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  文章題目Typography Introduction of Printed books

  重復年份20160312 20110127


  題型判斷 4+填空 9

  文章大意活字印刷的歷史。兩個德國人去 Italy 的一個地方,后來又搬去了羅馬,之 后很多商人就開始注意到印刷的潛在經(jīng)濟價值。



  1. Early books have many errors – F

  2. 活字印刷里就記得在 M_某個地方只有富人才買得起書– T

  3. 剛開始 printing 的書,插圖 illustration – T

  4. Business man in Roma begin to notice the value of printing can make money F


  5. 類似流程圖從上往下一步步說怎么印刷

  6-7. Assembling Fonts: sheet of paper

  8. 第 1 版是用來更正錯誤的 proof reading

  9. types……pages are in right sequence

  10. Local newspapers 做宣傳

  11-12. 問兩種印刷方法的單詞: binding and simulating

  13. They lived very near to the book industry


  文章題目Fluoridation in the water

  重復年份20160312 20140719 20130119


  題型選擇題 3+判斷 6+句子填空 5

  文章大意本文講述了氟化物添加對健康影響。對要不要對飲用水進行氟化處理,學者 有兩派不同的意見。



  1. How hot is the area A

  2. People should not be forced to take compulsory medication

  3. To demonstrate that scientists’ finding will be influenced by social factors


  4. 待補充

  5. Science should not decide policy

  6. Scientific and social factors should be separated No

  7. Many sociologist ignore S’s study

  8. S work was not emphasized by sicnetists outside the northern America NG

  9. Both supporters and opponents have made valid argument. YES


  10. Science is objective and unbiased

  11. Can be affected by social factors

  12. Scientific discovery cannot be understood at first

  13. Cautious action is not necessary

  14. People should have the right to choose


  文章題目Undergraduate students study dramas

  重復年份20160331 20141018



  文章大意文學專業(yè)學生的課程指南,提到了讓學生觀看英國不同時期劇院中的戲劇, 并列舉了不同時期四種劇院的特點。


  Medieval period

  Main article: Medieval theatre

  By the medieval period, the mummers' plays had developed, a form of early street theatre associated with the Morris dance, concentrating on themes such as Saint George and the Dragon and Robin Hood. These were folk tales re-telling old stories, and the actors travelled from town to town performing these for their audiences in return for money and hospitality.

  Renaissance: Elizabethan and Jacobean periods

  The period known as the English Renaissance, approximately 1500—1660, saw a flowering of the drama and all the arts. The two candidates for the earliest comedy in English Nicholas Udall's Ralph Roister Doister (c. 1552) and the anonymous Gammer Gurton's Needle (c. 1566), belong to the 16th century. During the reign of Elizabeth I (1558–1603) and then James I (1603–25), in the late 16th and early 17th century, a London-centred culture, that was both courtly and popular, produced great poetry and drama. The English playwrights were intrigued by Italian model: a conspicuous community of Italian actors had settled in London. The linguist and lexicographer John Florio (1553–1625), whose father was Italian, was a royal language tutor at the Court of James I, and a possible friend of and influence on William Shakespeare, had brought much of the Italian language and culture to England. He was also the translator of Montaigne into English. The earliest Elizabethan plays includes Gorboduc (1561) by Sackville and Norton and Thomas Kyd's (1558–94) revenge tragedy The Spanish Tragedy (1592), that influenced Shakespeare's Hamlet.

  17th and 18th centuries

  Aphra Behn was the first professional English woman playwright.

  During the Interregnum 1649—1660, English theatres were kept closed by the Puritans for religious and ideological reasons. When the London theatres opened again with the Restoration of the monarchy in 1660, they flourished under the personal interest and support of Charles II. Wide and socially mixed audiences were attracted by topical writing and by the introduction of the first professional

  actresses (in Shakespeare's time, all female roles had been played by boys). New genres of the Restoration were heroic drama, pathetic drama, and Restoration comedy. Notable heroic tragedies of this period include John Dryden's All for Love (1677) and Aureng-zebe (1675), and Thomas Otway's Venice Preserved (1682). The Restoration plays that have best retained the interest of producers and audiences today are the comedies, such as George Etherege's The Man of Mode (1676), William Wycherley's The Country Wife (1676), John Vanbrugh's The Relapse (1696), and William Congreve's The Way of the World (1700). This period saw the first professional woman playwright, Aphra Behn, author of many comedies including The Rover (1677). Restoration comedy is famous or notorious for its sexual explicitness, a quality encouraged by Charles II (1660–1685) personally and by the rakish aristocratic ethos of his court.

  Victorian era

  A change came in the Victorian era with a profusion on the London stage of farces, musical burlesques, extravaganzas and comic operas that competed with Shakespeare productions and serious drama by the likes of James Planché and Thomas William Robertson. In 1855, the German Reed Entertainments began a process of elevating the level of (formerly risqué) musical theatre in Britain that culminated in the famous series of comic operas by Gilbert and Sullivan and were followed by the 1890s with the first Edwardian musical comedies. W. S. Gilbert and Oscar Wilde were leading poets and dramatists of the late Victorian period.[16] Wilde's plays, in particular, stand apart from the many now forgotten plays of Victorian times and have a much closer relationship to those of the Edwardian dramatists such as Irishman George Bernard Shaw and Norwegian Henrik Ibsen.


  雅思閱讀題型之list of heading

 ?、鸥鶕?jù)topic sentence解題是比較重要的方法之一。因而要注意閱讀每一段落的topic sentence.(句首、句中或句尾。一般在句首的可能性較大,因而對每一段的句首句要重點閱讀。它不僅會給出整個段落的大意,還會解釋本段落與上一段落之間的邏輯聯(lián)系)。

 ?、婆csummary題一樣,雅思閱讀list of heading中的備選項一般多于答案的數(shù)量,這就意味著一個段落可以有幾個符合的備選項,同樣先把符合這個段落的備選項挑出來,縮小選擇的范圍,再從中選擇會容易一些。

 ?、桥c雅思閱讀multiple choice 題一樣,雅思閱讀list of heading題的正確答案一定包含文章的要點(關鍵詞、中心詞),因為題目考查的就是段落的大意。所以,雖然有些備選項的內(nèi)容是正確的,在文章中也有提及,但卻是文章中的細節(jié),而不是大意,就應舍去。

 ?、任恼露温渲兴o的example絕對不會是雅思閱讀題型之list of heading題的答案,因為它們只是對段落中主要觀點的解釋說明,并不全面系統(tǒng),是片面的。





  ⑷有些雅思閱讀matching題要求找出所列的內(nèi)容在文中的哪一個段落.其實這一類題與雅思閱讀list of heading題有點相似。在做的時候最好能像做雅思閱讀list of heading題一樣先把文章段落之間的關系搞清楚,劃分好文章的層次.雖然這樣做會耗費一定的時間,但是比起盲目地滿篇找答案還是方便快捷得多得.而且準確性也會有保證.這類題也可以參考short answer 題的做法,試著回答題干的問題,看在哪一段能找到答案。

  另外,也要注意分析這類題的題干信息,如題目中出現(xiàn)了an overview of… 就要注意觀察文章的開頭和結尾部分,因為這兩個部分尤其會出現(xiàn)overview的觀點。出現(xiàn)in the future就要多注意文章的結尾部分,因為該部分最容易提出對未來的展望。



  雅思閱讀題型之multiple choice


 ?、谱⒁忸}目選項與原文的差別,有些看似相近的句子,其實包含了完全不同的意思。(如劍3第二篇中,原文為activate platelet, 而題目選項中是increase the number of platelet),所以一定要回到原文中去定位!!確保無誤后再選!!

  ⑶在雅思閱讀multiple choice題中一定要注意問的問題是涉及主觀方面的還是客觀方面的。所謂主觀方面是指別人的觀點、建議、設想等;而所謂客觀方面是指事實、介紹、指導等。

 ?、仍谘潘奸喿xmultiple choice題中要審清題意,搞清楚題目到底要我們選擇幾個答案。不要漏選,也不要多選。

 ?、裳潘奸喿xmultiple choice中的一個重要解題技巧就是“排除法”,而使用排除法時可以參考T/F/NG題的做法,因為要排除掉的就是F和NG的內(nèi)容。如果實在找不出答案,就把答案從可靠到不可靠的順序排下來,選最有可能的那一個。

  ⑹有的雅思閱讀multiple choice題是要求選出適合的title,這個時候一定要注意Title必然包含文章的主要信息,而且一定要全面。有些選項雖然是正確的,但是只包含了文章主要內(nèi)容的一部分,所以不能選。

  雅思閱讀題型之Y/N/NG 和T/F/NG


 ?、埔⒁釿/N/NG與T/F/NG的區(qū)別。前者是對觀念的判斷,考察的是題干與作者觀點之間的一致性,故一般用于議論文;后者是對事實的判斷,考察的是題干與文章中所給事實的一致性,因而多用于說明文。如:Cambridge3 Test2 passage3中的第32題。題干中說的是作者的觀點,而原文中說的是decline in marriage ritual這一現(xiàn)象說明了它no need的這一事實,并不是作者的觀點,所以依然是選’No’


  ⑷在閱讀中一定要注意哪些是事實(fact),哪些是觀點(Opinion),不要搞混。同時也要注意什么是正確的觀點,什么是錯誤的觀點。有時候上一段講大多數(shù)人的觀點,到下一段就提出這種觀點其實是錯誤的。所以不要斷章取義!!同時也要注意轉(zhuǎn)折詞的使用!But, However, Although, Though等!







  • 2020年3月5日雅思閱讀機經(jīng)預測


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