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  第一部分 聽力(20分)


  ( )6.A.You may eat nothing after you see the doctor.

  B.You must eat something when you are ill.

  C.You had better not eat anything before you see the doctor.

  ( )7.A.Would you please tell him to ring me up?

  B.Could you please ask him to come to my home?

  C.Would you mind calling me back?

  ( )8.A.The mother looked for her son day and night.

  B.The son looked after his mother day and night.

  C.The mother took care of her son day and night.

  ( )9.A.You must look at the old man well.

  B.You have to look after the old man well.

  C.You must look for the old man.

  ( )10.A.He didn’t receive the doctor’s call.

  B.He lost the doctor’s call.

  C.He didn’t want to receive the doctor’s call.


  M: Hello! Who’s 11 ?

  W: This is Jane. Could I 12 Maria?

  M: Sorry, she isn’t in.

  W: Can I 13 ?

  M: Yes, please.

  W: Our class will 14 on Sunday morning.

  M: OK, I’ll 15 .

  W: Thank you, bye!

  11._______ 12._______ 13._______ 14._______ 15._______


  ( )16.When did SARS happen?

  A.In 2002. B.In 2003. C.In 2004.

  ( )17.Where did the writer study during SARS days?

  A.At home. B.At school. C.At teachers’ homes.

  ( )18.How did the writer study?

  A.Learned by himself and phoned the teachers.

  B.Learned on the Internet and phoned the classmates.

  C.Both A and B.

  ( )19.What did the writer learn during SARS?

  A.How to teach himself. B.How to look after himself.

  C.How to teach his classmates.

  ( )20.What do the writer learn from SARS?

  A.Learn the lessons by himself.

  B.How to play computer games.

  C.Keep healthy and study harder than before.

  第二部分 基礎知識運用(55分)


  ( )1.—Hello! May I speak to Mary?


  A.I’m Mary. B.Mary is me.

  C.This is Mary speaking. D.I’m speaking.

  ( )2.My mother asked you _______ when you come back.

  A.ring up her B.ring her up C.to ring up her D.to ring her up

  ( )3.You should _______ when your parents aren’t at home.

  A.look yourself after B.take care for yourself

  C.take care yourself D.take care of yourself

  ( )4.—May I ask you some questions, Dr. Wang?


  A.You’re welcome. B.Sure, go ahead.

  C.No, I’m busy. D.Yes, you must.

  ( )5.—Must I take part in the activity?

  —No, you _______. You’re too young. You should look after yourself.

  A.mustn’t B.don’t C.can’t D.don’t have to

  ( )6.—Who taught _______ Japanese?

  —I learned it by _______.

  A.you; myself B.your; myself

  C.yourself; me D.yourself; myself

  ( )7. Longlong’s father is a businessman. He is very busy, so Longlong only talks _______ him _______ the phone.

  A.to; in B.with; by C.with; on D.to; by

  ( )8.—_______ to keep our classroom clean and tidy.

  —You are right.

  A.That’s our duty B.This is our duty C.It’s our duty D.The duty is

  ( )9.—May I watch TV, Mom?

  —I’m afraid you _______.

  A.should not B.can’t C.must not D.may not

  ( )10.She was afraid of _______ SARS because it was dangerous.

  A.catch B.catches C.caught D.catching



  A: You look pale, Dr. Li. 11

  B: I only feel a little tired.

  A: It looks more serious than being tired. 12

  B: No, thanks. Nothing serious, I think.

  A: 13 But you have worked for thirty-six hours without having a rest.

  B: I’m a doctor. 14

  A: 15

  A.I have to save the patients.

  B.I know SARS is spreading.

  C.So you should care for yourself first.

  D.And it’s my duty to save the patients.

  E.You must be tired.

  F.What’s the matter with you?

  G.May I take you to the office?


  Ava was ill. She went to see a doctor. The doctor asked her to 16 her tongue (舌頭), and then he said,“OK. You can put your tongue back now. There’s 17 wrong with you, but I’m afraid you have a problem: you never take 18 .”

  “But, doctor,”Ava said,“I don’t think so.”

  “Don’t 19 me what you think,”the doctor said,“I see a lot of people 20 you. None of them get any exercise. They sit in offices all day and in front of the TV in the evening. You must walk quickly for at least 20 minutes a day.”

  “Doctor, you don’t understand.”Ava said,“I take enough exercise every day.”

  “I don’t want to 21 any excuses,” the doctor said, “You must find time 22 exercise. If you don’t, you will get 23 and have health problems.”

  “But I walk every day.”Ava said.

  “Oh, yes, and I know what kind of walking that is. You walk 24 meters to the bus stop from your house, from the bus stop to your office, and from your office to your dining-room for lunch and back. That’s not a real walk. I’m talking about a walk by the lake or in the park for 20 minutes every day.”

  “Would you please 25 me, doctor?”Ava said,“I’m a postwoman. I walk for nearly seven hours every day.”

  For a moment the doctor was silent, then he said,“Can I see your tongue again?”

  ( )16.A.put away B.put down C.put out D.put up

  ( )17.A.something B.nothing C.some D.anything

  ( )18.A.exercises B.medicine C.medicines D.exercise

  ( )19.A.tell B.say C.ask D.speak

  ( )20.A.seem B.likes C.like D.seems

  ( )21.A.hear B.say C.find D.look for

  ( )22.A.about B.for C.in D.with

  ( )23.A.thin B.strong C.fat D.healthy

  ( )24.A.little B.a little C.few D.a few

  ( )25.A.to hear B.hear C.to listen to D.listen to



  After SARS happened in Beijing, people’s lifestyle changed a lot. People were busy exercising every day in the backyards. Parks looked like busy shopping areas. People wanted to breathe clean air and enjoy nature. It is necessary for people to take exercise outdoors. Skateboarding, swimming, running—everyone has a way of building up their bodies. Badminton (羽毛球) and table tennis are good choices.

  Liu Tong said, “I didn’t exercise much before, because I was always too busy with work. But now with the spread of SARS, I come here after work everyday.”

  The virus (病毒) gave us a chance to think about a lot of things around us. Health became the first thing for everybody. The sports goods (東西) became the most needed in Beijing.

  ( )26.After the SARS outbreak (爆發(fā)), people in Beijing were busy _______.

  A.buying things B.staying at home

  C.exercising D.taking medicine

  ( )27.During the time, people in Beijing liked _______.

  A.skateboarding B.doing outdoor exercise

  C.swimming D.running

  ( )28.What does the underlined word“here”mean?

  A.Parks. B.Shopping areas. C.Offices. D.Hospitals.

  ( )29.Why didn’t Liu Tong do exercise much before?

  A.Because he was very strong before. B.Because he was always too busy.

  C.Because he had no place to do exercise. D.There was SARS virus around the world.

  ( )30.Which is the main idea of the passage?

  A.SARS is a very serious virus, but everyone in Beijing isn’t afraid of it.

  B.Body-building machines and equipment are very popular in Beijing after SARS.

  C.We should stay at home to fight against SARS.

  D.SARS makes people pay attention to (注意、重視) their health.


  June 8, 2009

  Dear Cindy,

  I’m sorry to hear that Bird Flu is very serious in some parts of the world and some people have got the flu. We must take good care of ourselves and keep away from the disease. Could you tell me what people in China do to keep away from it?

  Please write to me soon.



  July 2, 2009

  Dear Betty,

  I think Bird Flu is very bad. Many chickens, ducks and birds in our country got the disease. Some of them died, but some birds flew away and they might carry germs to other places. This is a serious problem. We must do something to solve it. Let me tell you what people have to do to keep away from the disease.

  * Do morning exercises every day.

  * Open the windows in the morning.

  * Wash hands very often.

  * Eat more vegetables and less meat.

  * Go to bed early.

  I think these are good for our health. Do you think so?



  ( )31.From the letter we know Cindy comes from _______.

  A.Canada B.the U.S.A. C.China D.Japan

  ( )32.Betty wrote her an e-mail to ask _______.

  A.whether (是否) Cindy got Bird Flu B.how to keep away from Bird Flu

  C.when Bird Flu began to spread D.how Bird Flu spread in Cindy’s country

  ( )33.A hard problem to fight Bird Flu is _______.

  A.we don’t have better doctors or nurses B.Bird Flu is serious

  C.some places are still poor

  D.birds with the germs will carry germs to other places

  ( )34.What does the underlined word“solve”mean in Chinese?

  A.解決 B.分析 C.通告 D.治愈

  ( )35.From Cindy’s letter, we know _______ is bad for our health.

  A.washing hands very often B.going to bed late every day

  C.eating more vegetables and less meat D.opening the windows in the morning


  Do you know about the flu? The flu germs usually spread quickly. In winter, lots of people may get the flu. If you do get sick, do you know what to do? Here are some tips.

  Drink lots of water. Water is good for your body especially (尤其) when you get the flu.

  Get plenty of sleep and take it easy. If you can’t sleep, you can listen to music, watch a movie or read a book to relax yourself.

  If you feel serious, ask your parents to take you to see the doctor. But don’t take any medicine until you see the doctor.

  Wash your hands often! You certainly don’t want to spread the flu to anyone else. Also, don’t share (共用) cups and eating utensils (餐具), like forks, with other people.

  Most people who get the flu may get better without going to see the doctor. They will get better in about a week. But if you have a high temperature for more than a few days, call your doctor at once.


  36.What should you drink to fight the flu?


  37.What can you do to relax yourself if you can’t sleep?


  38.If you feel serious, what mustn’t you do before seeing the doctor?


  39.Why can’t you share forks with others if you get the flu?


  40.How long does the flu usually last?


  第三部分 寫作(25分)



  1.Bird Flu can spread easily a_______ birds.

  2.H_______ up, or we’ll be late.

  3.Dr. Liu e_______ the sick boy carefully.

  4.It was b_______ to go into the burning (燃燒的) building.

  5.Your father is examining a patient. I’ll give him the m_______ later.


  6.We’re doctors, so it’s our _______ (duty) to save patients.

  7.The road is _______ (crowd). Mr. Wang drives his car slowly.

  8.What causes the _______ (ill)?

  9.Did they enjoy _______ (they) in the party yesterday?

  10.—Where is your mother, Beibei?

  —She is busy _______ (answer) the telephone.


  11.We must clean the classroom every day.(同義句轉換)

  We must _______ the classroom _______ every day.

  12.It took me two days to finish the book.(同義句轉換)

  I _______ two days _______ the book.

  13. You should eat an apple every day.(對畫線部分提問)

  _______ _______ you do every day?

  14.—May I ask you some questions, Miss Wang?(對問句作出回答)

  —Sure, go_______.

  15.They have to get up early every day.(改為一般疑問句)

  _______they _______ _______ get up early every day?



  參考詞匯:personal health個人健康 spit吐痰

  overwork使……過于疲勞 food and drink飲食


  第一部分 聽力

 ?、? 1. E 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.C

 ?、? 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.A

  Ⅲ. 11. speaking 12. speak to 13. leave a message 14. have a party 15. give her the message

 ?、? 16.B 17.A 18.C 19.A 20.C

  第二部分 基礎知識運用

 ?、? 1.C 在打電話時,介紹自己時不說I’m ... 應該用This is ...。

  2.D 叫/請某人做某事用ask sb. to do sth. ,給某人打電話用詞組ring sb. up,這里的sb. 為人稱代詞賓格時應放在ring與up的中間。

  3.D 照顧某人可說look after sb.,take care of sb. 或care for sb.

  4.B “我可以問您一些問題嗎?”“可以,請講。”只有B項符合表達習慣。

  5.D must表示“必須”。在句型Must I/we…?中,它的否定回答一般不用No,you mustn’t.要用No,you needn’t. 或No,you don’t have to.

  6.A 教某人……應用teach sb. ,表示“自學”,可用teach ... by oneself或learn ... by oneself。

  7.C 和某人交談用詞組talk with sb. ;通過電話電器類要用介詞on。

  8.C 此處考查It’s my duty to do sth. 意為“做……是我的職責”,it是形式主語,to do sth.是真正的主語,因此C符合題意。

  9.B May I…?常用于征詢對方意見、請求或許可,其否定回答根據(jù)語氣常用mustn’t或can’t。根據(jù)題意應選can’t。

  10.D be afraid of +doing表示“擔心/害怕發(fā)生某種后果”。be afraid of還可接名詞,表示“怕某物”。

  Ⅱ. 11.F 12. G 13.B 14.D 15.C

 ?、? 16.C put out“伸出”,醫(yī)生要給她做檢查,請她伸出舌頭。

  17.B 從下文可知醫(yī)生認為她沒有病。

  18.D take exercise“鍛煉”。

  19.A tell sb. sth.“告訴某人某事”。

  20.C like在此是介詞“像”。

  21.A 根據(jù)上下文,此句應意為“我不想聽任何借口”,故選hear。

  22.B for表示目的,exercise在這里作名詞用。

  23.C 從上文得知“你不經(jīng)常鍛煉就會變胖”,get fat“變胖”。

  24.D a few修飾可數(shù)名詞復數(shù),表示肯定意義,而few修飾可數(shù)名詞復數(shù),表示否定意義,little和a little修飾不可數(shù)名詞,故選D。

  25.D Would you please …?后跟動詞原形; listen to“聽……講”。

  Ⅳ. (A)

  26.C 由第一段第二句“People were busy exercising ... ”可知選C。

  27.B 由第一段談到了人們進行滑板、打羽毛球、打乒乓球等,可知北京人喜歡做戶外運動,故選B。

  28.A 由文章語義及第一段第三句可知選A。

  29.B 由第二段第一句Liu Tong說: “以前我從不鍛煉,因為我總是忙于工作。”由此可知選 B。

  30.D 這篇短文講了SARS發(fā)生以來,人們積極參加各種戶外活動,提高生活質量,保證健康。


  31.C 由第一封e-mail我們知道是寫給Cindy的,由第三句提到“你能告訴我在中國人們是如何避免的嗎?”可知Cindy是在中國。

  32.B 由第一封e-mail第三句可知。

  33.D 由第二封e-mail,提到“很多雞啊、鴨啊都死掉了,一些鳥飛來飛去把病菌帶到別的地方,這是一個嚴重的問題。”可知選D。

  34.A solve “解決”。

  35.B 由第二封e-mail我們可知,每天鍛煉,常開窗,常洗手,多吃蔬菜少吃肉,早睡早起都可幫助我們預防疾病。故B說晚睡是對我們健康有害的。


  36. Lots of water.

  37. Listen to music, watch a movie or read a book.

  38. Take some medicine.

  39. Because you may spread the flu to others.

  40. About one week.

  第三部分 寫作

 ?、? (A)1.among 2. Hurry 3. examined/examines 4.brave 5. message

  (B)6. duty 7. crowded 8. illness 9. themselves 10. answering

  Ⅱ. 11. keep/make; clean 12. spent; reading 13. What should 14. ahead 15. Do; have to


  Keeping healthy

  My father is a doctor. In 2003, he took an active part in the battle against SARS.

  He said,“We don’t have to be afraid of catching the illness. If we have good habits, we can keep the illness away.”

  My father and I like running in the morning. We keep the windows open so that the air in the room is clean and fresh. We wash our hands before meals. We have healthy food and drink. We don’t spit here and there. He told us not to overwork because too much work will make us tired and make it easy to get sick.




3.初二上冊英語Unit 7測試試題及答案

4.初二上冊英語Unit 6測試試題及答案



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  • 八年級英語下冊期末檢測試題及答案


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