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  Jaguar is an endangered animal. It is said that there are less than 20 jaguars in the world currently, one of which is now living in the national zoo of Peru. In order to protect this jaguar, Peruvians singled out a pitch of land in the zoo for it, where there are herds of cattle, sheep and deer for the jaguar to eat. Anyone who has visited the zoo praised it to be the “Heaven of Tiger”. However, strange enough, no one has ever seen the jaguar prey on the cattle and sheep. What we could see is its lying in its house eating and sleeping.

  美洲虎是一種瀕臨滅絕的動(dòng)物,據(jù)說,目前世界上僅存不足20只,其中有一只現(xiàn)在就生活在秘魯?shù)膰覄?dòng)物園里。為了保護(hù)這只美洲虎,秘魯人在動(dòng)物園里單獨(dú) 為它圈出一塊地來,且圈地中有成群的牛、羊、鹿供老虎享用。參觀過虎園的人都驚嘆地稱這里是“虎的天堂”。然而,令人感到非常奇怪的是,沒有人看見這只老虎去 捕捉牛羊,唯一能見到的就是它躺在它的虎房里重復(fù)著吃與睡的情景。

  Some people thought that the jaguar felt too lonely, so they collected money and rented a female tiger to accompany it. Nonetheless, it did not make too much sense. The jaguar just sometimes went out of its house with its “girlfriend” and stayed in the sun for a while before it came back to its house again.

  一些人認(rèn)為肯定是美洲虎太孤獨(dú)了,于是就集資從國外租來一只雌虎陪它生 活。然而此舉并未帶來多大改觀,那只老虎只是偶爾陪伴外來的“女友”走出虎房, 到陽光下站一會(huì)兒,不久就又回到它的“臥室”。

  “It is normal for the jaguar to be lazy in this environment. Tiger is the king of forest but you simply put some small animals around him. That is why the jaguar shows no interest in going out. Why don’t you put two wolves or at least a jackal around him?” A visitor proposed.

  “在這種環(huán)境下,美洲虎不懶散才怪呢!虎是林中之王,你們?cè)谒車胚@么一群小動(dòng)物, 它怎么可能有興趣走出來?為什么你們不放上兩 只狼呢,即使不放狼,至少也得放一只豺狗吧?” 一位來此參觀的市民建議道。

  Others all agreed with him and put five panthers into the jaguar’s territory. Since then, the jaguar did not go back to its house any more. It either stands on top of the hill roaring or goes down from the hill strolling without sleeping all day long. It did not eat the meat provided by the zoo staff and has totally got back to its nature.

  其他人都覺得他說得很有道理,就把5只美 洲豹投進(jìn)了虎園。結(jié)果就是,自那以后,美洲虎就 再?zèng)]回過虎房。它不是站在山頂長(zhǎng)嘯,就是從山 上下來,在草地上游蕩;它不再整日睡覺,也不再吃動(dòng)物園的管理員送來的肉,它恢 復(fù)了虎的本性。

  Actually, this principle does not only apply to animals, but also apply to human beings. Here is another story. There was a rich man who was selecting a husband for his only child among a multitude of pursuers. The man led all the pursuers to a river and pointed to the crocodiles, saying, “Anyone who can swim across the river safe and sound will marry my daughter.” Those pursuers looked at each other and no one dare take the initiative. At that moment, a man plunged into the river bravely and swam at a staggering speed to the other side. All the people applauded for his courage with great sense of admiration. Nevertheless, the man, after landing on the bank, shouted angrily, “Who pushed me into the river just now?”

  其實(shí),不只是動(dòng)物,人也如此。有這樣一則故事:一個(gè)富人為其獨(dú)生女兒選婿,, 而求婚者眾多。于是這個(gè)富人將所有的求婚者帶到一條河邊,指著河里的鱷魚說 道如果誰能夠安全地游到對(duì)岸,我就會(huì)把我的女兒嫁給他。”這些追求者們你看 看我,我看看你,沒有人敢跳進(jìn)河里。正在這時(shí),突然有一個(gè)男子“撲通”一聲很勇敢 地跳了下去,然后以超乎尋常的速度游到對(duì)岸。所有的人對(duì)這名勇氣十足的男子投 以欽佩和羨慕的目光。沒想到,這個(gè)男子上岸后,生氣地大聲問道剛才是誰把我 推下河去的?”

  Maybe the man, after thinking of the whole process and the good consequence he is going to obtain, will feel obliged to the one who pushed him into the river. It is fairly common that disadvantages will turn into advantages and misfortunes into fortunes! But many of us cannot manage to realize the significance of our “rivals” to our success. Generally speaking, many people will see the one who “pushes him into the river” as an opponent. However, if you think in a deeper sense, you will realize that it is also a blessing and opportunity to have someone like that! It is the one who “pushes you into the river” who makes you feel the sense of crisis and stimulates your ambition and desire to strive! You will resolve to eliminate all difficulties and progress to another stage of your life!

  或許那位男子在回頭想想整件事情的經(jīng)過后,會(huì)有很大的收獲,也會(huì)很感謝那 位推他下河的人。把不利變有利,將壞事變好事,這樣的例子在現(xiàn)實(shí)屢見不鮮。但很 少有人能認(rèn)識(shí)到造成這個(gè)結(jié)果的那個(gè)“對(duì)手”在此之中所起的重要作用。一般講來, 多數(shù)人都會(huì)把推他“下河”的人視做敵人,不過你只要往深處想想就會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn),這未嘗 不是一種福分、一種機(jī)遇。有這樣一推你“下河”的人的存在,會(huì)促使你產(chǎn)生危機(jī) 感,從而激發(fā)你更加旺盛的精神和斗志!你會(huì)下定決心排除一切艱難險(xiǎn)阻,在前行 路上躍上一個(gè)更髙的舞臺(tái)!

  In our world, one creature without any rivals is a lifeless creature. If a man lives without rivals, he is bound to be satisfied with the present and will not strive for the better. He would hold back before all difficulties and decline in inaction and laziness. Adverse environment tends to cultivate successful people. Therefore, your rivals are not your opponents or those you grudge. Instead, they are your good friends! In our lives, we need some rivals to “push us into the river”,leaving us striving ahead in all difficulties and competitions. In our work, we need some rivals to be picky about us and supervise our work with rigorous requirements and standards. Due to our rivals, we can bring out our potential to the best; Due to our rivals, we will continuously promote our capabilities when competing with them!

  在這個(gè)優(yōu)勝劣汰的世界,任何一種生物,假如沒有了對(duì)手,必將變得死氣沉沉。 假如一個(gè)人沒有了對(duì)手,他就會(huì)變得安于現(xiàn)狀,不思進(jìn)取。以后遇到困難,他會(huì)畏 縮,最終在怠惰和沒落中消沉。逆境往往造就成功,因此,對(duì)手不是你的敵人,而是 你的浄友、摯友,你不必嫉恨他。人生中,我們需要一些對(duì)手推自己“下河”,讓自己 無論路遇多少艱難競(jìng)爭(zhēng),也會(huì)奮勇向前。在工作中,我們需要一些對(duì)手,對(duì)自己百般 挑剔,督促你發(fā)現(xiàn)不足,嚴(yán)要求,高標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。有了對(duì)手,我們就會(huì)把自己的潛能發(fā)揮到 極致;有了對(duì)手,我們就會(huì)在與對(duì)手的比拼中不斷提高自身能力,站得更高更遠(yuǎn)!


  The jaguar


  The jaguar has his home in the New World. He lives in the great forests of South America.


  His skin is covered with dark spots, something like the leopard's, and he may be called theleopard of America.


  The favourite food of the jaguar is the flesh of the monkey; but he finds it no easy task tocatch the nimble monkeys.


  Sometimes, however, he finds them sleeping high up on the trees; and then he steals amongthem before they are aware that he is near.


  A few strokes of his terrible paw soon dashes some of them to the ground. The jaguar thendescends, to feast at his leisure.


  Travellers in the forests often hear the fierce roar of the jaguar, mingled with the yells of themonkeys. These sounds tell of the deadly work that is going on among the trees.


  The jaguar also feeds on other animals, and is strong enough to kill a deer or a horse.


  If any animal pursued by the jaguar should take to the water, that makes no difference to him.He plunges into the water after it, and soon seizes his prey.


  The jaguar is also fond of fish, and watches for them by the river-side.


  As soon as a fish comes within reach, he strikes it with his paw, and with his sharp claws hethrows it on the bank.


  He catches birds too; and so quick are his movements, that he will bound within reach of a bird,and strike it down before it has time to escape.




  For many potential entrée animals this [sound of lion roar] is one of the scariest sounds around. Scientists long thought the lion's distinctive roar was due to thick layers of fat inside the vocal cords. But new research suggests that it's not the fat that makes the roar, it's the shape of the vocal cords themselves.


  Most animals have triangular vocal cords. But the lion's mighty pipes are square. Tigers’ too. That square shape allows the tissue to withstand more stretching, which lets the big cats create louder roars using lower lung pressure. The finding is the journal Public Library of Science ONE. [Sarah Klemuk et al., "Adapted to Roar: Functional Morphology of Tiger and Lion Vocal Folds"]

  多數(shù)動(dòng)物的聲帶是三角形的。但獅子強(qiáng)有力的聲帶是方形的。老虎的也是如此。方形可以使聲帶組織承受更大幅度的伸展,由此大型貓科動(dòng)物可以在肺部施加較小壓力的情況下發(fā)出更大的咆哮聲。以上發(fā)現(xiàn)刊登在公共科學(xué)圖書館期刊。(《適于咆哮:對(duì)于老虎和獅子聲帶的功能形態(tài)學(xué)研究》作者:Sarah Klemuk及其他人)

  When we say loud, we mean loud. Lion roars can travel over five miles, and reach up to 114 decibels, which is as loud as a jet airplane taking off. The researchers suggest that the fat is there to cushion the cords, and to provide tissue for repair if the cords get damaged.


  Understanding how that repair happens might help doctors fix damaged vocal cords in humans, too. Which would have to be called a roaring success.


  —Rose Eveleth





