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  U.S. Republican presidential contender Donald Trump is making repeated appeals for supportfrom African-American voters at the unlikeliest of venues, at rallies where almost all the votersare white.


  Trump made his latest pitch for black votes Saturday at a political rally in the Midwest farmstate of Iowa, telling the largely white crowd that he blamed decades of Democratic policies forthe "deplorable conditions in many of our inner cities."


  He has called Hillary Clinton, his Democratic opponent in the November 8 presidential election,a bigot for not improving the plight of blacks and Hispanics.


  “As a father, as a builder, as an American," Trump said, "it offends my sense of right and wrongto see anyone living in such conditions. They are living in terrible, terrible conditions. Beyondbelief: bad, bad, bad.”


  National political surveys show Clinton has amassed a huge lead over Trump among black andHispanic voters, the fastest growing segment of the American electorate, while he holds a muchsmaller lead among white voters.


  Political analysts say his appeal for minority voters is aimed at cutting into Clinton's edgeamong black and Hispanic voters, but also an effort to win more support from women andpolitically moderate Republicans who might be inclined to support Clinton because they viewTrump as a racist.


  From the earliest days of his campaign, Trump branded undocumented immigrants pouringover the Mexican border into the U.S. as rapists and criminals.


  He continues to call for construction of a border wall to thwart the stream of migrantsentering the United States, a signature of his campaign,


  but has wavered with shifting positions in the last few days about his vow to deport all 11million undocumented immigrants living in the United States to their home countries.




  Iran has arrested a member of a team that played a role in negotiating a milestone nuclear agreement with world powers.


  According to IRNA, Iran's state media, judiciary spokesman Gholamhossein Mohseni Ejei said Sunday that a "spy who had infiltrated the nuclear team" was released on bail after being held in jail for a few days.


  The negotiator's identity was not disclosed but Ejei said he is still under investigation.


  Last year Iran agreed to curb its nuclear program in exchange for relief from most global economic sanctions. The deal is opposed by many hardliners who view it as a concession to the United States.


  On Wednesday, hard line news organizations reported Iranian officials apprehended dual Iranian-Canadian national Abdolrasoul Dorri Esfahani. He was a member of a team that negotiated the lifting sanctions against Iran under one of the primary negotiators of last year's nuclear pact.


  In response to Wednesday's hard line media reports, Iran's state media quoted Ejei Sunday as saying, "The report is correct. He was released on bail. Yet, his charge is not proved."


  Why Esfahani is being investigated is not clear. But people with dual nationalities have been more frequently targeted by Iranian security forces since the nuclear deal was reached last year.



  團建活動匪夷所思 日本公司招哭泣帥哥

  Japanese firms are hiring in ‘handsome weeping boys’ in a bid to make staff cry as part of bizarre team-building exercises.


  The good looking men reportedly arrive at offices and play upsetting films showing dying pets or families dealing with terminal illness.


  The workshops, which are mainly aimed at women, supposedly bring staff together by showing their vulnerabilities to each other.


  The hosts then walk around wiping tears from the faces of those who have burst into tears.


  Ryusei, one of the handsome weeping boys, told the BBC: "Japanese are not used to crying in front of people. But once you cry in front of others, the environment will change, particularly in a business .”


  He is known as a “good looking but slightly older” weeping boy because he is nearly 40 while most hosts are in their 20s.


  The quirky workshops were dreamed up by Hiroki Terai in an attempt to get Japanese people to more openly express their emotions.


  The businessman, who was inspired by his schoolboy days when he ate his lunch alone in a toilet cubicle, said he “wants Japanese people to cry”.


  He added: “After you cry and let people see your vulnerability, you can get along even better with people which is also good for the company.”


  Other services on offer in Japan include non-sexual cuddling sessions and businesses that will let lonely people rent a friend.
