

時(shí)間: 澤燕681 分享


  1. Please give our claim your favorable consideration.


  2. Please examine the matter and send us the goods to meet the shortage as soon as possible.


  3. As regards inferior quality of your goods, we claim a compensa- tion of U.S.,000.


  4. We shall lodge a claim for all the losses incurred as a consequence of your failure to ship our order in time.


  5. Any complaint about the quality of the products should be lodged within 15 days after their arrival.


  6. Our customers are complaining of the inferior quality of our products.


  7. This seems to be a very clear case and we hope you will see your way to make a prompt settlement.


  8. We regret that your claim on shortage cannot be accepted.


  9. Our investigation shows that improper packing caused damage. Therefore we have to refer this matter to you.

  我方檢驗(yàn)證明,貨物受損是由于包裝不當(dāng)而造成的。因此,我們不 得不將此事提交你處解決。

  10. As the goods are inferior in quality, we are returning the whole of the 20 cases and must ask you to replace them.

  由于這些產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量低劣,所以我方把20箱全部退回,并務(wù)必請(qǐng)貴方 更換這些產(chǎn)品。

  11. We very much regret the mistake in article number, which resulted in your receiving the wrong goods.


  12. The goods we’ve received do not tally with the sample on which we ordered.


  13. In view of the long business relations between us, we wish to meet you half way to settle the claim.


  14. We hope this unfortunate incident will not affect the relationship between us.


  15. Apparently, the shortage is due to omission in packing.


  16. In view of our friendly business relations, we are prepared to meet your claim for the 25 tons shortage weight.


  17. We are sorry that the quality of our goods did not turn out to your satisfaction.


  18. We can assure you that such a thing will not happen again in future deliveries.


  19. Enclosed is the surveyor’s report on the three damaged cases.


  20. Here’s a survey report by a well-known lab in Houston, whose testimony is absolutely reliable.



  W: Hello, Mr. Brown, how are you? It is nice to see you again.

  B: How are you, Mrs. Wang. It certainly is a pleasure to see you again here. I hope you had an enjoyable trip from London.

  W: The flight was really long, but it was comfortable so I do not feel very tired.

  B: I am glad that you had a pleasant trip. I hope you are comfortably settled and find things at the hotel satisfactory.

  W: Everything is perfect, thank you. Well, now, Mr. Brown, if you don’t mind, I’ll get to the point.

  B: Okay. You want to take up the subject of the arbutus, don’t you?

  W: That’s right. You see, Mr. Brown, you have probably been ad- vised of the serious damage done to the last consignment of 60 cases of arbutus. Upon its arrival in London on board the S.S. Cornea, it was found, much to our regret, that about 50% of the cases were leaking. Closer inspection by the Health Officers showed that the contents were considered unfit for human consumption.

  -- 布朗先生,你好。很高興再次見到你。

  -- 王小姐,你好。很榮幸在這里又見到你。希望你從倫敦來一路 旅途愉快。

  -- 飛行時(shí)間雖長(zhǎng),但客機(jī)非常舒適,所以也不覺得很累。

  -- 我很高興你旅途愉快。希望你住得舒適,旅館設(shè)備都還覺得滿意。

  -- 謝謝你,一切都很好。噢,布朗先生,要是你不介意的話,現(xiàn)在咱 們就開始談?wù)剺I(yè)務(wù)吧。

  -- 好,你想談?wù)剹蠲返氖?,?duì)不對(duì)?

  -- 對(duì)。布朗先生,也許你已經(jīng)知道最后一批60箱的楊梅嚴(yán)重?fù)p壞的 情況。“柯娜”輪一到達(dá)倫敦的時(shí)候,我們就遺憾地發(fā)現(xiàn)其中有一 半左右的箱子滲漏。經(jīng)衛(wèi)生檢疫局官員仔細(xì)檢查,認(rèn)為 內(nèi)裝食品 不可供人們食用。


小編為大家整理了商務(wù)英語口語--索賠篇。一起來學(xué)習(xí)一下吧! 1. Please give our claim your favorable consideration. 請(qǐng)合理考慮我們的索賠要求。 2. Please examine the matter and send us the goods to meet the shortage as soon a


  • 商務(wù)公文收據(jù)寫作

    小編為大家整理了商務(wù)公文收據(jù)寫作。一起來學(xué)習(xí)一下吧! 商務(wù)公文收據(jù)寫作: 收據(jù)種類很多,有收條、借據(jù)、訂閱單、訂貨單等,是在跟對(duì)方發(fā)生錢和物

  • 檢驗(yàn)證書表達(dá)

    小編為大家整理了檢驗(yàn)證書的表達(dá),一起來學(xué)習(xí)吧! 檢驗(yàn)證書表達(dá): Inspection Certificate 檢驗(yàn)證書 1.certificate of weight 重量證明書 2.certificate of inspection certify

  • 商務(wù)英語報(bào)告結(jié)構(gòu)

    小編為大家整理了商務(wù)英語報(bào)告結(jié)構(gòu),一起來學(xué)習(xí)吧! 商務(wù)英語報(bào)告結(jié)構(gòu): (一)摘要(Executive Summary) 一份正式且篇幅較長(zhǎng)的報(bào)告通常在報(bào)告的前面加上摘要。

  • 商務(wù)英語貨運(yùn)通知寫作句型

    小編為大家整理了商務(wù)英語貨運(yùn)通知寫作句型,一起來學(xué)習(xí)吧! 商務(wù)英語貨運(yùn)通知寫作句型: 1. We would like to inform you that the goods were already shipped out on the