學習啦 > 學習英語 > 生活英語 > 求職英語 > 職場社交英語(3)


時間: 楚欣650 分享



  Zina: My accounts go where I go. Vince knows that.

  吉娜: 我到哪里,客戶就跟到哪。文斯知道的。

  Dave: Wow. You are a real snake.

  戴夫: 哇。你真狡猾。

  Zina: It's business, Dave.

  吉娜: 這是生意經(jīng),戴夫。

  Dave: I know, I know. Kill, or die, right?

  戴夫: 我知道,我知道。不是殺人就是被殺,對吧?

  Zina: Right. The 1) faint of heart should not 2) apply.

  吉娜: 沒錯。絕對不可以顯得膽小。

  Dave: I really feel sorry for that rhumba boy if he ever 3) identifies himself.

  戴夫: 若那個倫巴男孩現(xiàn)身,我還真會替他感到難過。

  Zina: So do I.

  吉娜: 我也是。


  A: She applied so much make-up to her face that I don't recognize her anymore.


  B: I thought she was wearing a mask.


  【So do I. 我也是?!?/p>

  談話中對方提到某種想法或動作,而你要表示同感時常會用到這個句型,要注意助動詞do要置于主詞 I 之前。類似的句型還有So am I.也表示“我也是”。

  使用So do I 或So am I 取決于對方是否使用be動詞,使用be 動詞則用So am I,其他動詞則用So do I. 。

  A: I want to find out where John is.


  B: So do I.


  A: I'm anxious to know if I'm admitted to the college.


  B: So am I.


  1) faint of heart 心生畏懼

  2) apply (v.) 適用,運用

  3) identify oneself 表明身分

  SCENE① A 加州的資訊王辦公室


  Zina: Dave! Look at this!

  吉娜: 戴夫!你看這個!

  Dave: You don't have to yell, Zina. I'm just one 1) cubicle away.

  戴夫: 你不必用喊的,吉娜。我才離你一個隔間而已。

  Zina: Somebody left another green post-it note.

  吉娜: 有人留了另一張綠色便條紙。

  Dave: Was it your humba boy again?

  戴夫: 又是你那個“倫巴男孩”啊?

  Zina: It says, You look so 2) frail, / but I know you're tough like a nail. / To me, you are more beautiful than free e-mail.

  吉娜: 上面寫著:“你看來嬌柔,但我知道你如鋼鐵般強韌。對我來說,你比免費的伊妹兒還要討人喜歡。”

  Dave: Wow. He really likes you, doesn't he?

  戴夫: 哇,他還真喜歡你,不是嗎


  A: Brian went off in class and yelled at the teacher.


  B: That guy is totally out of control.

  那家伙真是 完全失去控制了。

  【doesn't he? 不是嗎?】


  A: This is the book that you want,isn't it?


  B: Yes, it is.


  A: You don't like coffee, do you?


  B: No, I don't.


  1)cubicle (n.) (辦公室) 隔間

  2) frail (a.) 柔弱的


  Zina: Who has been here already this morning?

  吉娜: 今天有誰一早就在這里了?

  Dave: Well, Vince dropped off some sales reports for you. Said you signed a big deal with HomeSupplies.com.

  戴夫: 呃,文斯丟了一些銷售報告給你。說你簽下了HomeSupplies.com這個大客戶。

  Zina: They're 1) small fry. Tonight I'm going to LA to 2) negotiate with Stars.com. That'll be big.

  吉娜: 小菜一碟。我今晚要飛去洛杉磯跟Stars.com協(xié)商。那可大了。

  Dave: You're right. All the 3) entertainment web sites follow Stars.com.

  戴夫: 沒錯。所有的娛樂網(wǎng)站都以Stars.com馬首是瞻。

  Zina: Who else has been here?

  吉娜: 還有誰到過這里來?

  Dave: Elvin stopped by to see me.

  戴夫: 艾文順道過來找了我一會兒。

  Zina: Elvin? Which one is he?

  吉娜: 艾文?他是哪一個啊?


  A: Did you sign a contract before agreeing to work for him?


  B: He told me we would do it later.

  他說那個晚點兒 再簽。

  【stop by 順道拜訪】

  stop by是指你在要去一個地方的途中,因為順路而到某人家拜訪:

  A:I was going to the store and thought I would stop by.


  B:I'm so glad you did!


  stop by也可以用來表達“稍作停留,不會久留”的意思:

  A: I just stopped by to see if you needed anything.


  B: I need some more cough medicine.


  1) small fry 微不足道的事

  2) negotiate (v.) 協(xié)商,協(xié)調(diào)

  3) entertainment (n.) 娛樂


  Dave: You don't know Elvin? 1) Studly programmer 2) numero uno? With the 3) ponytail and nose ring?

  戴夫: 你不認識艾文?那個頭好壯壯,叫我第一名的程序設計師?綁馬尾穿鼻環(huán)的那個?

  Zina: Great. A 4) geek and a 5) punk all rolled into one. Just my type.

  吉娜: 好極了。集怪胎與朋克于一身。正合我意。

  Dave: You think he's the one?

  戴夫: 你覺得那個人就是他?

  Zina: Could be. He sounds like a 6) prime suspect.

  吉娜: 有可能。他聽起來很像頭號嫌疑犯。

  Dave: What about your 7) assistant? She was here looking for you just now.

  戴夫: 那你的助理呢?她剛剛才來找過你。

  Zina: Mary? Please, Dave. Anyway, I know it couldn't be her. She has a boyfriend.

  吉娜: 瑪莉?幫幫忙,戴夫。反正我知道不可能是她。她有男朋友了。

  Dave: Yeah, but I bet he's nothing like you.

  戴夫: 是啊,但我敢說他跟你可不一樣。


  A: What's your job title?


  B: I'm an assistant professor of chemistry.


  【be nothing like... 可不像……】

  be nothing like...這個句型可以用來比較兩個人的不同:

  A: Your sister is nothing like you.


  B: I know, she's much more independent than I am.



  A: This job is nothing like the one I used to have.


  B: Hang in there. Maybe it will get better.


  1) studly (a.) (俚) 健壯帥氣的

  2) numero uno(意,西)即 number one “第一名,頭號人物”。

  3) ponytail (n.)(發(fā)飾)馬尾

  4) geek (n.) 怪胎

  5) punk (n.) 朋克,指發(fā)型服飾怪異新潮的族群,指源于美國70年代因搖滾樂興起的運動。

  6) prime suspect 頭號嫌疑犯

  7) assistant (n.) 助手

  SCENE② A 艾文與瑪莉在意式濃縮咖啡前出現(xiàn)


  Mary: Are you Elvin?

  瑪莉: 你是艾文嗎?

  Elvin: Elvin Dixon. Who are you?

  艾文: 艾文迪克森。你是誰?

  Mary: I'm Mary. I want to say I really 1) admire the software you're designed.

  瑪莉: 我是瑪莉。我真的很欣賞你設計的軟件。

  Elvin: Easy stuff. But thanks. And the 1)admiration is 2) mutual.

  艾文: 簡單的玩意。不過還是謝了。這份欣賞是彼此彼此。

  Mary: It is?

  瑪莉: 真的?

  Elvin: You're selling InfoKing 3) subscriptions like nobody's business. And we don't even have a working 4) demo yet.

  艾文: 你把“資訊王”的訂閱賣得如入無人之境。 而我們甚至連能用的樣品都還沒著落呢。

  Mary: I can't take the credit for that. I'm just Zina's assistant. She's the 5) pro.

  瑪莉: 我不敢居功。我只是吉娜的助手。她才是高手。


  A: Here's a demo of our product.


  B: Thank you. I'll take a look at it and get back in touch with you.


  【like nobody's business 如入無人之境】

  like nobody's business可以用來表達“無人能出其右”,形容此人相當有一手:

  A: They play the blues like nobody's business.


  B: I have to go and see them.


  【take the credit居功】

  credit是“功勞,贊揚”的意思,take the credit就是指“因為功勞而接受贊揚”,可以用在正面的“居功”。

  A: Josh, you are amazing!


  B: I can't take the credit for this job. We all worked hard on it.


  1) admire (v.) 仰慕,欽羨;名詞是admiration

  2) mutual (a.) 互相的

  3) subscription (n.) 訂閱

  4) demo (n.) (商品的)樣品,demonstration的略縮。

  5) pro (n.) 專家,系professional 的略縮