學習啦 > 學習方法 > 小學學習方法 > 三年級方法 > 三年級英語 > 外研版三年級英語下冊期末試題


時間: 桂香1115 分享






  Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz


  A m

  G a

  F g

  H h

  M b

  B f


  eat summer box bus photo bike


  1. The man is short.

  2. We flies kites in spring.

  3. They are monkeys.

  4. Has Amy got a bike?

  5. I like football.

  五、單項選擇,將最佳答案的選項寫在括號里。 (10分)

  ( )1、 My favourite colour is _____.

  A.kite B、red

  ( )2、--Do you like meat? -- ____ .

  A、 Yes, I do. B、No, I’m not.

  ( )3、--What do you do on Sundays?play .

  A、 football B、apple

  ( )4、It’s spring. It’s____ in spring.

  A、warm B、cold

  ( )5、She goes to school ___ bike.

  A、on B、by

  ( )6、大明喜歡足球,你應該這樣說:

  A.Daming likes football . B. Amy likes football.

  ( )7、你想說:“我有一本新書”,應該這樣說:

  A. I’ve got a new book. B. I like football.

  ( )8、你想知道“玲玲在學校上什么課”,你應該這樣問:

  A.Do you like meat?

  B. What does Lingling have in the morning?

  ( ) 9. What do you have at school, Sam? I have ______( 英語) .

  A、Chinese B、English

  ( ) 10. We play football in autumn.


  ( )1. 夸贊同學的裙子,你會說:

  A. How beautiful the skin is! B.May I have a look?

  ( )2. 當你要說你的英語老師有一雙大眼睛,你會說:

  A.My English tercher has two hands.

  B.My English tercher has two big eyes.

  ( )3. 當你要打擾某人時,首先應說:

  A.Excuse me. B.Thank you.

  ( )4.當你要問這是誰的外套時,你應該說:

  A.Who is this? B. Whose coat is this?


  Kevin: Do you have a bike?

  Su Nan: 1._________ I go to school by bike.

  Kevin: 2.__________

  Su Nan: It's green. I like green.

  Kevin: 3.__________

  Su Nan: No, it isn't.

  Kevin: 4.__________

  Su Nan: It's there, under the tree.

  A. Where is it?

  B. Yes,I do.

  C. What color is it?

  D. Is that your bike?


  My name is Kitty. I'm nine years old. I’m a girl. I’m tall. My teacher Miss Zhang is short,but she is beautiful. Colin is short and Li Shan is tall. We are in Class 2,Grade 3. We are good friends.

  1.Who am I? __________________________________________

  2.How old am I? _________________________________________

  3.Who's my English teacher? _____________________________

  4.Is Miee Zhang tall? ___________________________________

  5. Is Colin short? ______________________________________




  ( )1、Canada A、英國 B、加拿大 C、美國

  ( )2、she A、她 B、它 C、他

  ( )3、father A、老師 B、爸爸 C、媽媽

  ( )4、woman A、男人 B、媽媽 C、女人

  ( )5、fat A、胖的 B、大的 C、小的

  ( )6、on A、在……里面 B、向下• C、在……上面

  ( )7、car A、小船 B、小汽車 C、玩具

  ( ) 8、banana A、蘋果 B、牛奶 C、香蕉

  ( )9、eleven A、十一 B、十二 C、十五

  ( )10、twenty A、十三 B、十四 C、二十


  how many 看那只長頸鹿

  Look at the giraffe﹗ 十五

  fifteen 多少

  twenty 一個長鼻子

  a long nose 二十


  ( )1、I like

  A、banana B、bananas C、∕

  ( ) 2、The elephant has a nose.

  A、long B、short C、small

  ( ) 3、 is my pencil?

  A、who B、what C、Where

  ( ) 4、 you like bananas? Yes , I do.

  A、Do B、Are C、is

  ( ) 5、How many do you see?

  A、kite B、kites C、∕

  ( ) 6、Where are you ?

  A、here B、from C、at

  ( ) 7、Let′s home

  A、go B、in C、under

  ( ) 8、Look the giraffe.

  A、a B、at C、∕

  ( )9、That boy is my .

  A、sister B、mother C、brother

  ( ) 10、Where my car ?

  A、is B、are C、have


  1. boy(對應詞)

  2. Let′s ( 完整形式 )

  3. big ( 反義詞 )

  4. banana ( 復數形式 )

  5. short ( 反義詞 )


  ( )1、你來自哪里,應該怎樣說?

  A、Where are you from? B、Who is it? C、No , it is.

  ( ) 2、歡迎回到學校怎樣說?

  A、Hello B、Thank you C、welcome back to school.

  ( ) 3、我有一只貓,應該說( )

  A、I have a bird B、I have a cat. C、I have a dog.

  ( ) 4、如果你想說它好高啊,應該怎樣說( )

  A、It′s so tall B、It′s big. C、Yes , it is.

  ( ) 5、如果你想說,我有一個蘋果應該怎樣說?

  A、I have an apple . B、I have a banana C、I have eleven apples

  ( ) 6、那女孩是誰,應該怎樣說?

  A、Who′ that girl? B、What is it ? C、Who′s that boy?

  ( ) 7、那本書在桌子下面怎樣說?

  A、The book is under the desk. B、where is it? C、Yes , it is.

  ( ) 8、這是我的朋友應該怎樣說?

  A、It′s a cat B、This is my friend. C、This is my father.

  ( ) 9、玩的開心點怎樣說?

  A、How nice B、Yes it is. C、Have a good time.

  ( )10、你喜歡橙子嗎怎樣說?

  A、Do you like banana? B、Nice to meet you C、Do you like oranges


  1. apple ( 復數 ) 2. orange ( 復數 )

  3 . pear ( 復數 ) 4. pen ( 復數 )

  5. strawberry ( 復數 ) 6. ca r ( 復數 )

  7. grape ( 復數 ) 8. banana ( 復數 )

  9. cat ( 復數 ) 10. dog ( 復數 )


  My name is peter. I′m eight years old. I have a friend. His name is Mike He is nine years old. We like animals. I like pandas, but Mike likes monkey. Do you like animals?

  1. peter is years old.

  A. 8 B. 10 C. 5

  2. Mike is years old.

  A. 7 B. 9 C. 10

  3. Peter likes .

  A. cat B. pandas C. dog

  4. Mike likes .

  A. elephant B. giraffe C. monkeys

  5. Peter and mike are

  A. friends B. brothers C. sisters






