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I. 聽句子,選出句中所含有的單詞或詞組。 (5分)

1. A. walk B. work C. well D. climb

2. A. pass B. past C. Paris D. part

3. A. why B. windy C. wish D. worry

4. A. by car B. by bus C. by boat D. by plane

5. A. must B. matter C. most D. much

II. 看圖聽對話,選擇各人所用的交通工具。 (5分)

1. Lin Tong (__________) 2. Jim (_________) 3. Tom (__________)

4. Jim's father (__________) 5. Lin Tong's father (____________)

III. 聽短文,根據(jù)其內(nèi)容判斷句子正(T)、誤(F)。(10分)

1. Mr Green goes to school by car today.

2. Mr Green is a teacher.

3. Their house is near the school.

4. Jenny doesn't like riding a bike at all.

5. Jenny is in her mother's school.


I. 語音與詞匯。(10分)

A) 根據(jù)句子內(nèi)容和所給的音標(biāo),填寫一個適當(dāng)?shù)脑~。(5分)

1. It takes about fifteen ______ /?minit/ by car.

2. He was ______/il/ yesterday.

3. Canada is in ______ /n?:θ/America.

4. The old woman ______/di?pend/ on her daughter two years ago.

5. Don't ______ /?w?ri/ about me. I'm OK now.

B) 根據(jù)句意及首字母提示,完成下列單詞的拼寫。(5分)

1. I always ride my bike to the s______ station.

2. It t______ me half an hour to do my homework yesterday.

3. My father l______ for Shanghai yesterday.

4. How do students a______ the world get to school?

5. Be q______ ! We haven't much time.

II. 單項選擇。(10分)

1. They ______ a village in the evening and lived there.

A. arrived in B. arrived at C. left for D. got

2. ______ is it from your home to school?

A. How often B. How long C. How far D. How soon

3. He gets up early and ______ breakfast.

A. have a quick B. has quick a C. has a quick D. have quick

4. The last train has left, so I ______ stay here until tomorrow.

A. must B. have to C. stop D. live

5. Listen, a small number of students ______ in the classroom.

A. talk B. talks C. is talking D. are talking

6. ______ she is ill, ______ she goes to school.

A. Although; / B. Although; but C. But; although D. Because; /

7. The No. 6 Middle School is not far ______ his home.

A. to B. from C. with D. at

8. ---Do you usually go to work by train? ---______.

A. Yes, I does B. Yes, I don't C. No, I don't D. No, I does

9. ---How long does it take? ---It takes ______.

A. half an hour B. a hour C. two hour D. half a hour

10. ______it take you to walk from your home to your office?

A. How long is B. How long does

C. How many time does D. How many hours are

III. 漢譯英。 (10分)


1. 從學(xué)校到汽車站不是很遠(yuǎn)。

It isn't ______ ______ the school to the bus stop.

2. 坐火車去北京需用多長時間?

How long ______ it ______ by train to Beijing?

3. 你每天怎樣去學(xué)校?

______ ______ you get to school every day?

4. 薩姆什么時候離開家去上學(xué)?

When ______ Sam ______ home for school?

5. 我們學(xué)校校車停在汽車站。

Our school bus stops at ______ ______.

IV. 完形填空。(20分)


One day, a small boy was walking (1)______a street in London. His name was Tom. It was a cold winter day in 1900. (2)______ he could not have breakfast or lunch. He didn't have any money. His father died(死了) when he was very young. His mother was often ill, so she couldn't (3)______ Tom and his brother, Mike. Both of them had to work to help their mother. He was small but his dream(夢想) was very (4)______. His wish was to be a famous actor. He worked very hard to sing and dance (5)______. One day, a man came to him and asked, "(6)______ in my film?" "Certainly," he answered. And he did his (7)______ in it. Many people said, "We have never seen such an (8)______ film." Thirty years (9)______, this boy was among (10)______ famous people in the world. He made many interesting films, and lots of people admired him.

l. A. along B. for C. with D. to

2. A. This day B. That day C. Today D. To this day

3. A. take care B. looked after C. take care of D. looks after

4. A. small B. big C. far D. long

5. A. good B. well C. beautiful D. wonderful

6. A. Are you act B. Will you act C. Would you D. Will you

7. A. better B. good C. best D. well

8. A. interested B. interests C. interest D. interesting

9. A. after B. ago C. later D. before

10. A. the most B. more C. most D. the more

V. 閱讀理解。(10分)


Are You Still Looking for Your Son?

Mrs White has a son. His name is Sam White. The young man begins to work in a post office in a city this Autumn. He asks his mother to visit the city. The old woman is happy and catches a train. She soon arrives in the city, but she doesn't know where the post office is. She begins to look for it, but she can't find it. At a bus stop she asks an old man, "Excuse me, sir. How can I get to the post office?"

"There are about forty post offices in our city,"says the old man. "Which one do you want to find?"

The old woman gives Sam's letter to him and the old man says, "Walk along this street and take the fourth turning on the left. His post office is just there."

Mrs White thanks the old man and soon finds her son. They are very happy. A week later the woman goes to the zoo. She sees all kinds of animals. But she can't remember the way back to the post office. At the same bus stop she meets the same old man and she asks the same question again.

"Oh dear!"the old man says. "Are you still looking for your son?"

1. Where does Sam White work?


2. How does Mrs White go to the city?


3. Does the old woman know how to get to her son's post office?


4. How many post offices are there in this city?


5. Does the old man think Mrs White found her son's post office?


VI. 書面表達(dá)。(20分)


①Liu Mei, get up ②go, park, by ③play, friends, happily ④leave, park, until, four o'clock





I. 1.They walk to school every day.

2. Jim gets up at half past six every morning.

3. Don't worry. Let me help you.

4. His brother goes to work by bat.

5. You must put on your coat.

Keys: 1---5 ABDCA


M: Lin Tong, how do you usually come to school?

W: I usually take a bus. What about you, Jim?

M: I usually walk. But my brother, Tom, usually comes by bike.

W: How does your father usually go to work, then?

M: He usually drives a car.

W: Oh, my father usually goes to work by train.

Keys: 1---5 DCAEB


Mr Green works in a big factory. He usually goes to work by car, but there is something wrong with his car today. Today, he goes to work by bus. Mrs Green is a teacher. She goes to the school on foot. The school is near their house. Jenny, their daughter, is a student. Her school is far from their home. She goes to school by bike every day. She likes riding a bike very much.

Keys: 1---5 FFTFF



A) 1. minutes 2. ill 3. North 4. depended 5. worry

B) 1. subway 2. took 3. left 4. around 5. quick

II. 1---5 BCCBD 6---10 ABCAB

III.1. far from 2. does, take 3. How do 4. does, leave 5. bus stop / station

IV. 1---5 ABCBB 6---10 BCDCA


1. He works in a post office.

2. She goes to the city by train.

3. No, she doesn't.

4. There are about forty post offices in the city.

5. No, he doesn't.

VI. 書面表達(dá)參考范文:

It was a sunny day yesterday. Liu Mei got up at six o'clock in the morning. After she had her breakfast, she went to the park by bike. They sang and danced near the lake, and she played with her friends happily in the park. She didn’t leave the park until four o'clock in the afternoon.


on vacation 去度假

stay at home 待在家

quiet a few 很多

most of 大多數(shù)

decide to do 決定做某事

feel like 感受到

hardly ever幾乎從不

stay up late 熬夜

close to 接近

so far 到目前為止

want to do 想要做某事

keep on doing 繼續(xù)做某事

make sure 確保

pour...into, 把……倒入……

mix...up... 混合起來

change...into... 把……變成……

be glad to 很高興

prepare for 為...做準(zhǔn)備

hear from sb. 收到某人的來信

have enough time to do有足夠時間去做

e afraid to do 害怕去做

in the end 最后












