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  以下是小編整理的英語文章:轉動你的盤子 可以讓食欲變好, 希望能對大家的英語學習有幫助。

  Rotating your plate as it is placed on the table may improve thetaste of your food, psychologists claim.


  People have a subconscious preference for food that pointsaway from them, according to Oxford University experts, to theextent that it can affect the flavour.


  An experiment involving 12,000 people, carried out at London’s Science Museum, suggests thatmost people prefer their meal to be aligned facing away from them, and marginally to the right.


  The perfect orientation, the scientists discovered, is for food to point at 3.2 degrees clockwise, atiny fraction to the right of the vertical axis of the plate.


  The effect is so pronounced that people actually experience an improved taste when the alignmentis correct, the psychologists claim.


  The results, published in the journal Food Quality and Preference, were obtained after thousands ofpeople took part in an experiment at the Science Museum’s ‘Cravings Exhibition’, which exploresthe way reward circuits in the brain that determine flavour are altered by outside influences.


  Charles Michel, a chef and researcher on food aesthetics at Oxford University, said many peopleinstinctively adjust their plate when it is placed in front of them.


  ‘This everyday action that some of us do might hint at the fact that we all enjoy our food morewhen it is “oriented” in the best way possible.


  ‘Indeed, by arranging the food to “look better”, we might be unconsciously enhancing itsperceived value, and hence our enjoyment of it.’


  Experimental psychologist Professor Charles Spence, who contributed to the research paper, saidthe instinct is rooted in early human evolution.


  Items that are directed towards the body are perceived as a threat, he thinks.


  ‘Something pointing towards us triggers brain-fear circuits, and this is why it might be liked less,’Professor Spence said.斯朋斯教授說,“當有東西朝著我們擺放的時候,會觸發(fā)大腦的恐懼環(huán)路,這就是為什么我們不喜歡東西直接指向自己的原因,”

  ‘What we see automatically sets expectations about what it is that we are about to eat, and howmuch we think we are going to like it. ‘We also get a sense of how much effort put into dish’spreparation.“對于我們所看到的食物,心里會自動產(chǎn)生關于這是什么,以及合不合口味的預期。”我們還能感覺到廚師做這道菜花了多少心思。

  ‘Those expectations anchor our subsequent experience when we come to taste - hence what wesee really can change what we taste.’“這些預期定位了我們之后品嘗時的味覺體驗——因此我們的所見確實能夠影響我們的味覺。”

  Mr Michel added: ‘In our Western cultures, we seem to associate left with “wrong” and down with“less”, also, right with “right”, and up with “more”.米歇爾先生補充到:“在西方文化中,我們通常把左邊和‘錯誤’聯(lián)系在一起,下邊與‘少’相關,右邊是‘正確’,上邊與‘多’相關。”

  ‘Also, might be that we associate left with “past” and right with “future”, because that’s the way inwhich we write.’


  Many food psychologists are convinced that a range of external circumstances change the waywe experience and taste our food.


  Professor Spence’s previous work has established, for example, that a heavier glass makes a ginand tonics taste better and that a fine dining cloth will improve the flavour of a meal.


  He has also discovered that plastic blue spoons make food taste more salty, white spoons makefood taste creamier and black spoons make it taste less sweet.



以下是小編整理的英語文章:轉動你的盤子 可以讓食欲變好, 希望能對大家的英語學習有幫助。 Rotating your plate as it is placed on the table may improve thetaste of your food, psychologists claim. 心理學家稱,食物擺上桌后,


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