

時間: 韋彥867 分享



  A: Hello, how may I help you today?

  B: Hi. I would like to increase my Internet data.

  A: I'll be glad to help you with that. What's your account number?

  B: I don't have my account number with me, but my phone number is 310-865-9274.

  A: Alright. I see you use our mobile service.

  B: Yes. I also have a landline.

  A: According to my file, you are eligible for an upgrade to our new service.

  B: What does this new service include?

  A: It makes the Internet connection twice as fast.

  B: That sounds perfect! Is there a price increase?

  A: Yes, that will be more per month.

  B: Sign me up right away!


  A: I'm interested in signing up for your cable service.

  B: Alright, please choose the package you'd like.

  A: Does this package get me all the movie channels?

  B: I'm afraid not. This is the basic package.

  A: How much is it for the movie channels?

  B: That package is an extra a month.

  A: That's going to cost me an arm and a leg!

  B: You'll also get the premium sports channels.

  A: Well, that does sound tempting.

  B: If you sign up for our email updates, I'll give you a discount.

  A: Alright, I'll take the premium package.

  B: You've made a wonderful choice.


  A: Hello, is this the Smith residence?

  B: Yes it is, may I ask who is calling?

  A: This is your bank calling in regards to an overcharge on your credit card.

  B: I'm sorry, there must be some mistake.

  A: It says here that you charged over 0 on it yesterday.

  B: That can't be right; I have not used it in months!

  A: Are you saying you did not make that charge?

  B: That's exactly what I am saying.

  A: Looking closer, this charge was made in a different city.

  B: I am looking for my card now and I cannot find it.

  A: This calls for further investigation.

  B: I assure you I did not make the purchase.





