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  1.1 大多數(shù)位于動詞后面

  Eg:I hope you can join us in the game.

  1.2 有些是“動詞+副詞”后

  Find out / point out / figure out / turn out/ figure out

  Eg: Can you figure out what the poet really means in this poem?

  1.3 有些動詞短語后面

  Make sure / make up one’s mind / keep in mind

  Eg; we should keep in mind that sports can be a great boost to our health.

  (2) it 作形式賓語代替賓語從句

  第一類動詞; find/ feel/ think/ consider/ make / believe/ guess/ suppose /assume等后面有賓語不足語時,需要用it 作形式賓語而將that引導的真正的賓語從句后置。

  Eg: I think it necessary that we do some sporting.

  第二類動詞 帶賓語從句時需要在從句前面加it。

  這類詞:hate / like/ dislike/ appreciate/ depend on/ see to /

  Eg: I hate it when they talk without considering other’s feeling.

  但是如果賓語從句是WH-類引導的,其后面有to be 短語作賓語補足語,不可以用it 代替。

  We all consider what you said to be unbelievable. (right)

  We all consider it to be unbelievable what you said .(wrong)

  (3) 形容詞后的賓語從句

  Adj: sure / certain/ glad/ pleased/ happy / afraid / sorry 等等。

  Eg; I am not sure whether you will come or not.





  1)when, while, before, after, as soon as, until, since等,引導時間狀語從句。

  2)because, as, since等引導原因狀語從句。

  3)if, as long as等引導條件狀語從句。

  4)though, although引導讓步狀語從句。

  5)so…that…, such…that…等引導結果狀語從句。

  6)so that引導目的狀語從句。



  1)when, as, while

  when, as, while都表示“當…的時候”,但when引導的時間狀語從句的動作和主句的動作可以是同時發(fā)生,也可以先后發(fā)生,when既可指時間點,也可指一段時間,所以既可引導一短暫動作動詞,也可引導持續(xù)性動作的動詞。

  用as作從屬連詞引導時間狀語時強調主句和從句的動作并行發(fā)生,不指先后,尤指短動作或事件同時發(fā)生。如:As I looked, someone came near.(正當我看的時候,有個人走上前來。)as還可說咱兩種正發(fā)展或變化的情況,意為“隨著”。如:As spring warms the earth, all flowers begin to bloom.(隨著春回大地,百花開始綻放。)表示主從句動作同時,as意為“一邊…一邊…”。如:He hurried home, looking behind as he went.(他匆匆忙忙跑回家,一邊走一邊回頭望。)




 ?、?Put into use in April 2000, the hotline was meant for residents reporting water and heating supply breakdowns.

  Put into use in April 2000 == When it was put into use in April 2000(時間狀語)

 ?、?Blamed for the breakdown of the school computer network, Alice was in low spirits.

  Blamed for the breakdown of the school computer network

  == Because she was blamed for the breakdown of the school computer network(原因狀語)

  ③ Given time, he'll make a fist-class tennis player.(條件狀語)

  Given time == If he is given time

  ④ Left at home, John didn't feel afraid at all.

  Left at home == Although he was left (讓步狀語)


 ?、?We often provide our children with toys, footballs or basketballs, thinking that all children like these things.

  thinking that all children like these things.== and think that all children like these things.(伴隨狀語)

 ?、?He earns a living driving a truck.

  driving a truck == by driving a truck. (方式狀語)高考對分詞用作方式狀語考得

 ?、?He fired, killing one of the passers-by.

  He fired and killed one of the passers-by. (結果狀語)

 ?、?He died, leaving his wife with five children.

  He died and left his wife with five children. (結果狀語)

 ?、?It rained and rained, vehicles bogged and bridges washed out.

  It rained and rained, and vehicles were bogged and bridges were washed out. (結果狀語)

 ?、?有時為了強調,分詞前會加when, while, if, unless, once, though, even if, as if 等連詞一起作狀語

  When comparing different cultures, we often pay attention only to the differences.

  Though tired, he still continued reading.

  Once published, this book will be popular with the students.

  ㈢ 分詞(短語) 與主語的關系


  Waiting for the bus, a brick fell on my head.

  Hearing the news, tears came into his eyes.

  Finding her car stolen, a policeman was asked to help.

  When using the computer, the password must be remembered.

  有自己主語的分詞結構— 獨立分詞結構。分詞有自己意義上的主語,分詞的動作不由主句主語發(fā)出。

  The town seen from the hill,we can see it more clearly

  .=If the town is seen from the hill,we can see it more clearly. 如果從山上看這座城市,我們能看得更清楚。

  Everything taken into consideration,the party was a success. 將所有的事情考慮在內,晚會算是成功的。

  while只指一段時間,從句中的謂語動詞不能用終止性動詞,強調某一段時間內主從句動作同時發(fā)生,常對同類的動作進行對比。如:While we were waiting for a bus, it was raining hearily.(我們在等車時,天正下著大雨。)




  She won't go away till you promise to help her.


  Until you told me, I had heard of nothing what happened.





  Jim has been in the factory for two years since he left school.
