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  Five一Pagoda Temple and Other Temples in Hohhot


  Natural Features


  Five-Pagoda Temple


  Five-Pagoda Temple(Wuta Si),which is also called Jingangzuo Sheti Baota,is located in Hohhot City. As there are five small dagobas on the pedestal of the pagoda,it is named Wuta Si. Wuta was originally a building of the temple construtted during 1727一1732. Now the temple has disappeared,but the pagoda has remained.


  The construction of the temple began in the 5th year of the reign of the Emper or Yongzheng of the Qing Dynasty. The Pagoda is 16. 5 meters high and looks like a Buddha's Warrior Attendant's seat,with a base under it and five exquisite pagodas on the base. As more than 1 560 relief sculptures of Buddha are engraved on the five pagodas,the temple enjoys the reputation of being“a 10 000一Buddha Tower".In addition,there are images of Bodhisattva,the four Devarajas ,Buddhist Saint,Heavenly Ladies,holy birds and animal,bodhi trees and the engraved scriptures in Mongolian,Tibetan and Sanskrit on the wall of the pagodas. On the wall facing the temple there are 3 marble relief sculptures,including a planisphere marked with Mongolian inscriptions. The pagodas are not only peculiar buildings, but also a huge exquisite carving.

  五塔的建設(shè)始于清雍正五年,塔高16. 5米,像一個佛教武士的座椅。底座土有五個精致的寶塔。五塔上刻有1 560件浮雕作品,因此得名萬佛塔。此外,菩薩、四大大神、佛教圣徒、仙女、神鳥,還有蒙古、西藏的雕刻也被刻在了五塔的墻上。正對寺廟的墻壁上有三個大理石浮雕,包括用蒙古文記載的天文圖。五塔不僅是一座建筑物,而且是一件巨大的藝術(shù)品。

  The pagoda is composed of three parts:the base,the seat and the top(five dagobas).The lower part of the seat is inlaid with inscriptions of Diamond Sutra written in Mongolian,Tibetan and Sanskrit. The upper part is niches holding goldplated statues of Buddha. The body of the pagoda is glazed in greens and yellows.


  On the northern wall of the pagoda,three sculptures are inlaid. The Mongolian Astronomical Map is the only one labeled in Mongolian so far in the world and it is of great importance to scientific research.


  Compared with other pagodas,F(xiàn)ive-Pagoda Temple is unique in at least two aspects:its special structure,pagodas over pagoda, and the green and yellow colored glazes on the short eaves and tops of pagodas. Those make Five-Pagoda Temple quite special,a treasure of Hohhot City.


  Special Mention


  Zhaojun Tomb


  Zhaojun Tomb,which is called“Green Grave" of'‘Tmur Urhu:in Mongolian,is situated in thesouthern suburb of Hohhot, 9 kilometers away from the urban area. It is said that it is thetomb of Wang Zhaojun-a maid in the imperial palace of the Emperor Yuan Di of the HanDynasty-volunteered to marry the chief Huhanye of Xiongnu Horde as a peace envoy. The tombis an artificial earthen mound with a height of 33 meters. According to the legend,grass onthe huge mound never turned yellow even when late autumn the green came.


  Zhaojun Tomb is listed among the eight most popular scenic spots in Hohhot.


  In front of the tomb,bronze statues of Wang Zhaojun and her husband ( Khan),depict avivid picture of them riding horses and talking to each other intimately. The statues are thesymbol of the friendly relations between the Han nationality and the Hui nationality,which wasgreatly promoted by Wang Zhaojun.


  Behind the statues,there are several steles displaying the praises bestowed upon WangZhaojun. Among them,the stele marked with the poems of Dong Biwu (a modernrevolutionary and a politician)is the most notable one.


  Behind the steles .stone stairs and a stone platform are connected with the Zhaojun Tomb.Upon the stone platform you can find a pavilion. The pavilion offers tourists a good positionfrom which to overlook the scenery surrounding the tomb and the far away Mt. Yinshan.


  Recently,the tomb area has been developed to include cultural facilities such as a ReceptionRoom,Exhibition Room and Painting and Calligraphy Room. The tomb has now become one ofthe key cultural relics under the jurisdiction of Hohhot.


  The tomb is famous for its spectacular scenery. The summer months are mild and the wildflowers and grasses grow in abundance, creating a beautiful natural picture together with thetowering green trees. When autumn comes in September,unlike grasses which shriveled andyellow at this time of the year,the grass growing on the tomb is still green and vigorous.




  Natural Features


  Suzhou is located beside Taihu Lake,and it is a fertile and scenic land with a subtropical monsoon climate,moderate with distinctive four seasons. Suzhou is a city of rivers and canals and also a city of gardens. Hence it is called the“Venice of the Orient" . Suzhou was first established in 514 BC and it was once the capital city of Kingdom cf Wu. King of Wu became the most powerful of the time because of the support of the mighty economy of the area. In Song, Yuan,Ming and Qing Dynasties,Suzhou boasted as the most abundant“land of grain and meat" of the nation and thus began from Song Dynasty the famous sayings that“Suzhou on earth matches paradise in Heaven" and“bumper harvests in Suzhou alone are enough for the whole nation"


  Suzhou is the site of the prosperous Wu culture,and it has bred up a great many of scholars and high officials in all dynasties. When these scholars and high officials returned to their birthplace because of either retirement after ambition fulfillment or for hermitage due to disappointment,they would spend a great amount of money on gardens for literary cultivation in their senior years. Besides,the beautiful topography,gentle customs,and peaceful ife of Suzhou's also helped to promot the construction and advance of so many landscape gardens in Suzhou.


  The Ming and Qing dynasties between the 14th and 20th century were its prime periods of garden building,when at onetime there were more than 200 private family gardens. A dozen of them are still in good condition today,including the top four classic gardens-the Fisherman's Net Garden,Lion Grove. Humble Administrator's Garden and Lingering Garden.


  The Humble Administrator`s Garden,the largest,occupies four hectares. It was built in 1522 during the Ming Qynasty. Water accounts for three-fifths of its total area. All the major buildings face the water. Centering on the pool,bridges and corridors harmoniously link up isles,rockeries,pavilions and towers. The garden shows a natural and flowing artistic style.


  The Lingering Garden on the other hand , demonstrates a compact layout and a delicate decorative art.Built in the Ming,it was renovated and expanded in the early 19th century during the Qing Dynasty, to cover an area of 3 .3 hectares as we see it today. The garden is divided into four sections:artificial hills in the west,pastoral scenery in the north,hall and pavilion structures in the east and hills and waters at the center. A winding corridor of over 1 000 meters links them.

  留園則展現(xiàn)了一種整體布局緊密和巧妙的裝飾藝術(shù)。留園建于明朝,19世紀(jì)早期的清朝間得到修繕和擴建,建成了現(xiàn)在的占地3. 3公頃的留園。留園由4個部分組成:西區(qū)的假山、北區(qū)的田園景色、東區(qū)的曲廊辛閣和中區(qū)的山水。各區(qū)間由長約I 000多米的蜿蜒長廊相連。

  The unique charm of these gardens has led to their entry into the list of world cultural heritage in 1997.


  Special Mention


  Suzhou gardens are the best of those in southern China that are the best of theworld”.Generally little and delicate,they produce a sense of a beautiful painting. The stress isput on mealadering through a labyrinth of complexity and continuous surprises of vista ateach step forward. The miniature mountains and rocks,the bridges and the waters,--theyare small yet grand;the flowers and trees,the towers and pavilions,一they are exquisite withseclusion and serene. Within limits the garden spaces are so ingeniously handled that theeffect cf infinitude is produced,hence they are reputed as "vast landscape condensed in alittle garden".




  Gu Lang Yu


  Natural Features


  Gulangyu Island is located just southwest of Xiamen City. Visitors can reach it by steamship from Xiamen City in about 5 minutes. Gulangyu Island is renowned for its delicate natural beauty,its ancient relics,and its vanes architecture. The island is on China's list of National Scenic Spots,one of the 35 key National Scenic Spots and also ranks at the top of the t0 most-scenic areas in Fujian Province.


  During the Ming Dynasty,the island was called "Yuanshazhou Island".It got its present name from the huge reef surrounding it. When the tidecomes in ,the waves pound the reef and it sounds like the beating of a drum. Thus the island came to be named "Gulangyu".Gu in Chinese means"drum",and Lang"waves".


  During the later Ming Dynasty,the troops of national hero Zheng Cheng gong were stationed here.After the Opium War in 1842,13 countries including Great Britain,F(xiàn)rance,America,Germany and Japan established consulates,churches,hospitals.banks and schools here,turning the island into a common concession. In 1942,Japan occupied the island until the end of the War of Resistance against Japan


  Gulangyu Island has about 20000 permanent residents,all of whom enjoy a comfortable,relaxing life. Only electric-powered vehicles are permitted on the islland,so the environment is free from the noise and pollution of combustion engines,Breathing the clean air.appreciating the ever-present green trees and lovely flowers ,anyone here can feel like they are in heaven. With classical and romantic European-style architecture, the island truly deserves to be called the"Architecture Museum" . It is also known as the“Cradle of Musicians" and“Island of Music" because of its reputation fior music appreciation.

  鼓浪嶼上約有兩萬居民。人們生活舒適,修身養(yǎng)性。在這里 ,除了環(huán)島旅游電瓶車外,不許任何其他機動車輛上島。所以,這里沒有噪音,沒有空氣污染。每一位到訪的游客都能呼吸到清新的空氣,欣賞到四季常春的綠樹古木、紅花碧草,感覺像是到了大堂一樣!一座座古典雅致的歐式建筑,把小島真的建成了一座“萬國建筑博覽城”鼓浪嶼”還被譽為“音樂家的搖旅”和 “音樂之島”,因為這里的人們酷愛音樂,酷愛鋼琴,享有盛譽。

  The Island Ring Road,which circles the island。allows you to tuuy enjoy an me sights of this small but charming island.


  Special Mention


  At the foot of Sunlight Rock stands the Memorial Hall of Zheng Cheng gong,built in honor ofthe hero's feats whichinclude expelling the Dutch colonists and reoccupying Taiwan. Wanderingup the steep rock path,visitors will see many profound inscriptions left by poets, the oldestof which dates back to over 400 years. This is the main cultural sight on the hill.

  日光巖的山腳下坐落著民族英雄鄭成功紀(jì)念館。此館為紀(jì)念他為驅(qū)逐荷蘭殖民者和收復(fù)臺灣所做出的貢獻而建。 沿著陡峭的石徑拾級而登,游客們可以觀賞到許多古代詩人留下的寓意深奧的題詞石刻,其中年代最久的可以追溯到400多年前。這里是日光巖文化遺跡的主要薈萃地。

  Continuing on,you will see toe preserved training grounds of Zheng Chenggong's troops.Near the field is a huge rock bridging two cliffs,forming a natural entrance to a cave. This iscalled“Old Summer Cave"(Gu Bi shu Dong)where you can feel a pleasant cool breeze. It's theperfect viewing spot to appreciate the scenery of Gulangyu Island.A fantastic panorama ofXiamen City,including Nanputuo Temple.Xiamen University, Hulishan Battery,etc is withinview.






