

時(shí)間: 桂香1115 分享






  ( )1、A. car B. plane C. crayon

  ( )2、A. rabbit B. red C. bear

  ( )3、A. seven B. milk C. eight

  ( )4、A. water B. pencil C. ruler( ) 5、 A. panda B. six C. monkey


 ?、賢hree ②one ③four ④nine ⑤seven

 ?、辴wo ⑦eight ⑧ten ⑨six ⑩five

  ( )→( ) →( )→( )→( )→( )→( )→( )→( )→( )


  ( )1.Hello! A. I’m ten.

  ( )2. How are you? B. My name is Bill.

  ( )3. What’s your name? C. Hi!

  ( )4. Nice to meet you. D. Nice to meet you, too.

  ( )5. How old are you? E. I’m fine, thank you.

  ( )6. What colour is it? F. Thank you.

  ( )7.How many pencils? G. It’s green.

  ( )8. Here you are. H.Sure,here you are.

  ( )9.Can I have a Coke? I.Six.

  ( )10.L ook,I have a rabbit. J.Great


  ( )1、早上向某人問好,應(yīng)該說__________

  A、How are you ? B、Good morning ! C、Hello !

  ( )2、怎么樣用英文詢問對(duì)方的姓名___________________

  A、Hello ! B、What’s your name ? C、My name’s Chen Jie .

  ( )3、你想向別人介紹你的朋友John,應(yīng)該說_________________

  A、Hello! I’m John . B、Hi! John . C、This is John .

  ( )4、與別人道別時(shí),我們應(yīng)該說______________________

  A、Hello! B、Good morning ! C、See you .

  ( )5、有人對(duì)你說What’s your name ? 如果你是Li Ming , 應(yīng)該回答____

  A、I’m Li Ming . B、Hello ! Li Ming . C、This is Li Ming .

  ( )6、很高興見到你。

  A、What’s this?  B、Nice to meet you. C、How are you?

  ( )7、你好嗎?

  A、What’s your name?   B、I’m fine.

  C、How are you?

  ( )8、你叫什么名字?

  A、What’s your name?  B、My name is Danny. C、Nice to meet you.

  ( )9、再見!

  A、How are you? B、Good—bye! C、This is a pen.

  ( )10、謝謝你!

  A、See you later. B、Thank you. C、How are you.



  P G r T f  O h K L q


  三、找出每組單詞中不同類的一項(xiàng),將其代號(hào)寫在括號(hào)里。(4分)( )1、A、car B、plane C、crayon

  ( )2、A、rabbit B、red C、bear

  ( )3、A、seven B、milk C、eight

  ( )4、A、hamburger B、hot dog C、balloon


  1、Here you are . Thank you .________________¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬____。

  2、I like hot dogs. ____________________________________。

  3、Can I have some milk ?________________________

  4、Happy Birthday to you !____________________________!

  5、How are you ? Fine, Thank you .____________________。

  6、ow old are you ?__________________________________?

  五、讀左欄的句子,從右欄中選擇合適的答語連線。 (6分)

  1、What’s your name ? A、4.

  2、May I have a look ? B、My name’s John .

  3、Nice to meet you . C、You ’re welcome .

  4、Thank you . D、I’m from China .

  5、How many balloons? E、Nice to meet you , too .

  6、Where are you from ? F、Sure ,Here you are .


 ?、賢hree ②one ③four ④nine ⑤seven

  ⑥two ⑦eight ⑧ten ⑨six ⑩five

  ( )→( ) →( )→( )→( )→( )→( )→( )→( )→( )


  ( )1、當(dāng)你想知道朋友的年齡時(shí),應(yīng)該問________________

  A.How are you ? B. How old are you ?

  ( )2、當(dāng)你過生日時(shí),接受了別人的禮物后應(yīng)該說__________

  A.Thank you . B.Happy birthday!

  ( )3、當(dāng)你向朋友介紹自己的媽媽時(shí),應(yīng)該說___________

  A.She is my mom . B.This is my mom.

  ( )4. 你喜歡果汁,你會(huì)說:

  A. I like juice. B. I like rice. C. I like hamburgers.

  ( )5. 遞給別人東西時(shí),你會(huì)說:

  A. Thank you. B. Here you are. C. OK!

  ( )6.---Good afternoon, Zhangpeng.---

  A. Good afternoon. B. How are you? John. C. Good morning,

  ( )7.---Happy birthday! ---

  A. Happy birthday! B. Good. C. Thank you.

  ( )8.--- Nice to meet you, Bai Ling.---

  A. Good afternoon. B. Nice to meet you,too. C. How are you?

  ( )9.--- What’s your name?---

  A. My name’s Mike. B. How are you? John.C. Good morning,

  ( )10.--- How are you?---

  A. I’m fine, B. I’m John. C.Great.
