學(xué)習(xí)啦 > 學(xué)習(xí)英語(yǔ) > 英語(yǔ)短語(yǔ) > 2016中考英語(yǔ)重點(diǎn)短語(yǔ)用法總結(jié)


時(shí)間: 焯杰674 分享




  1 . cost / take / spend / pay 花費(fèi)

  花費(fèi)時(shí)間做某事 : It takes sb some time to do sth . = sb spend some time (in)doing sth .= sb spend some time on sth .

  某人花錢買某物 : sb spend some money on sth . = sb pay some money for sth . = sth cost sb . some money .

  ※ spend 和 pay 主語(yǔ)都是人, cost 主語(yǔ)是物。

  ※ spent 還可以指“度過(guò)”→ How did you spend your weekend ?

  The sweater ________ me 90 yuan . = I _______ 90 yuan for the sweater .=I _____ 90 yuan on the sweater .

  He spent lots of money ________ the mobile phone .

  It ________ her 20 minutes to go home every day . = He ________ 20 minutes ________ home every day .

  2 . thanks for為…而感謝

  ⑴ ______ inviting me to your birthday party .

  thanks to 多虧/由于

 ?、芲_____ your help .I got good grades .

  3 . 感嘆句 :多么… what + 名詞

  how + 形容詞 / 副詞

 ?、? ______ bad weather ! ⑵. ______ hard he works !

 ?、? ______ fresh vegetables ! ⑷. ______ cute a monkey it is !

  4 . 因?yàn)椤⒂捎?: because( 連詞 ) +從句: ( 表示原因 )

  because of(介詞短語(yǔ)) + 名詞(短語(yǔ) )= thanks to

 ?、?I didn’t go to school ______ I had a headache .

  He was late for class ______ the bad weather .

  He can’t come _____ he is ill .

  Many people have a cold _____ the cold weather .

  ※because和 so不能同時(shí)連用 .

  5 . 來(lái)自 : be from = come from

 ?、?Where are you from ? = Where ______ you ______ ______ ?

 ?、?He is from Tibet . = He ______ ______ Tibet .

  6 . How often 對(duì)頻率提問(wèn) ( 多久一次) →回答用表示頻率的副詞或短語(yǔ)

  How long 對(duì)一段時(shí)間提問(wèn) (多久 ) →回答用表示一段時(shí)間的狀語(yǔ)

  How soon 對(duì)將來(lái)時(shí)間提問(wèn) ( 多久 ) →回答用 in+時(shí)間段

  How far 詢問(wèn)多長(zhǎng)距離(多長(zhǎng))

  ⑴- ______ have you been collecting the kites ? -For ten years .

 ?、? ______ do you go shopping ? -Sometimes.

 ?、?- ______ will your father come back ? - In two years .

 ?、? _____ do you exercise ? - Once a week .

  ⑸- _____ is it from your home to school ? - About ten miles .

 ?、? _____ are you staying there ? - Two weeks .

  7 . 乘交通工具 : take a / the +交通工具 在句中作謂語(yǔ)

  by+交通工具=on a 交通工具在句中作方式狀語(yǔ)


  ⑴ He takes a bus to bank .= He goes to bank by bus . = He goes to bank on a bus .

 ?、?I walk to school . = I go to school ______ .

  ※ 騎自行車、馬或驢用ride : ride one’s bike / ride a horse / ride a donkey in one’s car

  8 . 對(duì)不起 : Excuse me (勞駕,客套話 )

  Sorry ( 表示道歉 )

 ?、?______ .Where is Tianfu Square in Chengdu ?

  ⑵–Would you mind cleaning your room ? - ______ . I’ll do it right away .

 ?、? Don’t eat in class . - _____ . Ms Clark .

  ⑷ _____ , is this the way to the station ?

  9 . 聲音 : sound ( 自然界各種聲音 )



 ?、臠ucy has a sweet ______ . ⑵That ______ like a good idea .

 ?、荄on’t make ______ . The baby is sleeping .

  10 . look like (外貌看起來(lái)像… )

  be like ( 性格像… )

 ?、?Lily _____ _____ Lucy . Oh , they are twins .

 ?、?Tony ______ ______ a monkey because he is cute and playful .

  11 . take… to … 帶去

  bring…to …帶來(lái)

  fetch 沒(méi)有方向性(強(qiáng)調(diào)來(lái)回)

 ?、?Tony . ______ the ball here .Please .

  ⑵ My father often ______ me ______ concerts on Sundays .

 ?、?______ your homework _____ school tomorrow .

  12. 一些 : some 用于肯定句

  any 用于否定句和疑問(wèn)句

  ⑴ I’d like ______ milk .

 ?、?–Would you like ______ yogurt ?

  _ Thanks . I don’t want ______ .

  ※ 在一般疑問(wèn)句中,認(rèn)為對(duì)方的答案會(huì)是肯定的,或期望得到對(duì)方肯定回答時(shí),也用some .

  13. 多少 : How many修飾可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)

  How much 修飾不可數(shù)名詞

  ⑴ ______ juice do you want ? ⑵ ______ apples do you want ?

 ?、? ______is the T-shirt ? –It’s 30 yuan .

  ※ How much可對(duì)價(jià)錢提問(wèn):How much are the potatoes ?

  14. 看 :see 強(qiáng)調(diào)看的結(jié)果

  look ( at ) 不及物動(dòng)詞,強(qiáng)調(diào)看的動(dòng)作

  watch 觀看:比賽、電視、表演、電影

  read 讀,朗讀:看書(shū)、看報(bào)、看信、看雜志

 ?、臘on’t______ in bed .

 ?、?We will ______ a basketball game this evening .

 ?、?Please ______ the blackboard . Everyone .

  ⑷ I ______ a bird in the tree yesterday .

  ※On Saturday night . I saw an interesting talk show .

  On Saturday evening . several kids watched a movie . watch a movie =go to a movie

  15. stop doing sth 停止做某事 → Please stop talking .

  stop to do sth 停下來(lái)去做別的事

 ?、?The girl soon stopped ______ (cry ) . ⑵ He was tired and stopped ______ (have ) a rest .

  16. forget / remember后接不定式表示未發(fā)生的動(dòng)作:

  △forget / remember to do sth(忘記/記得去做某事)→ He forgot to turn off the light .(沒(méi)有做關(guān)燈的動(dòng)作) Remember to go to the post office after school .

  forget / remember 后接ving表示已發(fā)生的動(dòng)作:

  △forget / remember doing sth(忘記/記得做過(guò)某事)→ He forgot turningoff the light .(已做過(guò)關(guān)燈的動(dòng)作) Don’t you remember seeing the man before ?

  17. 到達(dá)… reach + 地點(diǎn)

  get to + 地點(diǎn) reach = get to

  arrive + in + 大地點(diǎn)

  arrive + at + 小地點(diǎn)

 ?、?He reached London yesterday . = He ______ to London yesterday . = He ______ in London yesterday .

  ⑵ She arrived ______ the bus station just now . ⑶ You should ______ ( get ) home on time .

  ※ 當(dāng)get to和 arrive at /in后接地點(diǎn)副詞時(shí),都不加介詞。如:get home get there 省略 to

  18. 擅長(zhǎng),在…方面做得好 : be good at = do well in .

  ⑴ She is good at chemistry . = She ______ ______ ______ chemistry .

 ?、?Niuniu is good at ______ the violin . = Niuniu ______ well in ______ the violin .

  ⑶ Lucy and Lily are twin girls .Lucy is better ______ dancing than Lily .but Lily _____ ______ in singing than Lucy .

  19. win ( 贏得 )接a game、 war 、a match、 a prize

  beat( 打敗、戰(zhàn)勝 )接運(yùn)動(dòng)員、球隊(duì)、對(duì)手等。

 ?、?Which team ______ the football match ?

 ?、?Wang Hao ______ Ma Lin and ______ the champion of the Men’s Singles .

  20. 借 borrow sth . from sb = borrow sb . sth 向某人借某物→ borrow借入

  lend sth . to sb = lend sb . sth把某物借給某人 → lend 借出

  keep延續(xù)性動(dòng)詞 ,與一段時(shí)間連用。

 ?、?Can you lend me your bike ? = Can you ______ your bike ______ me ?

 ?、?You can borrow some money ____ your brother . = You can borrow yourbrother ____ ____.

 ?、?- How long can I ______ the book ?

  - You can _____ it for two weeks .

  ※ 類似用法的還有:buy — have put on — wear become — be

  leave — be away from open — be open begin — be on

  die — be dead return — be back

 ?、?become He has ______ a doctor .

  He has ______ a doctor for 10 years .

 ?、?begin The film has ______ .

  The film has _________ for ten minutes .

  21. 能,會(huì)。be able to


  ※ 情態(tài)動(dòng)詞后面都接動(dòng)詞原形。

  ⑴ We should ______ able to finish the work tomorrow .

 ?、?I can ______ (play) the guitar .⑶ He ______ able to play chess .

  22. too many 太多 — 修飾可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)→ I have too many rules in my house .

  too much 太多 — 修飾不可數(shù)名詞→ Maybe you have too much yin .

  much too太— 后跟形容詞或副詞原級(jí)→ This coat is much too expensive .

 ?、?Eating _____ ______ is bad for your health .

 ?、?It’s ______ ______cold today . You’d better not go out .

 ?、荰here are______ ______ students in the hallways . It’s dangerous .

  23. have / has been to 去過(guò)某地 →He has been to Beijing . (現(xiàn)在不在北京)

  have / has gone to 去了某地 →He has gone to Beijing . (現(xiàn)在可能在北京,或在去北京的途中)

  have/hasbeen in / at在某地

 ?、臝 have ever _______ ______ America twice .

  ⑵ He has ______ ______ Beijing for ten years .

 ?、?ndash; Where is your brother ?

  - He______ ______ to Hainan .

 ?、?_____ you ever ______ ______ Disneyland ?

  24. used to do sth .過(guò)去常做某事→ This river used to be very clean .

  be(get)used to doing sth .習(xí)慣于做某事 → I’m not used to getting up early .

  be used to do sth = be used for doing sth . 被用于做某事→ Pens are used for writing .

 ?、?XiaoGang ______ ______ ______ afraid of the dark .

  ⑵ Thebroom is ______ ______ clean the room . = The broom is ______ ______ cleaning the room .

 ?、?He ______ ______ ______ living countryside .There is fresh air and sweet well .

  ⑷ Wood _____ _____ _____ making paper .

  25. belong to + 名詞 / 人稱代詞賓格 (屬于)

  be + 名詞所有格 / 名詞性物主代詞 (是)

 ?、臝t must ______ Ning’s .= It must _________ Ning .

  ⑵ The pencil must be ______ (my) . = The pencil must belong to ______ (my) .

 ?、?This ball ______ to me .= This ball is ______ .

  26. can’t 不可能 0

  表示推測(cè)、判斷 could/might 也許、可能 50﹪— 80﹪

  must 肯定、一定 100﹪

 ?、?The CD _____ belong to Tony . because he likes listening to music .

  ⑵ The notebook ______ be mine .It has my name on it .

 ?、?The toy ______ be my grandpa . After all .He is an old man .

  27. be made from (由…制成)看不出原材料

  be made of (由…制成)看得出原材料

 ?、?The table ______ ______ ______ wood .

 ?、?Paper ______ ______ ______ wood .

  28. prefer to do sth 寧愿做某事

  prefer sth . to sth . 喜歡…而不喜歡…

  prefer doing sth . to doing sth . 喜歡做…而不喜歡做…

  ⑴ I prefer ______ (swim) to ______ (play) balls . ⑵ He _______ fish to beef .

 ?、?I prefer to ______ (walk) to work .

  29. 一些表示人的情感或情緒的形容詞 : —ed 修飾人

  —ing 修飾物

 ?、?I want to go somewhere ______ (relaxing/relaxed) .

 ?、?She is ______ in this ______ history story . (interesting/interested )

  ※ interesting(有趣的) — interested(感興趣的) tiring(累人的)— tired(累的,疲倦的)

  boring (令人無(wú)聊的)— bored(無(wú)聊的)exciting(令人興奮的)— excited(激動(dòng)的)

  surprising(令人驚訝的) — surprised(驚訝的)

  relaxing(令人放松的) — relaxed(放松的)

  embarrassing (令人尷尬的;令人為難的) — embarrassed (尷尬的;為難的)

  30. the number of + 名詞復(fù)數(shù)(…的數(shù)量)作主語(yǔ), 謂語(yǔ)用單數(shù)。

  a number of + 名詞復(fù)數(shù) (許多、一些)= many

 ?、?The number of students in our class______ 80 .

 ?、?______ number of students are in Helin Middle School .

  31. for + 一段時(shí)間

  since + 時(shí)間點(diǎn)/過(guò)去時(shí)的句子

 ?、?We have been studying English ______ three years .

 ?、?He has been staying here ______ he was five years old . .

  ⑶ We haven’t seen each other ______ ten years ago .

  ※ for和 since 可以相互轉(zhuǎn)換。如:Jenny has been collecting coins for several years .= Jenny has been collecting coins since several years ______ .

  32. 除…之外 except (不包括在內(nèi))→ Everyone could answer this question except Jim .

  besides (包括在內(nèi))→There are three girls besides me .

  ⑴ We all passed the exam ______ Li Yang .

 ?、?Many other students like basketball ______ Guo Xiaojun .

  33. already 用于肯定句中(已經(jīng))

  yet 用于疑問(wèn)句末(已經(jīng))


 ?、?Have you seen the film ______ ? ⑵ I haven’t locked the door ______ .

 ?、?Mom has _______ watered the flowers .

  34. 否定祈使句 Don’t + v.

  No + v.ing / n.

 ?、?Don’t smoke here . = ______ ______ here . ⑵ Don’t take photos. = ______ ______ .