natural occurrences such as climate heating or cooling or changes in sea levels. For example, after the ICE Ages, when the glaciers melted and the planet became warmer, many species died out because they could not live in a warmer climate. In these cases, it is indeed senseless for humans to try to intervene and stop them from happening.

Yet this does not mean that human activity is not at all responsible for animal extinction, especially in modern days. Given that it is a natural process of animal species to become extinct, humans have made it worse, and accelerated the extinction. A new study reveals that the famous extinction of Mauritian Dodo about 300 years ago began the moment Dutch sailors first encountered the bird on the island of Mauritius. As a matter of fact, many animal species have been lost due to the human role in habitat loss, environmental pollution, climate change, over-fishing, and over-hunting. Indeed, human activities have made the extinction of many animals take place long before the nature should have taken its course.

In conclusion, although it is natural process that many animal species have died out, now there are enough reasons to believe that human beings should (and could) take action to prevent animals from disappearing too soon.


The international committee should act immediately to ensure that all countries reduce fossil fuels, such as gas and oil. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Today, unprecedented volatility in the price of feedstocks and concerns over global warming with its resulting consequences have spurred a radical change in human society --- cutting down the consumption of fossil energy on the global scope. However, little progress has been made so that it is time now for human society as a whole, if possible, to take immediate action before it is too late.

Admittedly, environmental issues resulted from the mass use of oil and gas are far beyond the reach of individual person or a country. With the combustion of oil and gas in industrial production comes huge amounts of carbon dioxide emissions, thereby resulting in the increase in global temperature. However, efforts made by one or two countries seem pale in comparison to current worse situation. Besides, the consumption of such energy is predicted to last no more than 100 years as both oil and gas are non-renewable energy. Therefore, it is necessary for whole human society to reach a consensus and immediately take concerted effort to search for economically viable and environmentally sound alternatives.

However, when it comes to evaluating all countries, it is far too difficult to play fair on the ground. The phase where each country stands makes a great difference on how well the mission can be accomplished and what can be done to achieve the final goal. Feasibility seems high in most developed countries as they either have already possessed advanced technology or stand poised on brink of the answer to the question. Unlike them, underdeveloped and developing countries have not seem so optimistic due to large population and low efficiency of energy utilization. Therefore, to enforce such an act --- immediately reducing the use of fossil fuels seems far too early for these countries and regions.

In conclusion, it is true that international community should take the role immediately in consideration of global environmental condition. Every country on this planet is obliged to actively participate into this, but it is impossible and more importantly it seem unfair for all countries to cut down the use of fossil fuels given the non-balanced development among different countries.


In some countries, the difference in age between parents and children is generally greater than it was in the past. Do you think the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?

The number of older parents is on the rise as people are waiting until their 30s and 40s to start having babies, which has widened the age gap between parents and their children. For the most part, the benefits of this trend outweigh the drawbacks.

The widened gap in age between parents and their children may bring about financial and emotional benefits. Parents who decide to have babies later in life may have climbed the corporate ladder, received promotions, and are therefore financially secure to raise children. With that financial security would come the emotional privilege. Older parents seem to be more stable, relaxed, and less stressed-out than their younger counterparts. Since older parents are more likely to have been settled down professionally, they are able to allow themselves to spend more time with their children.

However, the choice to put off having babies may have negative implications for both parents and children. For parents, it is physically challenging to raise a baby when they are, say, over forty years old. The delayed parenthood is quite unfair for the children too, because their parents probably will not be able to live long enough to see them grow up. Most importantly, when the parent-child age difference is 40 years or more, parents will very quickly become a burden to their children who are just starting their career as young adults. In this case, children might be forced to care for their older parents from a very young age.

For all these disadvantages, I still believe the greater parent-child age gap is a good thing, because it contributes to the economic and emotional well-being of children during the most important years of their growth. Meanwhile, with the improvement of medical technology and social pension system, the potential risks the older parents may experience and the burden they may give their children have been greatly reduced.

雅思寫作5.5 都是因為假大空?




很多同學(xué)語言基礎(chǔ)很不錯,對單詞和語法的掌握都很熟練,然而最后寫作成績卻并不滿意。這些文章缺乏實質(zhì)性的內(nèi)容。在雅思寫作的評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)中,第一項就是“寫作任務(wù)的回應(yīng)情況(Task Response)”,要求文章要有“清晰的觀點、切題的論點、充分的論證”。也就是說,考官是非常重視文章的內(nèi)容是否有邏輯且充實的,這會決定我們整篇文章分數(shù)的一個上限。












如 “Watching television could enrich students’ general knowledge. The reason is that they spend a great deal of time seeing various programs, which makes them more knowledgeable about the world. For example, when a child watches television alone at home, he or she could have access to different information, thus having an encyclopedic knowledge about many things. ”


1、從內(nèi)容方面來說,后面的重復(fù)性內(nèi)容不能被作為 evidence 來支撐前面的論點,沒有說服力。

2、從語言方面,這段論證過程里面用到了 “the reasons is that…”, “for example” 等表示不同邏輯關(guān)系的連接詞,但是文章中的 “the reasons is that…” 后面連接的不是愿意,“for example” 后面連接的也不是例子,這相當(dāng)于連接詞的選擇和使用也有問題。

空洞的論證過程原因在于學(xué)生的積累不夠以及沒有具體化的意識。其實很多同學(xué)的復(fù)習(xí)不夠充分,沒有把該刷的話題刷過一遍,導(dǎo)致有些話題在考場上完全沒有思路,只能把和主題有關(guān)的詞匯和句型都堆砌在一起。還有些同學(xué)對很多話題的常識也缺乏一定的了解,比如建設(shè)基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施 build infrastructure 的作用,很多同學(xué)只能想到“便民”,根本不知道基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施對促進經(jīng)濟的極大作用,導(dǎo)致擴展不夠,也只能用重復(fù)內(nèi)容來湊。


如 “Watching television could enrich students’ general knowledge.(哪些知識) The reason is that they spend a great deal of time seeing various programs(哪些節(jié)目), which makes them more knowledgeable about the world. For example, when a child watches television alone at home, he or she could have access to different information(哪些信息), thus having an encyclopedic knowledge about many things. (哪些事情)”












  • 2020年1月4日雅思閱讀機經(jīng)預(yù)測


  • 2020年1月11日雅思閱讀機經(jīng)預(yù)測


  • 2020年1月16日雅思閱讀機經(jīng)預(yù)測


  • 2020年1月8日雅思閱讀機經(jīng)預(yù)測
