

時間: 楚薇0 分享



  Some people think everyone should be a vegetarian, because we do not need to eat meat to have a healthy diet. To what extent do you agree or disagree?







  People have different views about whether being vegetarians or vegans is more beneficial for human beings. Some people believe that being a vegetarian is better since meat is helpless for people to stay healthy. I doubt this statement as people have right to choose whether to be a vegetarian or not and meat is a regular part of our diet.


  Although leading a low carbon life and being a vegetarian is quite popular in our society, it does not mean everyone should only eat vegetables in their daily diet. Actually, to some groups of people, a single dietary structure will even injure their fitness. For instance, children growth may be affected by unbalanced diet and some people may be allergic to plants like caraway and celery. Also, if a pregnant woman refuses to take any meat, her baby would suffer from malnutrition to a high degree.


  Meanwhile, It is well- recognized that meat provide a wide range of nutrients that are difficult to obtain in adequate quantities from vegetables and fruits. Insufficient intake of those nutrients will produce negative health problems, such as poor growth. People cannot keep fit without any meat foods. Meat is high in protein and other essential nutrients, and these nutrients are hardly to find alternatives in plant source foods. Therefore, a diet with a good combination of meat and vegetable is thought to have considerable value.


  In brief, not all people should be a vegetarian and balanced diet will be the best choice for individuals.



  Arguments for Vegetarianism 素食主義的論點

  Vegetarians do not eat foods that are produced by killing animals.Many people choose a vegetarian diet for moral or health reasons.


  A healthy diet is possible without eating meat.It is unnecessary to kill animal for food.


  A vegetarian diet may reduce the risk of disease like cancer.


  Many people question the treatment of animals in factory farms.


  Arguments against Vegetarianism 反素食主義的論點

  Vegetarians do not eat a balanced diet


  In many cultures,meat is the main ingredient in traditional meals


  Meat-eaters argue that animals are below humans in the food chain.It is completely natural for us to kill them for food.


  Our aim should be improve farming methods.


  Farms should produce organic food.



  Some people believe that to become the vegetarian is the only way to keep healthy. Do you agree or disagree? 有人認(rèn)為:成為素食主義者是保持健康的唯一方式,是否認(rèn)同?

  【點評】 本文主題是論證如何保持健康。


  The government has the duty to ensure its citizens have a healthy diet, while others believe it is individuals’ responsibility. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 政府有責(zé)任保障人們的健康飲食,健康飲食是個人的責(zé)任,討論兩種觀點,給出你的意見。

  【作家立場】 保持健康是個人和政府的責(zé)任,但是,個人應(yīng)該承擔(dān)更多的責(zé)任。(個人健康管理的方式就是加強(qiáng)鍛煉、健康管理、合理飲食等)

  【點評】 文本主題是論證如此保持健康。


  1. 沒有觀點

  2. 沒有語言

  3. 表達(dá)不精彩




  1. 模板和背誦的痕跡過重,讓人不相信是原創(chuàng)作品。

  2. 沒有文采,很多表達(dá)已經(jīng)是陳詞濫調(diào)。

  3. 基礎(chǔ)薄弱,錯誤較多。


  pet words n小狗詞匯——作家喜歡的詞匯

  fossilization n化石主義——固定輸入


  ☆ 任務(wù)完成情況(Task Achievement)


  ☆ 連貫與銜接(Coherence and Cohesion)


  ☆ 詞匯資源(Lexical Resource)

  解析:用詞的精準(zhǔn)可以加分。 詞匯的精彩體現(xiàn)在表達(dá)的個性化以及多元化。

  ☆ 語法的多樣性和準(zhǔn)確性(Grammatical Range and Accuracy)










  [首段]:背景介紹 + 爭議焦點 + 作家立場



  [尾段]:再次亮明觀點 + 總結(jié)理由

  【立場】 為了保持健康,多食水果蔬菜也許是一種有效的方式,但是,不是最佳的和唯一的方式。



  1. 素食主義者避免了糖分、脂肪、和過多的熱量的攝入。

  2. 并且,水果蔬菜中含有豐富的維生素,因此,多食水果蔬菜真的是可以保持健康。但是,我想反駁的是:過度攝入水果蔬菜會導(dǎo)致營養(yǎng)的不均衡。


  1. 其實,保持健康,僅僅避免肉類的攝入不是最佳的方式。

  2. 第一,加強(qiáng)體育鍛煉是很好的保持健康方式,規(guī)律的體育鍛煉可以使人放松身心、增強(qiáng)人的免疫力、提高人的健康指數(shù)。

  3. 第二,勞逸結(jié)合是健康的生活方式的保障,因為,現(xiàn)代人面對激烈的競爭,很多人過度工作,這種生活方式其實潛移默化地對健康施加不良影響,因此,有效地休息例如安排旅行或者周末會友也會愉悅心情,甜美生活,有助于人們的健康管理。

  1. Happiness lies,first of all,in health. 健康是幸福人生的本源。

  2. vegetarians = those who are keen on eating vegetables or fruits n素食主義者

  3. vegetarians =people who consciously avoid the intake of meat n素食主義者

  4. is the only way = is the sole method v 是唯一的方式

  5. keep healthy = keep fit = embark on a healthier lifestyle = have a wholesome lifestyle v保持健康



  Happiness lies,first of all,in health. Health enables us to brave career challenges energetically and harmonize family life optimistically. The awareness of a healthier lifestyle has been making numerous people alter their dietary habits, which explains the increase of vegetarians. My stand is that to eat fruits and vegetables might be an effective way in terms of keeping fit,however,it is not the best and only strategy.

  【解析】 My stand is that = my firm conviction is that =to voice my opinion 我認(rèn)為……

  【拓展】 in terms of 在……的方面;就……而言


  Indeed, I have to concede that people who consciously avoid the intake of meat can, to some extent, help them embark on a wholesome lifestyle. More precisely, vegetarian eating habit helps people avoid excessive intake of sugar, fat and calorie. Meanwhile, rich nutrients and vitamins are contained in plenty of fruits and vegetables. What I want to rebut, however, is that too much consumption of fruits and vegetables might result in the imbalance of nutritional value

  【解析】 embark on a wholesome lifestyle v開始健康的生活方式

  【拓展】 What I want to rebut, however, is that…… 然而,我想反駁的是……


  Virtually,to avoid eating meat leaves much to be desired as far as keeping fit is concerned. Other ways should be explored. First, strengthening the physical exercise is also a commendable way because regular physical activities help us relax our bodies and ease our minds. Hence, one’s immune system can be improved and one’s health index can be enhanced. Also, modern people usually have to face fierce competition and huge pressure deriving from either study or work. To stand out, numerous people burn the midnight oil, which undermines their health. In this sense, to strike a proper balance between rest and work can also ensure people’s health management. To illustrate, occupied workers or students should be urged to arrange holiday trip or friends reunion from time to time.

  【解析】 leaves much to be desired …… 遠(yuǎn)非令人滿意

  【拓展】 burn the midnight oil = work far into the night 開夜車(為工作到深夜)


  In closing,I re-affirm my conviction that regular sports activities and reasonable schedule will have indispensable roles to play in help people remain healthy although to reduce the intake of meat might work in some cases.

  【解析】 In closing,I re-affirm my conviction that …… 總之,我再次重申我方立場

  【拓展】 have indispensable roles to play in 在……中可以發(fā)揮不可缺少的作用



現(xiàn)代以一群人是素食主義者,你覺得這是一種健康的生活方式嗎?下面小編給大家?guī)硌潘紝懽髟掝}精講:素食主義。 雅思寫作大作文高分范文:素食主義真的健康嗎?


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