1.When you put money in the bank, you write the date and the amount deposited on a deposit slip.
2.When you spend your income, you are buying things from the market. You may spend money in stores, supermarkets, gas stations, and restaurants. Still you are buying from the market. When the local grocer hires you to drive the delivery truck, he is buying your labor in the labor market.
3.The market may seem to be a fuzzy sort of thing. But for each person(or business)who is making and selling something, it's very real. The market is telling you something.
4.It's telling you that you are using your energies and resources in doing something the market doesn't want you to do.
5.The banks are commercial enterprises and like many other businesses are organized as companies which are owned by shareholders.
1.The majority of shares on the listed exchange, not just those included in narrow stock indexes.
2.In analyzing a business, the users of financial statements should consider its liquidity, solvency, and profitability.
3.China’s banking industry is now supervised by the PBC and CBRC. In addition, the MOF is in charge of financial accounting and taxation part of banking regulation and management.
4.The person who makes a guarantee is secondarily liable if the person who is primarily liable defaults.
5.Bills of exchange, also referred to as bills, are essentially a short term credit instrument that can be used by a company either for financing or investment. Bills can be issued for any term up to a year and are generally issued for periods of less than 6 months.
5. 匯票,也叫票據(jù),主要指一種可用作公司籌資或投資的短期信用票據(jù)。匯票的使用期限可以是一年以內(nèi)的任何期限,但通常在六個月以內(nèi)。
6.What is money? Anything which performs the functions of money is money. Money's essential characteristic is that it is generally acceptable. When people generally refuse to accept something as money, it is not money.