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BEC高級閱讀:South Africa Bets on 2010 World Cup for

  NATO has discovered it is not well equipped to train a new national police force for Afghanistan and has turned to the European Union and private contractors for guidance.

  Afghan police beat their batons against their shields in a drill showing how they would react if a demonstration became violent.

  They are the most highly trained of Afghanistan's police forces designed to handle difficult situations.

  Italian Carabinieri Brigadier General Carmelo Burgio is helping train the police. He says they are just what Afghanistan needs right now.

  "They are the right tools for this kind of job because they are policemen, so they have the mentality of policemen. They have to deal with people, but they have also a sort of military training," says Brigadier General Carmelo Burgio.

  The police in Afghanistan are accused of widespread corruption and are said to make money from bribes at checkpoints or at the border. In November an Afghan policeman killed five British soldiers who were training him. Their commander told a British newspaper recently that police corruption is fueling the insurgency.

  But six months ago, NATO set up a new command for training the police, and its officials say they are working to eradicate the culture of corruption and ill-discipline.

  Earlier this year, police salaries were increased and many are now being paid through bank transfers, so no one is able to take a cut of a policeman's pay before it gets into the hands of the employee.

  Journalist Massoud Farivar produces radio programs broadcast across the country. He says what NATO is doing is a start, but there is still a long way to go.

  "I think there has been some change, but I do not think there has been significant change in the police," says Farivar. "In general, I would say that there is greater public trust in army than police. The police is still seen as incompetent, corrupt and predatory."

  The man in charge of developing the police force, Canadian Major General Mike Ward, says that can be corrected with training.

  "If people see them as incompetent, corrupt and predatory, they should also see them as untrained. We can address the untrained part," Major General Ward said.

  Perhaps because of the pay raise, recruitment for the force is strong. Attrition rates had been high, likely because police have been threatened and killed by insurgents, especially in the south around Kandahar, the Taliban heartland. Ward says police are targeted because they are working with NATO.

  "The police are the ones that are in the fight every day," he added. "They are the ones dying in tremendous numbers, being injured, being wounded. Their families are under great risk and threat."

  The police are at the center of NATO's strategy for wresting control from the Taliban in southern Afghanistan, particularly around Kandahar.

  A police convoy heading to Kandahar for the offensive was attacked eight times by insurgents on the road. That they defended themselves well is considered a victory, but NATO and Afghan police officials say there is still a lot of work to do before Afghanistan has a police force it can depend on.

  BEC高級閱讀:Russian ’Occupation’ of Georgia

  Standing alongside Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili in Tbilisi, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton reiterated a call for Russia to end its military presence in two breakaway Georgian regions.

  "We continue to call for Russia to abide by the August 2008 cease-fire commitment signed by President Saakashvili and President Medvedev, including ending the occupation and withdrawing Russian troops from South Ossetia and Abkhazia to their pre-conflict positions," said Clinton.

  Clinton repeatedly pressed the issue during her tour of Eastern Europe and the Southern Caucasus, which concluded in Georgia. South Ossetia and Abkhazia are heavily populated by ethnic Russians and have resisted integration with Georgia. Only a few other nations join Russia in recognizing the two regions as independent.

  "America was the first one to mention this word, and now the others are following," said Saakashvili. "President Obama was the first one to call a spade a spade, basically to say it was an invasion. Because before, as you remember, the term "disproportionate use of force" was used, as if there is a proportionate use to occupy other countries' territory."

  The topic came up during a recent meeting in Washington between U.S. President Barack Obama and his Russian counterpart Dmitri Medvedev. Both sides said the disagreement would not significantly impede relations.

  Alexander Rondeli, the director of the Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies welcomed Clinton's use of the term "occupation". But he added that healthy relations with Russia could be good for everybody.

  "It is absolutely important for Americans to have normal relationship with Russia," said Rondeli. "It is absolutely important for everyone to have a wealthy and healthy Russia; it means democratic [sic] and also a country which acts according to international norms and rules."

  Rondeli said an important message of Clinton's trip is that it shows the United States has not abandoned Georgia, and will remain an influence in the region.

  Nicolay Petrov is a scholar-in-residence at the Carnegie Moscow Center. He says there is nothing new in the American position and that he expects a pretty calm reaction from Russia as long as the United States does not turn words into action.

  "What was told in Tbilisi, I think, that as far as it is not connected to any real moves made by the Obama administration it is nothing serious for the Kremlin," said Tbilisi.

  Tbilisi says Moscow maintains a position that it has the right to first agree to any action another country wants to take in former-Soviet states such as Georgia.

  In addition to Georgia, Clinton also visited Ukraine, Poland, Azerbaijan and Armenia. She is returning to Washington to take part in a meeting Tuesday at the White House with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

  BEC高級閱讀:Silvio Berlusconi urges Italians to vacation

  Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi urges Italians to vacation in their own homeland of "skies, sun and sea" in a new television advertisement aimed at boosting an economy struggling to emerge from recession.

  It comes weeks after Berlusconi's government unveiled an unpopular 25-billion euro austerity budget that has sparked protests and helped push his popularity ratings to new lows.

  The 30-second "Magic Italy" advertisement created by the tourism ministry intersperses shots of picturesque seas, sunsets and bridges with images of famous monuments and artistic gems.

  "What you're seeing is your Italy, a unique country of skies, sun, sea, but also of history, culture and art," Berlusconi narrates over the images. "It's an extraordinary country, which you have yet to discover. Use your vacation, to know Italy better, your magic Italy."

  This is the first time an Italian prime minister has lent his voice to an institutional advertisement and is aimed at boosting the economy at a time of spending cutbacks, Tourism Minister Vittoria Brambilla told a Wednesday news conference.

  Italians are expected to spend about 14 billion euros on vacations abroad this year and diverting even a small slice of that spending back home would help, she said.

  Berlusconi in the past has urged Italians to keep spending and shopping to help Italy's economy, which suffered its post-war recession in 2008 and 2009.

  BEC高級閱讀:Why I Want A Boyfriend?

  I belong to that classification of people known as men. I am A man. And, not altogether incidentally, I am a single man.

  Not too long ago a female friend of mine appeared on the scene fresh from a broken date—she dumped her boy friend.She is looking for another boy friend now. As I thought about her while I was surfing the Internet one evening, it suddenly occurred to me that I, too, would like to have a boy friend. Why do I want a boy friend? I would like to go back to school so that I can become academically more successful, be smarter, and, if need be, make my boy friend stupid. I want a boy friend who will work and drive me to school every day. And while I am going to school I want him to sms me every five minutes telling me that he misses me. I want a boy friend to call me ten times a day that he needs me. I want a boy friend who will turn whatever inundating sensations about me into words, and he must fax, telegram, mail and email them to me. He should be quite skilled with computer so that he is fond of making those sweet words into fancy and touching designs by taking advantage of his fascinating skills with Photoshop, 3Dmax, Maya, Illustrator, Freehand, CorelDraw, Macromedia Flash, and Adobe Director and Premier. His expression of his love must be manifested through enhanced multemedia technology that thrills all female creatures on this planet, but should only be directed my sole private way! He must tell me that he is the second happiest being on Earth because I am the happiest one.

  I want a boy friend who will take are of my physical needs. I want a boy friend who will be always around when I need to carry anything heavier than two kilograms. I am physically able to do that myself, but I need a boy friend to show that he cares for me and he must appreciate doing that. I want a boy friend who enjoys going shopping with me as a bagman—carrying all the bags filled with my shopping triumphs. He won't go looking here and there for his things but follow me wherever I go. He will not complain but rather smile at me and ask if I am feeling tired. And If I am exhausted from walking, he will offer his walking shoes to me, and he wears my high-heel shoes himself. When we go home, he will be honored to carry me up the stairs on his back. As I am learning and he is working for income, he should have the convenience and be happy to pick me up from school every day. I need a boy friend to wait for me at the door of my classroom so that all my classmates are jealous of me having such a handsome boy friend.

  I want a boy friend who will financially support me. A boy friend who is financially well-off in the first place. To put it straight, he will have over seven digits in his bank savings account. He has a car and a nice house. I want a boy friend who will never care about spending money on me, and who will see to it that all my demands are filled, be it new dresses, nice purses, exquisite stylish shoes, or the most cutting-edge digital products. I want a boy friend who will be generous to financially support my family. A boy friend who will give 10,000 yuan to my mother and 5,000 yuan at least to my father at any given holiday. Whenever he goes to my family, he will buy expensive gifts; whenever it comes to any of those meaningful days, he will buy me nice dresses or jewelries. On Valentine's Day, he will always remember to buy me a diamond ring. Yes, I need different size, shape and feel of diamond rings, so one piece every Valentine's Day is a must.

  I want a boy friend who will not bother me with rambling complaints about a boy friend's duties. But I want a boy friend who will listen to me when I feel like talking about my female friends, female stars or just any minor issues that happen around me. And I want a boy friend who will always concentrate on listening to me talking about those things. A boy friend that will understand that I am not interested in machines, technology or cultural/historical knowledge, and therefore never attempt to talk about computers, DVD players, cars, HTML language, or ask me questions like which year Emperor Qian Long was born and which year he died.

  I want a boy friend who will enjoy being obedient to me in front of my friends. A boy friend who never complains when I show him off to my friends, family members and relatives.

  Sometimes I will intentionally humiliate him by laughing at his physical shortcomings such as his being too short, too bad-looking, too old, bald-headed, or too fat. He will happily accept that I am not trying to disgrace him, but rather enjoy him as a family member myself, and I am proud of him being so inferior to me, such a pretty and elegant woman people call snowwhite! I want a boy friend who will always be appreciative of whatever I say and do. He will enjoy being my slave listening to my orders; he will feel uneasy if I turn to him gloomy or angry; he will try every way he can to make me smile. For him, what life is all about is TO MAKE ME HAPPY.

  I want a boy friend who is sensitive to my sexual needs. A boy friend who will make love passionately and eagerly when I feel like, and a boy friend who never asks for sex if I am not in the mood. I want a boy friend who always takes a good care of me when I am in MC, and never even gives me a sexual hint at that critical time. I want a boy friend who will hate oral sex and always work the traditional way. But he will be swift to change to whatever pleases my needs.I want a boy friend who will remember to use condom each time without my reminding. A boy friend who will never go to sleep immediately after a hot sex, and who will talk with me for whatever hours I see fit.

  I want a boy friend who will be completely, unconditionally faithful to one woman solely on this planet, and that's ME! He will not look at any female critters between the age of 10 and 80. Even though some promiscuous women try to seduce, I want a boy friend who will remain cool, not even smiling at them. I want a boy friend who feels guilty even his eyesight have an inevitable contact with another woman's eyesight, and he will tell me that he has sinned and beg for my forgiveness. And I want a boy friend who understands that my romantic needs may entail more than strict adherence to one-boy-friend only. I must, after all, be able to relate to more excellent men as fully as possible.

  If, by chance, I find another man more suitable as a boy friend than the boy friend I already have, I want the liberty to replace my present boy friend with another one.Naturally, I will expect a fresh, new life; my boy friend will silently walk away, and take with thim everything thatbelongs to him so that I can start my new life free of his influence. And when I am with a new boy friend, my ex boy friend will still love me and wait for me to change mind.

  My God, who wouldn't want a boy friend?












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