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1. It is + adj. + that...


It is undeniable that opportunities and choices could sometimes make all the difference in a person's life.


It is unanvoidable that the rapid progress of industry leads to severe pollution.


It is unquestionable that schooling plays an essential role in children's personal development.


2. It is + v.-ed + that...


It is assumed that education should start as early as possible.


It is generally held that robots are more effecient than human labors.


It is reported that the temperature will decline sharply in one or two days.



Some people claim that government should be mainly responsible for the environmental pollution.


Many experts point out that it is the inevitable result of the development of modern society.





1. 表主觀觀點(the view/point/opinion/notion/assumption/conception that...)

The assumption that computers will sooner or later replace teachers cannot hold water.


2. 表客觀事物(the fact/problem/phenomenon/practice that...)

The fact that young people nowadays are self-centered is largely the parents' fault.



The government subsidizes the space exploration is beneficial to the development of human being in a long run.

該句的主語看似The government subsidizes the space exploration,但作為一個擁有獨立完整的主謂賓結(jié)構(gòu)的句子,這個結(jié)構(gòu)顯然不能充當主語。事實上,這是筆者在教學中發(fā)現(xiàn)的學員常犯的語法錯誤之一,即不清楚應當用哪些結(jié)構(gòu)來充當句子的主語。此句可改為:

The practice that the government subsidizes the space exploration is beneficial to the development of human being in a long run.


經(jīng)此修改,原句主語變?yōu)橐粋€以practice為先行詞的同位語從句(The practice that the government subsidizes the space exploration),問題迎刃而解。


1. 律師指出他曾經(jīng)做過偽證。

2. The lawyer pointed out that he had committed perjury.

3. 他說的話做的事讓他的父母很失望。

4. What he did and said disappointed his parents very much.

5. 我現(xiàn)在說的是你必須立即采取行動處理這件事。

6. What I am saying is that you must take immediate action to deal with this matter.

7. 他想知道我們?yōu)槭裁催@么晚。

8. He wants to know why we are so late.

9. 我記不起來他是什么樣子了。

10. I can not remember what he looks like.

11. 只有你能決定哪個最適合你。

12. Only you can decide which one suits you best.

13. 我想知道發(fā)生了什么事情。

14. I wondered what had happened.

15. 這要看我是否能夠勸說他接收這個工作。

16. It depends on if I can persuade him to accept this job offer.

17. 他問我的父母是否講西班牙語。

18. He asks whether my parents speak Spanish.

19. 沒有人知道這樣做會不會傷害到她的感情。

20. No one knows whether this will hurt her feelings.

21. 能不能獲利要看我們能否得到他們的合作。

22. Whether we can make profit depends on if we can get their corporation.

23. 讓她感到最吃驚的是,當她回到家的時候房子幾乎是空的,所有的家具全被搬走了。

24. What surprised her most was that when she returned home, the house was nearly empty and all the furniture had been moved out.

25. 委員會還沒有決定給誰獎學金。

26. The committee has not decided whom they will give financial aids to./who will be given financial aids.

27. 政府是否應該在藝術(shù)上花費金錢是一個有爭議的問題。

28. Whether the government should spend money on arts is a controversial question.

29. 工業(yè)世界的主要問題是還沒找到一個不增加失業(yè)率就能減少通貨膨脹的方法。

30. The main problem of the industrial world is it has not found a way to reduce inflation without increasing unemployment.

31. 對一個聰明的人來說,讓自己熟知每個領(lǐng)域的知識是可能的。

32. It is possible to an intelligent person to acquaint himself with every branch of knowledge.

33. 然而,今天,我們很少聽說,某個音樂家剛剛發(fā)明了一種新型的潛水艇。

34. However, today, we seldom hear that a musician has just invented a new type of submarine.

35. 我只不過把我聽到的東西告訴了她。

36. I just told him what I heard.

37. 他一下飛機就給我們講述了他在西班牙的所見所聞。

38. He told us what he heard and saw in Spain as soon as he got off the plane.

39. 他問我現(xiàn)在最想見誰。海倫問一切是否進行順利。

40. He asked me whom I wanted to see most. Helen asks if everything is going well/getting along well.

41. 他還活著真是讓他感到欣慰。(consolation.)

42. It is a consolation to everyone that his is still alive.

43. 她成為畫家可能是受到父親的影響。

44. She become an artist may be influenced by her father.

45. 很奇怪,以前沒有人注意到這件事。他還活著,真是個奇跡。誰將領(lǐng)導這個國家還沒有被宣布。

46. It is strange that no one has noticed it before. It is a miracle that he is still alive. Who will lead the country has not been made public.

47. 邀請多少人還是個問題。這對我們有害還是有利還不清楚。

48. It is a question how many people we should invite. Whether it benefits us or not is not clear.

49. 我到哪里度假不關(guān)你事。很明顯他完全不明白。

50. Where I am going to spend my holiday is none of your business. It is evident that he can not understand.

51. 他說不說話對我的情緒幾乎沒有影響。

52. Whether he speaks or not has no effect on my mood.

53. 你需要的是一個大的帆布包。(canvas)

54. what you need is a canvas bag.

55. 勿庸置疑,沒有陽光,植物就不能生長。(it goes without saying)

56. It goes without saying that plants can not live without sunlight.

57. 凡是看不到這一點的人就要犯極大的錯誤。

58. Whoever fails to see this point will make serious mistake.

59. 讓我印象最深的是他們都經(jīng)過了專業(yè)培訓。

60. What impressed me most was that they had had professional training.

61. 我的意見是我們馬上就開始準備工作。

62. My opinion is that we should start preparation immediately.

63. 問題是下一步我們該怎么辦。他們追求的是名和利。

64. The question is what we should do next. What they are after are fame and fortune.

65. 他們提出的問題是派誰去頂替他。

66. The question they raised was who should be sent to replace him.

67. 這就是我反對計劃的原因。我想知道的是你們什么時候移民到加拿大。

68. This is why I object the plan. I want to know when you will immigrate to Canada.

69. 讓我感到疑惑的是為什么他們現(xiàn)在找我。

70. What puzzles me is why they are looking for me now.

71. 問題會自行解決,這個想法是可笑的。我們還沒有解決到哪去度假的問題。

72. The idea that the problem will solve itself is ridiculous. We haven’t settled the question where we are going to spend our holiday.

73. 到底要不要冒險去火車站接她,他一直被這個想法折磨著。

74. He has been ventured by the idea whether he should venture to meet her at the train station.

75. 關(guān)于他要辭職的報道是假的。

76. The report that he resigned is false.

77. 他非常明白這個事實,她是不會批準他正在做的事情的。

78. He is very clear about the fact that she will not approve what he is doing.

79. 他們表達了會再次來訪中國的愿望。

80. They expressed the hope that they would visit China again.

81. 不久命令就下來了,讓所有的村民都撤離村莊。

82. Soon the order came that all the villagers should b evacuated.

83. 她能勝任這個工作,這是毫無疑問的。

84. There is no doubt that she is capable of the job.

85. 考慮到所有的事情,我們不得不面對這樣的事實,我們的前景絕對不好。(prospect, less than good)

86. Considering all the facts, we have to face the fact that our prospects are less than good.



表語從句是在復合句中做表語的名詞性從句,一般放在系動詞之后。表語從句的結(jié)構(gòu)是主要+系動詞+表語從句??梢越颖碚Z從句的系動詞有be,look,remain,seem等等,可以接表語從句的結(jié)構(gòu)有the reason why…is …that和it is because等。它在從句中主要起的作用是對主語進行解釋說明。可以引導表語從句的連接詞有that/whether/as if,連接代詞有who/whom/whose/which/that,連接副詞有when/where/why/how/because等等。比如在表達這就是因為我們那個時候需要錢的時候考生就可以使用表語從句即That’s because we were in need of money at that time.


賓語從句就是在復合句中做主句的賓語,它的結(jié)構(gòu)一般是主語+連詞(引導詞)+賓語從句。①當賓語從句是陳述句的時候,一般由連詞that引導,但是因為that在從句中并不做任何成分,也沒有任何具體的意思,所以在托福寫作考試中,that可以省略。比如考生在表達她說他不會參加明天的運動會的時候可以這樣表達She says (that) she won’t take part in the sports meeting next Sunday.但是需要考生注意的是當賓語從句中的that做介詞賓語的時候或者當that從句與另一名詞性從句并列做賓語的時候,第二個that是不可省的。即在The reason lies in that she works harder than the others do.中介詞in之后的that不可省略。

②當賓語從句是一般疑問句的時候,引導詞就可以換成連詞whether或者if,譯為是否,因為這些連詞有一定的意義,所以考生在使用的過程中不能省略。比如考生在表達Lily想知道她的姥姥喜不喜歡她的包的時候就可以這樣組織語言.Lily wanted to know if/whether her grandmother liked the handbag.







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