What to Do With a Dinosaur
This morning a dinosaur tromped into school,
ferocious, atrocious, and dripping with drool.
He had to be practically twenty feet tall,
and banged around looking something to maul.
He stomped and he snorted, he bellowed and roared.
His head hit the ceiling and busted a board.
That beast was undoubtedly ready for lunch.
He snatched up a chair in his teeth with a crunch,
Then stopped for a moment and thoughtfully chewed;
it seems he had smelled cafeteria food.
He spit out the splinters and plowed down the hall,
his tail swinging wildly and smashing the wall.
He burst through the doors of the lunchroom to see
the lunch ladies clutching their hair nets to flee.
He found the lasagna and gobbled it up,
then lapped up the lemonade, cup after cup.
He ransacked the salad bar, plundered dessert,
then stiffened and yelped as if suddenly hurt.
He let out a howl as he clutched at his side,
then gave out a gasp and fell over and died.
So next time a dinosaur comes to your school,
I think you'd do well to remember this rule:
Get out of the way of his bad attitude
and make sure he eats cafeteria food.
O Sailor, Come Ashore
by C. G. Rossetti
(Part I)
O sailor, come ashore
What have you brought for me?
Red coral , white coral,
Coral from the sea.
(Part II)
I did not dig it from the ground
Nor pluck it from a tree;
Feeble insects made it
In the stormy sea.
Hooray! Hooray! It's New Year's Day
Hooray! Hooray! It's New Year's Day!
The day we start anew.
So this year I've decided
to become a kangaroo.
Or maybe I will learn to fly,
or how to walk through walls,
or how to turn invisible,
or surf on waterfalls.
I'll make myself elastic
and I'll teach myself to shrink.
I'll turn into a liquid
and I'll pour me down the sink.
I'll visit other planets
and meet aliens galore.
I'll travel to the distant past
and ride a dinosaur.
I've got so many wondrous plans.
I'm starting right away.
Yes, this will be the best year yet.
Hooray! It's New Year's Day!
Poor Cinderella
Poor Cinderella, whose stepmom was mean,
could never see films rated PG-13.
She hadn't a cell phone and no DVD,
no notebook computer or pocket TV.
She wasn't allowed to play video games.
The tags on her clothes had unfashionable names.
Her shoes were not trendy enough to be cool.
No limousine chauffeur would drive her to school.
Her house had no drawing room; only a den.
Her bedtime, poor darling, was quarter past ten!
Well one day Prince Charming declared that a ball
would be held in his honor and maidens from all
over the kingdom were welcome to come
and party to techno and jungle house drum.
But Poor Cinderella, with nothing to wear,
collapsed in her stepmother's La-Z-Boy chair.
She let out a sigh, with a lump in her throat,
then sniffled and picked up the TV remote.
She surfed channel zero to channel one-ten
then went back to zero and started again.
She watched music videos, sitcoms and sports,
commercials and talkshows and weather reports.
But no fairy godmother came to her side
to offer a dress or a carriage to ride.
So Poor Cinderella's been sitting there since,
while one of her stepsisters married the Prince.
She sits there and sadly complains to the screen,
if only her stepmother wasn't so mean.