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1. surround sb with sb 用某人包圍某人

be surrounded by sb 被某人所包圍

in the surrounding 在周圍環(huán)境

2. a narrow escape 九死一生

3. in the distance 在遠處,在遠方

from a distance 從一定距離,從遠處

at a distance 在一定距離處,隔一段距離

keep sb at a distance 對某人冷淡;


4. at the edge of 在……的邊緣(側(cè)重于在邊 緣點上)

on the edge of 在…邊緣上(側(cè)重在邊緣較廣闊的地域)

5. at least = at the least 至少

6. not in the least = not all 一點也不

7. at most = at the most 至多

8. be heavy with 有大量的

9. make a detour 繞道而行

10. have four weeks off 休四周假

11. go through 穿過;經(jīng)歷

12. forbid sb to do sth 禁止某人做某事

13. forbid doing sth 禁止做某事

14. require to do sth 要求去做某事

15. require sb to do sth 要求某人去做某事

16. require that sb (should) do sth 要求某人做某事

17. sth require doing 某物需要被做

= sth require to be done

18. on a spot 在現(xiàn)場,當場

19. rip off 敲竹杠;敲詐

20. rip sth off 偷竊,盜取

21. get a kick out of 從……中得到樂趣

22. enjoy doing 喜歡干…..

23. be fond of 喜歡…..

24. go in for 愛好,從事


1. forbid禁止(forbade/forbad---forbidden---forbidding)

forbid/ allow / permit / advise doing sth

forbid/ allow / permit / advise sb to do

⒉be to do / be going to do / be about to

be going to do 強調(diào)主語的主觀安排

be to do 表示按計劃行事,可能這個計劃不是主語的打算

①I am going to spend the rest of my life in England .

②Believe it or not, I am to deliver a lecture on politics. It is the department’s arrangement .

be about to表示即將發(fā)生的事情, 不與將來時間狀語連用。

固定搭配:be about to do…when…

3.distant.adj 遙遠的

in the distance 在遠處 at a distance距離稍遠些 keep…at a distance與…保持一定距離



1. experiment with sth. 用某物實驗

2. experiment on sth. 對某物進行實驗

3. carry out an experiment

perform an experiment

conduct an experiment

do an experiment

make an experiment做實驗

4. make a breakthrough 取得重大突破(進展)

5. convert A into/to B 把A轉(zhuǎn)換成B

6. take the place of = replace 取代,代替

7. in place of 取代,代替(介詞短語)

8. instead of 代替,而不是(介詞短語)

9. a quantity of + 不可數(shù)名詞,謂語動詞用單數(shù)

10. quantities of+可數(shù)名詞復數(shù),謂語動詞用復數(shù)

quantities of+不可數(shù)名詞,謂語動詞用復數(shù)

11. bring up 撫育;教養(yǎng),嘔吐,提出(話題等)

12. bring down 降低

bring about 導致,引起

bring back 歸還;恢復;回想

bring in 賺(錢);帶進;傳入

13. search for 尋找

14. search sb/sp 搜查某人或某地

15. in search of 尋求/尋找……

16. as a result of 由于…..的結(jié)果

as a result 因此,結(jié)果

17. owing to

thanks to

due to

because of 由于…

18. the key to… ……的關鍵

the answer to the question 問題的答案

notes to the text 課文注釋

an end to the meeting 會議的結(jié)束

the entrance to the building 大廈的入口

19. export sth to 出口某物到……

20. the second most important 第二重要的

21. be interested in… 對……感興趣

22. graduate from….. 從…..(地方)畢業(yè)

23. escape from (out of)+sp. 從某地逃脫;逃走

escape from reality 逃避現(xiàn)實

24. have a narrow escape 九死一生

25. a fire escape 緊急出口;安全門

26. clear up (天氣)放晴;整理;收拾

27. be known for 因…..而出名/聞名

be known an 以……而知名,著稱

be known to 為……所知

28. earn one’s living 謀生

= make a living

get/gain a living 謀生 比較:

live/lead a…life 過著…..的生活

29. come to power 掌權;執(zhí)政

30. take power 取得政權

in power 當權,執(zhí)政

out of one’s power 不能勝任,力所不及

= beyond one’s power

31. It is possible that…. 可能……

32. It’s certain that... 一定…….

=sb/sth is certain to do It’s certain that you’ll succeed. = ?

33. It’s likely that…… 可能…..

=sb/sth is likely to do

It’s likely that he is doing his homework. = ?

34. It seems that 好像……

=sb/sth seems to do

It seems that he knows the secret. =?

35. at war 在交戰(zhàn)中

36. be diagnosed with 被診斷出…, 患有…

37. become the voice of 成為…的代言人

38. partly because of 一部分因為


⒈a large quantity of 意思是“許多,大量 ”, 可修飾可數(shù)名詞和不可數(shù)名詞。名詞后的謂語動詞總是單數(shù)

large quantities of 意思是“許多,大量 ”, 可修飾可數(shù)名詞和不可數(shù)名詞。名詞后的謂語動詞總是復數(shù)

⒉the key to sth. doing sth.… 意為 “…… 的關鍵”


This is the key to his failure in the exam.= This is the key to failing in the exam.


The key to her success is based on her efforts.


the answer to……的答案 the entrance to…..的入口

the solution to…. 的解決方法 the approach to…..的解決方法


be (get) used to 習慣于,devote oneself to 致力

look forward to 期待做某事, be addicted to 對…上癮

get down to 開始認真做 make contributions to 對…做出貢獻

⒊clear vi adj. adv.(清晰地)

1).the smoke cleared/clears煙霧消散

2).天氣放晴,整理,澄清clear up

clear away清除,整理



1. vary in… 在……方面不同

2. vary from…to… 從…..到……變化

3. vary with 隨著….而變化,因….而不同

4. involve sb in… 允許某人參與

5. involve oneself in… 積極參與……

6. be/get involved in… 被卷入到….之中 7.

more than 不僅僅

more than 100 = over 100 , 超過

100 more than surprised 十分/非常 吃驚

more …than… 與其說…不如說…(強調(diào)前者)

He was more an artist than a writer.

8. on guard (保持)警惕;值班,站崗

9. on holiday 度假

on leave 休班

on duty 值班

10. hold up 舉起,抬起,承受住,支撐

11. hold back 阻擋

hold on 等會兒, 堅持

hold down 限制

hold out 維持

12. give away 泄露,出賣,暴露,讓步,贈送,捐贈

13. give off 發(fā)出(煙、光、熱、氣味等)

14. give out 發(fā)出;放出(消息、聲音等);用完,耗盡

15. mind reader 能看透別人心思的人

16. make a deal 達成協(xié)議,做成交易

17. communicate with sb 和某人交流

18. be busy with sth 忙于某事

19. shake hands with sb 和某人握手

20. stare at sb/sth 注視著某人/某物

21. stare into the distance 凝視著遠方

22. request sb to do sth 要求某人做某事

23. request that sb (should) do… 要求某人做某事

24. make a request for… 要求…..

25. at the request of sb 應某人的請求

= at sb’s request

26. by request(of) 按要求

27. do sb a favour 幫某人一個忙

28. ask sb a favour 請某人幫個忙

29. in favour of 贊成

30. do sb a favor = do a favor for sb 幫某人的忙

31. lift up 舉起;太高;吊起

32. ①up and down 上上下下

②up and down 前前后后

= back and forth = backwards and forwards

③up and down 處處

= here and there

④up and down 來來往往 = to and from

33. by accident 偶然地,無意地


⒈vary vi 變化 various adj 各式各樣的 variety n 變化;

vary in---- 在----方面變化

vary from… to… . 在---與----之間變化

a variety of 各種各樣的


involve doing 需要、涉及 ,牽扯

Involve sb in sth 把某人牽扯到…中

Be/get involved in 和---有關聯(lián);牽涉


palm outwards and five fingers spread .屬于“獨立主格結(jié)構(gòu)”,不是完整的句子。這個結(jié)構(gòu)中的名詞或代詞就是邏輯主語,與他后面的分詞、形容詞、副詞、不定式、介詞是邏輯上的主謂關系。

①The test finished ,we began our holiday .

②The meeting over , everyone went out of the meeting room .

③Tom came in , a toy in his hand .



1. be on display 展覽

be on show

be on exhibition

2. permit sb to do sth 允許某人做某事

3. permit doing sth 允許做某事

4. provide sb with sth 為某人提供某物 provide sth for sb

5. sth impress sb 某物給某人留下影響 sb be impressed by

6. impress sth on sb 使某人銘記

= impress sb with sth

7. sth is impressed on one’s mind


8. have/leave/make/ a …impression on sb


9. be convenient to sb 對某人方便

10. It is convenient for sb 對某人方便

11. It is convenient to do sth 做某事方便

12. be convenient for sth 對某事方便

13. get around=get about 到處旅游; 四處走動

14. be connected to/with 與…..相連, 接通

15. be stuck in 困住,動不了

16. get dressed 穿衣

get washed 洗臉

get lost 迷路

get married 結(jié)婚

get charged 充電

get separated 被分散

17. in no time 馬上,一會兒

18. on time 按時

in time 及時

19. once upon a time 從前

20. at the same time 與此同時

at one time 曾經(jīng), 一度,從前有個時期

at no time 決不,在任何時候都不

21. be worth doing 值得做…..

be worth + n. = be worthy of + n

sth. is worth doing = sth is worthy of being done

= sth is worthy to be done

22. “祈使句 + and +簡單句”可以改為if條件句

Think hard, and you’ll have an idea. 使勁想,你就會有主意。

23. “祈使句 + or +簡單句”也可以改為if條件句

Listen to me, or you won’t understand. = ?

24. under construction 正在建設之中

25. be limited to 局限于…..

26. in rush hours 處于交通高峰期

27. react to… 對…產(chǎn)生反應

react with sth. 與某物起(化學)反應

28. occur to sb (主意或想法突然)浮現(xiàn)與腦中, 被想起,被想到

29. It occurs to sb to do sth 某人想到……

It occurs to sb that

30. have sth done 請別人做某事

31. keep cool 保持冷靜

keep quiet 保持安靜

keep still 不動

keep silent 保持沉默

32. no way 肯定不, 沒門兒 (用于句首時,句子要倒裝)



permit (n.) 許可證 — permit (v.) 允許,許可 — permission (n.) 允許,許可

permit/ allow sb. to do



在考慮中under consideration 在討論中under discussion 在治療中under treatment

在修理中under repair 在研究中under study 遭受攻擊under attack


be worth + ①n


be worthy+of ①sth

②of being done

③to be done


all the time 一直,始終 time and time again 反復多次

at times 有時,偶爾 from time to time 不時,偶爾,間或

at no time 在任何時候都不 at all times 隨時,總是

at a time 每次,一次 at one time 曾經(jīng),一度

take your time 不用急,慢慢來 ahead of time 提前

kill time 消磨時間 in no time 馬上一會



祈使句常常是表達說話人對對方的勸告、叮囑、請求或命令等。因此,祈使句中一般沒有主語,但根據(jù)其句意,實際上是省略了主語you。祈使句句末用感嘆號或句號,朗讀時,常用降調(diào)。在表達請求或勸告時,在祈使句前或句末可加, 上please,以使句, 子的語氣更加緩和, 或客氣。祈使句一般沒有時態(tài)的變化,也不能與情態(tài)動詞連用。例如:

Keep off the grass!勿踩草地!

Put the boxes in the small room.把那些盒子放到那個小房間里。




Make sentences after the model.根據(jù)例句造句。


Be careful when crossing the street.過馬路時要小心。

③Let, +賓語+動詞原, 形+, 其他, 成分, 。例如:

Let him go back now.讓他現(xiàn)在回去吧。




Don’t say that again!別再那樣說了!

②在Be動詞引起的肯定祈使句前加Don’t,構(gòu)成“Don’t be+其他成分(形容詞、名詞或介詞短語等)”。例如:Don’t be careless.不要粗心。





Don’t let me go with her tomorrow. =Let me not go with her tomorrow.


Let’s not tell her the truth whenever we meet her.


④在公共場合的提示語中,否定祈使句常用“No+名詞/V-ing形式”結(jié)構(gòu),表示“禁止做某事”。例如:NO PHOTOS! 禁止拍照!



①祈使句為肯定句式,其反意疑問句表示請求時,通常用will you;表示邀請、勸說時,用won’t you。例如:

Be sure to write to us, will you?你一定要給我們寫信,好嗎?

Come to have dinner with us this evening, won’t you?今晚來和我們一起吃飯,好嗎?

②祈使句為否定句式,其反意疑問句通常只用will you。例如:

Don’t smoke in the meeting room, will you?不要在會議室抽煙,好嗎?

③Let開頭的祈使句構(gòu)成反意疑問句時,除Let’s用shall we外,其他均用will you。例如:

Let the boy go first, will you?讓個那男孩先走,好嗎?

Let’s take a walk after supper, shall we?晚飯后我們?nèi)ド⒉?,好?



--- Don’t go out, please. It’s raining heavily outside.請不要出去。外面雨下得很大。

---- Yes, I will. I have to meet my brother at the airport.不行,我得去機場接我弟弟。



Leave it with me and I will see what I can do.把它留給我吧,我想想有沒有辦法。

Hurry up, or we’ll be late.快點,否則我們要遲到了。



Tell him to make a phone call to me if he comes here tomorrow.如果他明天來這兒的話,叫他給我來個電話。



Do shut up!快住口!





1. have no alternative but (=have no choice but)

除……外別無選擇; 只要……

2. alternative energy 可代替能源

3. an alternative plan 替代方案

4. load … with sth. 給… 裝某物

load the truck with coal 給汽車裝上煤

5. be on fire 著火(強調(diào)狀態(tài))

6. catch fire 失火(強調(diào)動作,無被動語態(tài))

7. set fire to sth 放火燒某物

8. command sb to do sth 命令某人做某事

9. command that… (that從句中要用should+動詞 原形, should可省略)

10. free of charge 免費,不花錢

11. in charge of 負責,管理

12. in the charge of 由…負責

13. take charge of 負責管理,負責照顧

14. be charged with… 充滿

15. attach sth to sth 把某物固定/附在某物上

16. attach oneself to 參加;和…在一起,纏著

17. be attached to… 連在…上; 附屬于….; 系在……上

18. attach importance/value to sth.


19. for sure 肯定地,有把握地

20. sb. is sure to do sth 某人一定/肯定做某事

21. be sure + that-clause 確信,相信……

22. make sure of /about sth 確保……

23. make sure + that-clause 確保

24. sb. run out of sth 某人用完了某東西

25. sth. run out 某物用完了(沒有了)

26. rely on/upon 依靠,信賴;取決于

27. rely on it that… 指望…..,對……不懷疑

28. get rid of =rid…of 擺脫,丟掉;除去,趕走,消滅

29. with + 復合賓語結(jié)構(gòu),常用的結(jié)構(gòu)形式有:



③with+賓語+形容詞(強調(diào)賓語的特性和狀態(tài)) ④with+賓語+副詞

⑤with+賓語+不定式(不定式動作尚未發(fā)生) ⑥with+賓語+介詞短語

30. place an order 訂購

31. carry out an operation 做手術

32. be optimistic about… .對……樂觀的

33. be optimistic that… 對…..樂觀

34. in shape 處于良好狀態(tài),在形狀上

35. in the shape of 以….形狀;呈……形

36. out of shape 變形,走樣

37. look out of 向……外看

38. look out! 小心,當心

Watch out! Be careful! Take care!

39. for a start 首先

40. to start with = to begin with 首先, 第一

41. from the start

= from the beginning 從開頭, 從開始

42. on the way out 即將被淘汰; 即將過時

43. on the way n./pron./to doing 即將,來到,接近

44. can’t…too或never…too “不可能太….”,


45. Not all…=All…not… 并非所有的



(1). all, both, every, everyone, everything 與not 連用時,表示部分否定。

(2). none, no( nobody, nothing) ,neither等詞可表達全部否定。

① 馬路的兩側(cè)都沒有植樹。

There are no trees on both sides of the road.


be in bad/good shape 情況還處于混亂/有序狀態(tài),健康情況(不)佳;

take shape成形,有顯著發(fā)展;

in the shape of 以...的形狀[形式]

out of shape變[走]樣,不成樣子身體不舒服, 生病;


run across 偶然發(fā)現(xiàn),偶然碰到; run into偶然遇見,偶然發(fā)現(xiàn),與…相撞

in the long run/term從長遠看,從最終結(jié)果來看;

in the short run 在不遠的將來

run out= give out耗盡,用光(vi.) / run out of = use up (vt.)


rely/depend on/upon (sb/sth to do sth) 依靠,信任,信賴

rely on it that……指望……

【拓展】depend on/upon依靠; 由...而定, 取決于;

That (all)depends. =It all depends. [口]要看情況而定

類似功能單詞--- like/ hate/ appreciate/ see to (it) that確保;確定


attach sth to sth把…系/縛在…; attach importance to sth 重視

be attached to sb/sth依戀,留戀,愛慕某人/事物

⒌charge n. 費用, 主管v. 收費

(1).charge sb money for sth/ doing sth為……收某人錢

(sb.) take charge of 負責,管理……(v.) (sb. +be) in charge of(prep.)

(sth. +be) in the charge of sb. 由…負責,管理free of charge 免費

(2).charge sb with sth 因某事控告某人==accuse sb. of sth.


command/order sb to do sth

command/order (that) sb (should) do sth

(____v__? + that … (從句用should+v原形)

一堅持要求:insist; 二命令:order, command; 三建議:suggest(建議), propose, advise; 四請求:demand,desire, request, require)

⒍將來進行時由“will / shall + be + doing”構(gòu)成,具體用法如下:

(1) 表示將來某時刻或某段時間正在進行的動作。常與soon, tomorrow, this evening, on Sunday, by this time, in two days, tomorrow evening等表示將來的時間狀語連用。如:

I will be having an English class at 8 tomorrow. 我明天八點鐘正在上英語課。

Mary will be working in the factory in the next two months. 下兩個月瑪麗將在這個廠里工作。

At 7:00 this evening I will be watching the news programs on TV.


This time tomorrow I shall be flying to New York. 明天這個時候我將飛往紐約。

(2) 表示預料不久要發(fā)生或?qū)淼哪撤N可能性,說話人往往有“我料想”或“我估計”的含義。

We believe that peasants’ life will be getting better and better. 我們相信農(nóng)民的生活會越來越好。

If we don’t do so, we shall be making a serious mistake.


(3) 表示親切或委婉的語氣。如:

When shall we be meeting again? 我們什么時候再見面?



Be careful when you are crossing the street. 過馬路時要當心。

If Tom is doing his homework when you come back, don’t disturb him, please.











