

時間: 桂香1115 分享





  P G r T f  O h K L q



  ( )1、當(dāng)你想知道朋友的年齡時,應(yīng)該問________________

  A.How are you ? B. How old are you ?

  ( )2、當(dāng)你過生日時,接受了別人的禮物后應(yīng)該說__________

  A.Thank you . B.Happy birthday!

  ( )3、當(dāng)你向朋友介紹自己的媽媽時,應(yīng)該說___________

  A.She is my mom . B.This is my mom.

  ( )4. 你喜歡果汁,你會說:

  A. I like juice. B. I like rice. C. I like hamburgers.

  ( )5. 遞給別人東西時,你會說:

  A. Thank you. B. Here you are. C. OK!

  ( )6.---Good afternoon, Zhangpeng.---

  A. Good afternoon. B. How are you? John. C. Good morning,

  ( )7.---Happy birthday! ---

  A. Happy birthday! B. Good. C. Thank you.

  ( )8.--- Nice to meet you, Bai Ling.---

  A. Good afternoon. B. Nice to meet you,too. C. How are you?

  ( )9.--- What’s your name?---

  A. My name’s Mike. B. How are you? John.C. Good morning,

  ( )10.--- How are you?---

  A. I’m fine, B. I’m John. C.Great.

  ( )11.---I’d like some cakes ? ---

  A. Thank you . B. Sure.Here you are . C.No, thank you .

  ( )12、早上見到老師,你要問好,你應(yīng)說 。

  A.Hello. B.Good morning. C.Goodbye.

  ( ) 13、你們班里來了一位新同學(xué),你想知道對方的名字,怎么問?

  A. How are you? B.Bye-bye. C.What's your name?

  ( )14.當(dāng)你想了解對方的身體狀況時,怎么說:

  A.How are you? B.Bye-bye.C.What's your name?

  ( )15.當(dāng)你和別人道別時,你們要說:

  A.How are you? B.Goodbye. C.What's your name?

  ( )16.當(dāng)別人問你的名字時,你應(yīng)該怎么回答?

  A.Hello. B.Good morning. C.I'm Xiao Wei.

  ( )17.下列選項中哪個是“學(xué)校”的意思?:

  A.school. B.funny. C.green.

  ( )18、請你給我些面包,可以說:

  A.I'd like some bread,please. B.It's an orange. C. I'd like some milk,please.

  ( )19、下列哪個選項是“鉛筆盒”?

  A、pencil B、pen C、pencil box

  ( )20、Can I have some water,please?正確回答是:

  A、Here you are. B、I like it. C、thanks

  ( )21、“把它涂成棕色吧!”正確句子是:

  A、Colour it black! B、Colour it brown! C、Colour it orange!

  ( )22.當(dāng)你把你爸爸介紹給Miss Wu時,你應(yīng)說: ______

  A. This is Miss Wu. B.Miss Wu, this is my dad. C.He is my dad.

  ( )23.當(dāng)別人說Nice to meet you.你應(yīng)該回答:_____

  A. Thank you. B. Nice to meet you to. C. You're welcome!

  ( )24.當(dāng)別人向你說“Thank you!”時,你應(yīng)說:

  A. Nice to meet you! B. Good morning! C.You’re welcome!

  ( )25.當(dāng)?shù)艿苷f“我餓了”時,你應(yīng)說:

  A. What’s your name? B. Who are you? C. Have some bread.

  ( )26.當(dāng)別人對你說“How are you?”時,你應(yīng)說:

  A. How are you? B. Nice to meet you. C. Very well, thanks.

  ( )27.當(dāng)你詢問對方的名字時,你應(yīng)說:

  A. How are you? B. What’s your name? C. How do you do?

  ( )28.當(dāng)有人向你說“Let’s make a puppet!”,你應(yīng)回答:

  A. Great! B.Thank you! C. Goodbye!

  ( )29.當(dāng)別人對你說“Goodbye!”時,你應(yīng)說:

  A. Bye! B. Morning! C. Thank you!


  (   )Here you are.( ) You’re welcome.

  ( )Thank you.( )Can I have some water, please?


  ( ) 1. A. tiger B. milk C. bird D. bear

  ( ) 2. A. red B. brown C. head D. orange

  ( ) 3. A. green B. yellow C. white D.water

  ( ) 4. A. animal B. dog C. monkey D. bear

  ( ) 5. A. crayon B. eraser C. pencil D. brown

  ( ) 6. A.arm B.leg C. fish D. eye

  ( ) 7. A.cat B.egg C.jujce D.rice


  ( )1. How are you?

  ( ) 2. Let's go to school!

  ( ) 3. What's this?

  ( ) 4. Thanks

  ( ) 5. Can I have some milk?





  ( )1. A. book B. cat C. tiger

  ( )2. A. sofa B. chair C. banana

  ( )3. A. bike B. park C. plane

  ( )4. A. orange B. pencil C. peach

  ( )5. A. cake B. panda C. hamburger


  1. 一頭大象 2. 一只棕色的猴子

  3. 我的鋼筆 4. 打開電視機

  5. 一些紅色的蘋果

  6. get up 7. not bad

  8. I’m sorry. 9. a green fridge

  10. It’s time to say goodbye.


  ( )1. This is my , Mr Li.

  A. sister B. mother C. brother

  ( )2. Go to , now. Good night.

  A. school B. home C. bed

  ( )3 Nancy Black is English girl.

  A. a B. an C. /

  ( )4. What can you see ? I can see some

  A. peach B. peachs C. peaches

  ( )5. — Let’s go to Xi’an.

  — Great, ?

  — By plane.

  A. how B. how about C. but how

  ( )6. a new T-shirt.

  A. That’s B. This C. That

  ( )7. — ________ his shirt.

  — It’s smart.

  A. Look B. See C. Look at

  ( )8. This is a coat. It’s .

  A. tall B. big C. Thank you


  ( )1. 你讓媽媽打開燈, 你會對她說

  A. Turn on the light, please. B. Open the light, please.

  C. Turn off the light.

  ( )2. 當(dāng)你看見遠(yuǎn)處有一件夾克衫時,你會說:

  A. What’s a jacket. B. That’s a jacket.

  C. This is a jacket.

  ( )3.當(dāng)你第一次見到某人時,你可以說:

  A. How are you? B. Nice to meet you. C. Oh, thank you.

  ( )4.當(dāng)你生病時,別人詢問你的身體情況,你可以說:

  A. Not bad, thank you. B. Not so good.

  C. I'm fine, thank you.

  ( )5.客人到你家,你詢問他要不要喝杯茶,你會說:

  A. A glass of juice? B. A cup of tea?

  C. Some coffee?

  ( )6.奶奶請你幫她開門,她會怎么說:

  A .All right. B.Open the door, please. C.Thank you.


  1. and, you, fine, you, thank ( , . ? )

  2. go, school, to, now, Mike ( , . )

  3.light,turn off ,please ,the (.)

  4. to, meet, you, nice, too ( , . )

  5.of , a , glass , juice ,orange (?)


  Hello, I’m Nancy, I’m nine. This is my brother, David. He is ten. We are all(都是) students. I get up at 7:00 in the morning. My brother gets up at 6:30. We go to school together(一起). After school, I go home at 3:00 in the afternoon. My brother goes home at 4:00. I go to bed at 8:00 and my brother goes to bed at 9:00.

  ( ) 1. How old is Nancy?

  A. Nine. B. Ten.

  ( ) 2. How old is David?

  A. Nine. B. Ten.

  ( ) 3. Nancy gets up at .

  A. 7:00 B. 6:30

  ( ) 4. David goes home at .

  A. 3:00 B. 4:00

  ( ) 5. David goes to bed at .

  A. 8:00 B. 9:00






