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  15 Arachnophobia – fear of spiders (Anyone remember that movie?)蜘蛛恐懼癥——害怕蜘蛛(是不是想起了某部電影?)

  This is one of the most common phobias, with women being the most likely to be affected. Some experts suggest that it may be an amplified form of a response that helped humans survive in the past, while others believe it’s a cultural phenomenon as it seems to be most prevalent in Western countries. The response is usually irrational, especially in places like the UK where spiders are not only non-venomous, but also unlikely to grow larger than your little fingernail. If you’re in Australia, however, you might be considered a little more rational。這個恐懼癥也很常見,其中患者女性居多。有專家認(rèn)為,這可能跟人類遠(yuǎn)古時期的生活習(xí)性有關(guān);也有人覺得這只是一種文化現(xiàn)象(西方尤甚)。人們對蜘蛛的反應(yīng)通常不是很理性,尤其是在英國:那里的蜘蛛既沒毒又不可能大過指甲。但是,如果你是在澳大利亞,遇到蜘蛛還真得理性一點。

  16. Odontophobia – fear of dentists牙醫(yī)恐懼癥——害怕牙醫(yī)

  A trip to the dentist probably isn’t going to make most people’s ‘top 10 things I love to do’ list, but most of us can put up with it with just a mild feeling of unease. Some people, however, have such a strong reaction that they are unable to attend the dentist even when in dire need. If you’ve ever had the unfortunate experience of a painful cavity you can get an idea of just how intense this fear can be when a person would rather live with that pain then take a trip to the dentist’s chair。相信很多人都不是很喜歡看牙醫(yī),但即便不舒服,大部分人也還能忍受。但有些人卻非??咕?,寧死也不愿去看牙醫(yī)。如果你曾經(jīng)歷拔牙的切膚之痛,或許就能理解這種恐懼到底有多深:害怕看牙醫(yī)的人寧愿一輩子忍受牙痛折磨也不愿送上門去。

  17. Telephonophobia – fear of telephones電話恐懼癥——害怕電話

  The fear of using the telephone can develop to the point where the sufferer panics even when hearing the sound of a ringtone. This fear of receiving a call can lead to an oversensitivity to noises and auditory hallucinations. And it’s not just the sound – setting the phone to vibrate doesn’t help, and the sufferer will instead imagine their pocket is vibrating even when it’s completely still. This is known as phantom vibration syndrome. It must be very difficult to live with this in an age of mobile phones, where calls can follow you wherever you go?;加须娫捒謶职Y的人有時候哪怕只是聽到電話鈴響都會驚慌失措。害怕接電話會引發(fā)對聲音的過度敏感和幻聽。而且問題不在于鈴聲——就算把手機調(diào)成振動,結(jié)果也一樣無濟于事,患癥者反而會幻想兜里的手機在振動。這叫做幻想振動綜合癥。生活在這樣一個手機時代,電話隨時會在身邊響起,有這種恐懼癥的人還真不容易。

  18. Mysophobia – fear of dirt污跡恐懼癥——害怕污跡

  This involves a fear of being contaminated by bacteria and germs which, being invisible to the naked eye, can be felt by the phobic person to be crawling everywhere even in the cleanest-looking environment. Sufferers of this phobia often display the stereotypical OCD behavior of washing their hands over and over, as they never feel like they’re completely clean. This complusive act just serves to make the sufferer more aware of their state of (un)cleanliness, and thus reinforcing the cycle?;加形圹E恐懼癥的人害怕細(xì)菌或病菌感染,哪怕是看上去很干凈的環(huán)境,他們都覺得到處都有肉眼看不到的細(xì)菌。這類人最典型的特點就是強迫似的反復(fù)洗手,總覺得自己怎么也不干凈。而這種強迫行為更加劇他們的潔癖意識,然后惡性循環(huán)下去。