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  狀語從句它可以修飾 謂語、 非謂語動(dòng)詞、定語、狀語或整個(gè)句子。剛學(xué)習(xí)了狀語從句,快來做套題鞏固一下吧。下面由學(xué)習(xí)啦小編給你帶來關(guān)于高中英語狀語從句習(xí)題,希望對你有幫助!


  1. —What was the party like?

  —Wonderful. It’s years __________I enjoyed myself so much.

  A. after B. before C. when D. since

  2. Mother was worried because little Alice was ill, especially _______Father was away in France.

  A. as B. that C. during D. if

  3. Why do you want a new job __________you got such a good one already?

  A. that B. where C. which D. when

  4. After the war, a new school building was put up ___________there had once been a theatre.

  A. that B. where C. which D. when

  5. You will be late ______________you leave immediately.

  A. unless B. until C. if D. or

  6. ___________, Mother will wait for him to have dinner together.

  A. However late is he B. However he is late

  C. However is he late D. However late he is

  7. If we work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty, ______________great it is.

  A. what B. how C. however D. whatever

  8. We won’t give up ______________we should fail ten times.

  A. even if B. since C. whether D. until

  9. She doesn’t speak ____________her friend, but her written work is excellent.

  A. as well as B. so often as C. so much as D. as good as

  10. He’ll be happy ____________he may be.

  A. when B. if C. because D. wherever

  1—5 DADBA 6—10 DCAAD

  11. The new secretary is supposed to report to the manager as soon as she ______________.

  A. will arrive B. arrives C. is arriving D. is going to arrive

  12. The volleyball match will be put off if it _______________.

  A. will rain B. rains C. rained D. is raining

  13. Remember to send me a photo of your son next time you ____________to me.

  A. write B. will write C. are writing D. would write

  14. If city noises __________from increasing, people ___________shout to be heard even at the

  dinner table in 20 years from now.

  A. are not kept; will have to B. are not kept; have to

  C. do not deep; will have to D. do not deep; have to

  15. I need one more stamp before my collection ____________.

  A. has completed B. completes C. has been completed D. is completed

  16. As she _________the newspaper, Granny _________asleep.

  A. read, was falling B. was reading, fell

  C. was reading, was falling D. read, fell

  17. If it __________for the snow, we ___________the mountain yesterday.

  A. were not; could have climbed B. were not; could climb

  C. had not been; could have climbed D. had not been; could climb

  18. —If he _________, he ___________tat food.

  —Luckily he was sent to the hospital immediately.

  A. was warned; would not take B. had been warned; would not have taken

  C. would be warned; had not taken D. had driven; wouldn’t have got

  19. It is 50 years _____________the People’s Republic of China was founded.

  A. after B. before C. when D. since

  20. ___________the sun rises, all the stars in the sky disappear.

  A. The moment B. Before C. Till D. For

  11—15 BBAAD 16—20 BCBDA

  21. Not until I began to work __________how much time I had wasted.

  A. didn’t I realize B. did I realize C.I didn’t realize D. I realized

  22. Not until all the fish died in the river __________how serious the pollution was.

  A. did the villagers realize B. the villagers realized

  C. the villagers did realize D. didn’t the villagers realize

  23. —Why do you drink so much coffee?

  —Well, _________it doesn’t keep me awake in the nights, I see no harm in it.

  A. although B. if C. unless D. while

  24. It was __________it rained heavily that they didn’t come.

  A. as B. because C. for D. since

  25. Why not buy a cheaper one, _____________you don’t have enough money?

  A. since B. because C. for D. though

  26. It is ten years ____________I left home.

  A. when B. after C. since D. as

  27. He speaks English _____________he speaks his mother tongue.

  A. so good as B. as good as C. so well as D. as well as

  28. Try _______he might, he couldn’t get out of difficulty.

  A. when B. where C. till D. as

  29. __________I saw the computer, I showed great interest in it.

  A. At first B. For the first time C. Until D. The first time

  30. I don’t think you’ll be able to understand this formula(公式) ____________you finish school.

  A. as if B. only when C. even D. even when

  21—25 BAABA 26-30 CDDDD

  31. I often visited Tian’an Men Square ____________I was staying in Beijing.

  A. until B. during C. while D. throughout

  32. He always thinks I’m wrong, _____________I may say.

  A. no matter whatever B. whatever C. what D. that

  33. __________the rain has stopped, let’s continue to work.

  A. For B. Now that C. That D. Because

  34. ____________, I am sure that the boy is honest.

  A. Whatever people say B. No matter people say

  C. What people say D. It doesn’t matter people say

  35. I knew Mr. Green _____________I knew Mrs. Green.

  A. long before B. before long C. long ago D. after long

  36. They waited __________it was dark before leaving, _________they didn’t want anyone to see them leave.

  A. since; because B. until; as C. unless; for D. so; because

  37. __________often you ring, no one will answer.

  A. How B. However C. Whom D. Whenever

  38. I will never stop ______________they might like it.

  A. no matter how B. how C. what D. though

  39. Father was ________busy in working __________he often forgot rest or meals.

  A. very, that B. so, that C. such, as D. enough, as

  40. We made a decision __________there would be rain, we should stay at home.

  A. that B. if C. that if D. whether

  31—35 CBBAA 36-40 BBABC

  41. I usually watch TV in the evening ____________I have to study for an examination.

  A. because B. unless C. while D. the moment

  42. I had lived there for over thirty years ___________I wanted to return to my motherland again.

  A. until B. after C. while D. when

  43. It was a long time _____________I went to sleep again.

  A. when B. while C. before D. until

  44. He must be ill, ____________he looks so pale.

  A. since B. because C. as D. for

  45. I’ll take no steps ___________you arrive.

  A. and B. since C. until D. while

  46. You will catch cold _____________put on more clothes.

  A. if you B. if you will not C. unless you D. until you

  47. ________he woke _________slept, this subject is always in his mind.

  A. If; and B. Both; and C. Either; or D. Whether; or

  48. We had hardly got to the station __________it began no rain.

  A. until B. since C. while D. when

  49. They were surprised that a child should work out the problem __________they themselves


  A. once B. then C. while D. if

  50. My name is Robert, ___________most of my friends call me Bob for short.

  A. then B. instead C. however D. but


  1—5 DADBA

  6—10 DCAAD

  11—15 BBAAD

  16—20 BCBDA

  21—25 BAABA

  26-30 CDDDD

  31—35 CBBAA

  36-40 BBABC

  41—42 BDCDC

  46-50 CDDCD