學習啦 > 學習方法 > 小學學習方法 > 三年級方法 > 三年級英語 >


時間: 詩盈1200 分享



  一、 找出每組單詞中不同類的一項,將其代號寫在括號里。


  ( )1、A、car B、plane C、monkey

  ( ) 2、A、rabbit B、red C、bear

  ( )3、A、nose B、book C、eye

  ( )4、A、hamburger B、hot dog C、balloon


  1、Thank you. ________________¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬____。

  2、I like dogs. ______________________________。

  3、Good morning.________________________。

  4、Bye bye!____________________________!

  5、How are you ? ___________________?



  1、What’s your name ? A、Good evening!

  2、Good evening! B、My name’s John .

  3、Nice to meet you . C、You ’re welcome .

  4、Thank you . D、Fine,Thank you.

  5、How are you ? E、Nice to meet you,too. 四、英譯漢。(2*12=24分)

 ?、賠ice_________ ②Coke________ ③blue______

  ④ball_________ ⑤ship________ ⑥dog________⑦foot_________ ⑧l(xiāng)eg _________ ⑨kite_________⑩rabbit_________ ⑪face_________ ⑫yellow_____

  五、選擇最佳的答案,只填其代號。(2*12=24 分)

  ( )1、早上向某人問好,應該說__________

  A、How are you ? B、Good morning !

  ( )2、怎么樣用英文詢問對方的姓名________________

  A、Hello ! B、What’s your name ?

  ( )3、你想向別人介紹你的朋友John,應該說_________

  A、Hello! I’m John . B、This is John .

  ( )4、與別人道別時,我們應該說__________________

  A、Hello! B、Bye !

  ( )5、有人對你說What’s your name ?如果你是Li

  Ming ,應該回答____

  A、I’m Li Ming . B、Hello ! Li Ming .

  ( )6、哇,它真好?用英語怎么說_________________

  A、Wow! It’s nice! B、Hello!

  ( )7、看我的眼睛,用英語怎么說__________________

  A、Touch my eye! B、Look at my eye!

  ( )8、當朋友告訴你他受傷了,你應該說什么_________

  A、No,thank you. B、Oh, I’m sorry!

  ( )9、當你產生疑問,真的嗎?你應該說什么_________

  A、Sure. B、Really?

  ( )10、當朋友對你說謝謝,你應該說什么____________

  A、You’re welcome. B、I’m sorry!

  ( )11、它是什么顏色的,用英語怎么說______________

  A、 What’s your name ? B、What colour is it?

  ( )12、當你和朋友的意見一樣時,你可以說什么______

  A、Me,too! B、Here you are. 六、左右連線翻譯題。(10分)

  1、Glad to meet you. A、歡迎!

  2、Good afternoon ! B、見到你很高興。

  3、Welcome . C、下午好 .

  4、This is my glue. D、我有一個洋娃娃.

  5、I have a doll. E、這是我的膠水。


  一 C B B C

  二謝謝 我喜歡狗 早上好 再見 你好嗎?

  三1、What’s your name ? A、Good evening!

  2、Good evening! B、My name’s John .

  3、Nice to meet you . C、You ’re welcome .

  4、Thank you. D、Fine,Thank you.

  5、How are you ? E、Nice to meet you,too.

  四 1米飯 2可樂 3藍色 4球 5 輪船 6狗 7腳 8腿 9風箏 10兔子 11臉 12黃色

  五 B B B B A A

  B B B A B A

  六 1、Glad to meet you. A、歡迎!

  2、Good afternoon ! B、見到你很高興。

  3、Welcome . C、下午好 .

  4、This is my glue. D、我有一個洋娃娃.

  5、I have a doll. E、這是我的膠水。



  一、 聽音,選出聽到的單詞(10分)

  ( )1、A ER B OL C HB

  ( )2、A ag B mk C aj

  ( )3、A DS B IU C CY

  ( )4、A duck B tiger C monkey

  ( )5、A bread B water C fish

  ( )6、A four B five C fine

  ( )7、A milk B cake C foot

  ( )8、A white B orange C body

  ( )9、A brother B plate C mouth

  ( )10、A nine B eight C nice

  二、 聽錄音,按你聽音的順序標序號。(10分)

  ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

  ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

  三、 判斷下列圖片與錄音內容是(T)否(F)相符。(10分)

  ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

  ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

  四、 聽音,涂色(5分)


  ( )1、A bear?

  ( )2、Cool! I like it.

  ( )3、Who’s that?

  ( )4、No,It’s a panda.

  ( )5、Look! A funny dog!


  一、 讀下列單詞,選出與其它三個不屬于同類的單詞。(10分)

  ( )1、A pen B pencil C bag D brown

  ( )2、A nine B cat C eight D four

  ( )3、A bread B car C cake D milk

  ( )4、A six B book C bag D crayon

  ( )5、A hand B head C mouth D body

  ( )6、A five B nose C eye D ear

  ( )7、A monkey B bear C three D dog

  ( )8、A pencil box B rice C egg D juice

  ( )9、A cat B elephant C zoo D bird

  ( )10、A who B what C how D sever

  二、 寫出下列字母的左鄰右舍。(10分)

  L l G g N n

  R r W w

  三、 按從小到大給下列數字排序,只寫序號。(5分)

  1 two 2 four 3 ten 4 one 5 eight

  6 three 7 nine 8 six 9 seven 10 five


  四、 根據句子選擇相應的圖片。(8分)

 ?、?Show me 5. a.

  ② Make the bread. b.

 ?、?I am nine. c.

 ?、?I have a bear. d.

  ⑤ show me black. e.

 ?、?three + four f. 我 歲了

 ?、?nine – sever g.

  ⑧ five + one h.

  五、 選擇(10分)

  ( ) 1 I have an ______.

  A ruler B eraser C book

  ( )2 What’s your name? ______ name’s John.

  A His B My C Her

  ( )3 Nice _____ meet you.

  A to B too C two

  ( )4 Good morning . ---- _____

  A Good morning B Good afternoon C goodbye

  ( )5 It’s _____ elephant .

  A a B an C the

  ( )6 Look _____ me.

  A in B on C at

  ( )7 Let’s _____ school.

  A go B to C go to

  ( )8 Act _____ a bird.

  A like B likes C liking

  ( )9 _____ some milk.

  A Have B Eat C Drink

  ( )10 How many _____ ?

  A plate B cake C books


  ( )1、Good afternoon . A I’m fine.

  ( )2、Can I have some milk? B You’re welcome.

  ( )3、What’s this? C Thank you.

  ( )4、Thanks. D Good afternoon.

  ( )5、How old are you? E OK

  ( )6、Happy birthday. F It’s a dog.

  ( )7、How are you? G Have some milk and bread.

  ( )8、Mum,I’m hungry H I’m nine years old .

  ( )9、Let’s go to school. I Nice to meet you ,too .

  ( )10、Nice to meet you. J Here you are.


  A head B eye C face D nose E mouth

  F arm G foot



  一、 聽音選出聽到的單詞(10分)

  1、OL 2、aj 3、DS 4、tiger 5、bread

  6、five 7、foot 8、white 9、brother 10、nice

  1、B 2、C 3、A 4、B 5、A

  6、B 7、C 8、A 9、A 10、C


  1、fish 2、ruler 3、pencil box 4、cake 5、juice

  6、panda 7、pig 8、monkey 9、pen 10、elephant



  1、Cut the cake. 2、Eat the fish. 3、Act like a monkey. 4、Wave your arms.

  5、Touch you eye. 6、Open you book. 7、Shake you legs. 8、Black ,black,stand up.

  9、Carty your bag. 10、Eat the bread.

  正確答案是:T F F T F F F T T T


  1、Colour the bag blue. 2、Colour the cat orange. 3、Colour the bird yellow.

  4、Colour the egg green. 5、Colour the nine brown..

  正確答案是:blue orange yellow green brown




  一、 讀下列單詞,選出與其它三個不屬于同類的單詞。(10分)

  1、D 2、B 3、B 4、A 5、D

  6、A 7、C 8、A 9、C 10、D


  1、Kk Mm 2、Ff Hh 3、Mm Oo 4、Qq Ss 5、Vv Xx




 ?、?mdash;g ②—b ③—f ④—a ⑤—h ⑥—c ⑦—e ⑧—d


  1、B 2、B 3、A 4、A 5、B

  6、C 7、C 8、A 9、C 10、C


  1、D 2、J 3、F 4、B 5、H

  6、C 7、A 8、G 9、E 10、I





  I: 根據你聽到的問句,選出正確的答案。(5分)

  ( )1.A.Good afternoon. B.My name is John.

  ( )2. A.I’m fine, thank you. B. Nice to meet you, too.

  ( )3.A.How do you do ? B. Good morning.

  ( )4. A.Hi! B. Bye!

  ( )5. A Fine, thank you. B. Ok!

  II: 聽錄音選出你所聽到的單詞將序號填在題前的括號里(5分)

  ( ) 1A. arm B. pen C.book

  ( ) 2.A. pencil B. red C. yellow

  ( ) 3.A. Sarah B. Mike C. John

  ( ) 4.A. morning B. afternoon C. bag

  ( ) 5.A. leg B. mouth C. foot

  ( ) 7.A. hi B. hello C.happy

  ( ) 8.A. you B. I C.your

  ( ) 6.A. face B.fine C.pen

  ( ) 9A. ruler B. eraser C.sharpener

  ( ) 10.A. blue B. green C. white

  III: 聽錄音排順序(5分)

  ( ) Nice to meet you. ( 1 ) Hi, Mum.

  ( ) Good afternoon. ( 2 ) Hi!

  ( ) Nice to meet you, too. ( ) Good afternoon, Mike.

  ( ) Mum, this is Mike.

  IV: 根據你所聽到的內容,選出正確的譯文(5分)

  ( ) 1. A:見到你很高興。 B: 我很好。謝謝你。

  ( ) 2.A:我有一塊橡皮。 B:我有一個雞蛋。

  ( ) 3.A: 你多大了? B:謝謝你!

  ( ) 4. A: 把它涂成紅色。 B: 請喝些牛奶。

  ( ) 5. A: 讓我們去學校吧! B: 我想吃米飯。


  I 寫出下列字母的左鄰右舍,并圈出元音字母。(10分)

  II: 規(guī)范抄寫下列句子,注意大小寫和標點符號。(5分)

  good morning, chenjie. this is zoom.

  III: 單項選擇題。(10分)

  ( )1.What’s that?

  A.Yes, it’s a dog. B.Guess C. No, it’s a bear

  ( )2.I a dog. A. have B. has C.am

  ( )3. I’d like some . A. egg B.breads C. eggs

  ( )4.Show your juice. A. I B. me C. my

  ( )5.---Can I have some rice? ---______

  A. Here you are. B.No, thanks. C.Yes, I can’t

  ( )6. some water, please. A.see B.would C.I’d like

  ( )7. ---How are you? ---

  A.Very well. B. No, thank you. C. Goodbye.

  ( )8.--- What’s your name? --- _______

  A. My name is Tom. B. I don’t know. C.Yes. I am.

  ( )9.What’s this ? It’s elephant. A. a B. an C.the

  ( )10.Let’s . A. to play B. play C. playing

  IV: 給下列單詞分類。把單詞前的序號寫在橫線上。(5分)

  1.book 2.cake 3. arm 4. red 5. panda

  6.rice 7. yellow 8.ruler 9. bear 10. foot

  文具 _______ 食物 ______ 顏色 _______

  動物____________________ 身體部位 _________________

  V: 讀一讀,填一填。(5分))

  One duck has a mouth, ____ eyes and two legs. Four ducks have____ mouths, ____ eyes.Three ducks have three mouths, _____legs. Five ducks have ____ legs.

  VI: 讀句子,選擇正確的答句。(10分)

  ( )1.How are you? A. Five

  ( )2.How old are you? B. Nice to meet you.

  ( )3.This is Wu Yifan. C. My name is Zoom

  ( )4.What’s your name? D.Fine, thank you.

  ( )5.How many candles? E. OK.

  ( )6.Happy birthday! F. Here you are.

  ( )7.Can I have some water, please? G Thank you.

  ( )8.Colour it brown. H. Great.

  ( )9.Let’s make a puppet. I. It’s a duck

  ( )10.What’s this? J. I’m nine

  VII: 給下列對話排列正確的順序,將序號寫在括號里。(5分)

  A.Hi!Sam. B.How old are you? C.Happy birthday!

  D.I’m six years old. E.Thank you. F.This is my brother, Sam

  ( F )( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

  VIII: 情景選擇題。(10分)

  ( )1.別人請你吃面包,你不喜歡,應該說:

  A.Yes, I like it. B. No,thanks. C. No.

  ( )2有人問你“How many hands do yo have?”你可以說:

  A.Two B. Five C. OK

  ( )3.你想問對方多大了??梢赃@么說:

  A.How old are you? B.How are you? C.How old you are?

  ( )4.與別人道別時我們應該說:

  A. Hello. B.Good morning. C. see you

  ( )5.早上向某人問好可以說:

  A. Good morning. B. Good afternoon. C.How are you?

  ( )6.介紹新朋友時,可以說:

  A.I’m Mike. B.My name is Mike. C.This is Mike.

  ( )7.你對媽媽說你餓了,可以說

  A.I’m hungry,Mum. B.I hungry. C.I’m fine.Mum

  ( )8.中國國旗的顏色是

  A. red and yellow B.white and red C. blue and yellow

  ( )9.哪種動物愛吃竹子?

  A. Monkey B. Bear C. Panda

  ( )10.當你上課遲到時,你會說:

  A.Hello! B.Sorry. C.Thank you

  IX: 選出每組單詞中不同類的一項。把序號填在題前括號里(10分)

  ( ) 1.A.black B. head C.yellow

  ( ) 2. A.eraser B. pen C. brown

  ( ) 3. A.sit B.dog C. touch.

  ( ) 4. A.water B.milk C.egg

  ( ) 5. A. face B. panda C.bear

  ( ) 6. A.ear B. cake C.rice

  ( ) 7. A.Mike B.Sarah C.Lily

  ( ) 8. A.mum B.orange C.dad

  ( ) 9. A.is B.are C.leg

  ( ) 10. A.six B.this C.nine

  X: 開心QQ(10分)

  1.奧運會會旗中間印有五個相互套連的圓環(huán)。每個環(huán)為一種顏色。這五種顏色是 ________, _________, ________, ________ ,________.


  I have two red eyes. I have two long ears. I like carrots.(蘿卜)

  Everyone likes me. I’m a ________.



  I. 根據你聽到的問句,選出正確的答案。

  1.What’s your name? 2. How are you? 3. Good morning.

  4. Good bye. 5.Let’s go to school.

  II. 聽錄音選出你所聽到的單詞將序號填在題前的括號里(5分)

  1.pen 2.yellow 3.Mike 4. Morning 5.foot

  6.fine 7.happy 8.your 9.ruler 10.white

  III. 聽錄音排順序(5分)

  1. Hi, Mum 2. Hi! 3. Mum,this is Mike. 4.Good afternoon,Mike.

  5. G00d afternoon. 6.Nice to meet you. 7.Nice to meet you,too.

  IV. 根據你所聽到的內容,選出正確的譯文(5分

  1. I’m fine, thank you. 2. I have an egg. 3. How old are you?

  4. Have some milk. 5. Let’s go to school.


  I. 略

  II. 略

  III. 單項選擇題。(10分)

  B A C B B C A A B B

  IV. 給下列單詞分類。把單詞前的數字寫在橫線上。(

  文具 1. 8 食物 2. 6 顏色 4. 7

  動物 5. 9 身體部位 3. 10

  V. 讀一讀,填一填。

  two four eight six ten

  VI. 讀句子,選擇正確的答句。(10分)

  D J B C A G F E H I

  VII. 給下列對話排列正確的順序,將序號寫在括號里。(5分)

  F A C E B D

  VIII. 情景選擇題。(10分

  B A A C A C A A C B

  IX. 選出每組單詞中不同類的一項。把序號填在題前括號里(10分)

  B C B C A A A B C B

  X. 開心QQ(10分)

  1. blue black red yellow green






