學(xué)習(xí)啦 > 學(xué)習(xí)英語 > 英語短語 > 2016中考英語重點(diǎn)短語用法總結(jié)(2)


時(shí)間: 焯杰674 分享


  35. 也 too 放肯定句末和疑問句末→Do you play soccer every day , too ?

  either 放否定句末

  also 放肯定句中

  ※ also放在實(shí)意動(dòng)詞前,be之后。

  ⑴ She is a girl . I am a girl .______ . ⑵ He ______ likes collecting things .

 ?、?Lily doesn’t like junk food . Her good friend doesn’t like it . _______ .

 ?、?- I like soap operas . –I do , _____ .

  ⑸ - I can’t watch TV on school nights . –I can’t , _____ .

  36. be strict with sb. 對(duì)某人要求嚴(yán)格

  be strict in sth . 對(duì)某事要求嚴(yán)格

  Miss Zhang _____ _____ _____ her work and she _____ _____ _____ her students .

  37. 需要做某事 need to do sth 主語是人

  need doing sth 主語是物

 ?、?The classroom _____ cleaning . It’s too dirty . ⑵ Children _____ to sleep a lot .

 ?、?It’s very hot and dry . You need ______(wear)cool clothes and the flowers need ______ (water) .

  38. through →介詞: 從內(nèi)部穿過 (park)

  across →介詞:從表面穿過

  cross →動(dòng)詞(road. street. bridge)

  ⑴ Be careful when you ______ the street . ⑵ The manwent______ the forest .

 ?、?The train goes ______ the tunnel(隧道). ⑷He swam _____ the river .

 ?、?We drove _____ the desert (沙漠) . ⑹Take a walk _____ the park on Center Avenue .

  39. Why don’t you do sth = Why not do sth .

  提建議的方式 How /what about doing sth .

  Let’s do sth .

  ⑴ Why don’t you have a cup of tea ? = _____ _____ have a cup of tea ?

 ?、?Let’s _____ (go) out for a walk . ⑶ How about _____ (practice) conversations ?

  40. So + 助/系/情態(tài) + 主語 表示肯定意義(…也是如此)

  Neither + 助/系/情態(tài) + 主語 表示否定意義(…也不)

  ※ 它們都屬于倒裝句。

 ?、?My mother didn’t go to school .______ ______ my father .

  ⑵ James comes from theUSA .______ ______ Tom .

 ?、?My pen pal can speak Japanese . ______ ______ I . = Me ______ .

 ?、?My sister isn’t outgoing . ______ ______ I .= Me ______ .

  41. both 兩者都


 ?、?The twins _____ are good students .

  ⑵ There are lots of colorful flowers on _____ sides of the streets .

 ?、?There are five people in my family . We ______ like playing sports . My parents ______ love us . We are very happy .

  42. alone 單獨(dú),獨(dú)自一人 →He is alone at home .

  lonely 孤獨(dú)的,寂寞的。有一定的感情色彩 →He lives a lonely life in the country .

 ?、?Sometimes he feels quite _____ because he has no friends .

 ?、?She lives _____ in that large house .

  43 in the tree 外來的→I saw a cat in the tree .

  on the tree 長(zhǎng)在樹上的→There are many apples on the tree .

  ⑴ How many monkeys can you see _____ the tree ?

 ?、?There are a lot of bananas_____ the tree .

  44. in the wall 指在墻體內(nèi)

  on the wall 指在墻體表面

 ?、?There is a map _____ the wall .

  ⑵ There is a door _____ the wall .

  45. on the bed 指物品在床上→My bag is on the bed .

  in bed 指人躺在床上→Lily is ill in bed .

 ?、?There is a jacket ___________ .

  ⑵ I have to be ________ by ten o’clock .

  46. 引導(dǎo)結(jié)果狀語從句:so和such(如此…以至于…)

  so是副詞,后接adj和adv .句型:

  △so+adj/adv+that從句→He worked so hard that he got the first prize .

  △so+adj+a(n)+n.+that從句 = such+a(n)+adj+n.+that從句→That was so interesting a story that I read it twice .= That was such an interesting story that I read it twice .


  △such+a(n)+adj+n.+that從句→He is such a hard-working student that all the teachers love him .

  △such+pl./不可數(shù)n+that從句→It is such good weather that we can go swimming .

 ?、?He runs ____fast ____ we can’catch him . ⑵ Lili is ____a kind girl ____we all love her .

  ⑵ Tom is ____ a clever boy that he can answer the question .= Tom is ____ clever a boy that he can answer the question .

 ?、?The box is _____ heavy _____ I can’t carry it .

  ※ 在名詞前有many / much / few / little這些詞修飾時(shí),要用so…that 。so…that句型的否定形式可用簡(jiǎn)單句too…to或not…enough to代替。如:

  He is so young that he can’t go to school .

  = He is too young to go to school .

  = He is not old enough to go to school .

  47. 引導(dǎo)時(shí)間狀語從句 :

  when + 延續(xù)性/短暫性動(dòng)詞→When I was watching TV , he came in . = When he came in , I was watching TV .

  while+延續(xù)性動(dòng)詞(多用進(jìn)行時(shí))→While I was in Shanghai ,I visited him .

  ⑴ _____ he was sleeping . Someone knocked at the door .= He was sleeping _____ someone knocked at the door .

 ?、?_____ the boy heard his mother’s voice , he stopped crying .

 ?、?My mother was cooking _____ I was doing my homework ..

  48. at the age of 和 when 引導(dǎo)的時(shí)間狀語可以互換。

  I began to play football when I was five years old . = I began to play football ________ ____ ____ five .

  49. instead 放句首、句末

  instead of + n/pron/ving = rather than .

 ?、?I will go to see her ______ you . ⑵ He doesn’t like beer .give him coke ______ .

 ?、?We often sing English song ______ reading aloud .

  50. be famous as (作為…而知名) as + 職業(yè)/身份/地位→Yi Yuchun is famous as a super girl .

  be famous for (以…而著名) for + 出名的原因→Hangzhou is famous for the West Lake .

 ?、?Li Bai is famous ______ a poet . ⑵ Jackie Chan ia famous ______ his action movies .

  ⑶ France ia famous _____its fine food and wine .

  51. 看起來像是…似乎/好像… (sb/sth) seems to do sth

  It seems that +從句

 ?、?It _____ _____ he feels very sad . = He _____ _____ _____ very sad .

 ?、?She seems to want to have a drink .= _____ _____ that she _____ to have a drink .

  52. “疑問詞 + 動(dòng)詞不定式” 與“賓語從句”的互換 。

 ?、?I will show you where you should go .= I will show you _____ _____ _____ .

 ?、?Idon’t know what to do . = I don’t know what _____ . A should I do B I should do

 ?、?Could you tell me how I can get to Summer Palace ?= Could you tell me how _____ _____ _____ Summer Palace ?

  ※ 賓語從句應(yīng)該用陳述語序。如:Could you please tell me ____ ____ ____ ____ (天氣如何)in Chongqi ?

  53. 問題/難題 question 由于疑惑不解而提出的問題,多和ask / answer搭配使用。

  problem指有待解決的較難的問題或物理/數(shù)學(xué)方面的題等,多與solve / work out 搭配。

 ?、?Please answer my ________ in English . ⑵ I can’t work out this maths _______.

  ⑶ This is a difficult _______ to answer .

  54. family家/家庭(強(qiáng)調(diào)家庭成員,與居住的房子無關(guān))→My family are kind people .

  home 家(指人出生或居住的地方,帶有一定感情色彩)→Welcome to my home .

  house 房子/住宅(居住的建筑物)→They moved to their new house last year .

 ?、?How many people are there in your _____? ⑵ I want to save money and buy a big ____ .

 ?、?I love Chengdu , I looked Chengdu as my ______ .

  55. in front of (在…前面) 在某一范圍以外的前面→There is a tall tree in front of our classroom .

  in the front of (在…前部) 在某一范圍內(nèi)的前面→Two personsare sitting in the front of the car .

 ?、?The policeman stands ____________ the car . ⑵ The driver sits ____________ the car .

  56. 在晚上,在夜里 at night

  on + a + adj + night

 ?、?You shouldn’t go out _____ night . ⑵ He met a thief _____ a cold night .

  57. 在…之間 between (兩者之間)多與and連用。


 ?、?She is sitting ______ Lucy and Lily . ⑵ He built a house ______ the trees .

  58. sometimes 不時(shí);有時(shí)(是一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)的標(biāo)志詞)→Sometimes I go to school by bus .

  some times 幾次(此時(shí)time是可數(shù)名詞,意為“次數(shù)”)→He has been to Shanghai some times .

  sometime 某個(gè)時(shí)間(表示在過去或?qū)淼哪硞€(gè)時(shí)候)→ I saw him sometime last year .

  some time 一段時(shí)間(此時(shí)time是不可數(shù)名詞)→ He will stay here for some time .

 ?、?We are going to have a party ________ next week .⑵ _______ the boy is late for school .

 ?、?He spent _________ in cutting hair .So he missed the early bus .

 ?、?Li Jun has been to Bird’s Nest _________ .

  59. wear + 衣服/鞋帽/眼鏡等(強(qiáng)調(diào)狀態(tài))→Our teacher often wears a pair of glasses .

  put on +衣服/鞋帽/眼鏡等(強(qiáng)調(diào)動(dòng)作)→Kate puts on her hat and goes out .

  be in + 顏色/服飾(強(qiáng)調(diào)狀態(tài))→The girl in red is my sister .

  dress + 人/反身代詞 (給某人穿) →She dresses her daughter every morning .

 ?、?You’d better ______ your coat . ⑵ She was _______ a flower in her hair .

 ?、?The boy ______ white is my friend . ⑷ He is too young to ______ himself .

  ⑸ Miss Li often _____ the white sports shoes .

  ※ dress當(dāng)表示狀態(tài)時(shí)常用be dressed in + 衣物(穿著…顏色的衣服)→He is dressed in a black coat .他常穿著黑色的外套。

  60. play + 球類、棋類名詞(不加the )play badminton / play chess / play computer games

  play the +樂器名詞。(必須加the) play the violin

  ⑴ - Do you like to play ______ football after class , Li Lei ?

  - Yes ,I do . A .a B .the C . /

 ?、?Sam can’t play ________ (piano), but he can play ________ (chess) .

  61. There be 強(qiáng)調(diào)“某處有…”

  have 強(qiáng)調(diào)“某人有…”

 ?、?________ two computers in the room . ⑵ My uncle _______ a car .

  ※ 當(dāng)表示整體與局部的關(guān)系時(shí),there be與have可互換使用。如:There are twelve months in a year .= A year has twelve months . 一年有十二個(gè)月。

  62. speak 指說話的能力,也可表示“演講、發(fā)言”。其后可以接語言類詞匯。

  say強(qiáng)調(diào)說的內(nèi)容。say sth .to sb .→Please say hello to him .

  talk指相互之間的談話。talk to / with sb表示與某人交談,talk about sb / sth 表示“談?wù)撃橙?/某事”。 →She is talking with her boss .

  tell側(cè)重指“告訴”,后接雙賓語或復(fù)合賓語:tell sb .sth. → Please tell me the time .

  tell sb (not) . to do sth .→ She told me to wait for her .

  ※ tell可以和lie , story 搭配。如: tell a lie / tell a story / tell a joke / tell a truth .

 ?、?From his face we could see that he was _____ a lie . ⑵ She is ______ at the meeting .

 ?、?Fangfang _____ she is at home . ⑷ They are ______ about the weather .

 ?、?He can’t _____ it in French , but he can _____ English .

  63. if引導(dǎo)條件狀語從句 真實(shí)條件狀語從句 — 主句是將來時(shí),從句用現(xiàn)在時(shí)代替將來。

  虛擬條件狀語從句 — 虛擬語氣

 ?、?If I _____ (be) a bird , I would ______ (fly) in the sky .

  ⑵ If it _______ (not) rain ,We will climb the hill .

 ?、?If I _____ (win) a million dollars , I would ______ (travel) around the world .

  ⑷ If he _____ (study) hard , he will get good grades .

  64. 強(qiáng)調(diào)動(dòng)作 強(qiáng)調(diào)結(jié)果

  找 look for尋找 find找到

  看 look (at)看 see看見

  聽 listen (to)聽 hear聽見

  look for / find

 ?、?I am _______ my watch , but I can’t _______ it anywhere .

  look at / see

 ?、?Please _______ your books , boys and girls . ⑵ ______ ! What a playful monkey it is !

  listen to / hear

 ?、?Don’t shout ! I can _______ you .

 ?、?Ann likes _______ music with her friends on weekends .

  65. ago 副詞,“以前”,一段時(shí)間后接ago .


 ?、?I have never been there _______ .

  ⑵ Please call me ______ you go .

 ?、?My brother joined the army two years ______ .

  ⑷ Long long ______ , There was seven dwarfs(小矮人)in the forest .

  66. 別的,其他的other 修飾名詞,用于名詞前。→What other animals do you like ?

  else修飾不定代詞/疑問代詞/疑問副詞,放它們的后面。→What else do you have to do ?

 ?、臲ou’d better ask some ______ people .

 ?、?There is nothing _____ on the desk .

  67. every day 每天,作狀語。


 ?、?We go to school at 7:00 ________ .

  ⑵ What’s your ______ activity ?

  68. happen 主要指偶然發(fā)生的事

  take place 表示預(yù)先決定的事

  ※ happen 和take place都不用于被動(dòng)語態(tài)

 ?、?A traffic accident _______ yesterday .

  ⑵ The May Fourth Movement (五四運(yùn)動(dòng)) _________ in 1919 .

  69. one …the other 一個(gè)…另一個(gè)

  some …others 一些…另一些 (另一些并不包括全部)

  some …the others一些…其他的(其他的包括剩下的全部)

 ?、?I have two brothers, _____ is a teacher , _______ is a doctor .

 ?、?_____ students are in the classroom , ________ are out .

 ?、?At the party , ______ are dancing , ______ are singing

  70. be alive 作后置定語

  living + n. 作前置定語

  The old man is a great and ______ scientist .He is still ______ .

  71. on one’s + 序數(shù)詞 + birthday (在某人幾歲生日時(shí))

  in one’s + 整十的基數(shù)詞的復(fù)數(shù) (在某人幾十多歲時(shí))

 ?、?Edisoninvented many things in his _______ (twenty) .

 ?、?On my ______ (twenty) birthday . I got a newmobile phone .

  72. till = until (直到) “延續(xù)性動(dòng)詞(肯定式)+ until”譯為“直到…為止”

  “瞬間性動(dòng)詞/延續(xù)性動(dòng)詞的否定式not + until”譯為“直到…才”

 ?、?He waited until ten o’clock .翻譯:____________________

 ?、?He didn’t go to bed until he had finished his work . 翻譯:____________________

  73. 疑問句+ ever = no matter + 疑問句 →引導(dǎo)讓步狀語從句:whatever = no matter what (無論什么) whenever = no matter when (無論何時(shí)) whoever = no matter who (無論誰)

  wherever = no matter where (無論在哪里) however = no matter how(無論如何)

  74. 數(shù)詞 - 名詞 - (形容詞) 復(fù)合形容詞作定語

  數(shù)詞 + 名詞復(fù)數(shù)

  ⑴ He is a two-year-old boy . = The boy is two _____ old .

 ?、?Look ! This is a ______ buildings .A 70-floors B 70-floor C 70 floors

  ⑶ We have ______ (兩天) holiday .

 ?、?Twelve-year-olds should be allowed to choose their own clothes .

  ※ Twelve-year-olds 表示一類人。(12歲的人)

  75. agree with sb .同意某人的意見→ I don’t agree with you .

  agree to sth .同意某人的建議/辦法/計(jì)劃等 → He agreed to my plan .

  76. believe 表示相信某人的話→ I believe you .= I believe that you say .

  believe in表示信任,相信···的存在 → I believe ib that man . / Believe in God .相信上帝的存在。

  77. run out不及物動(dòng)詞短語,指物用完,用光 → My money has run out .

  run out of及物動(dòng)詞短語,指人用完,用光了物→ I have run out of my money .

  78. maybe = perhaps或許/可能.副詞,在句中作狀語→ Maybe he will come here tomorrow .

  may be 或許/可能,may是情態(tài)動(dòng)詞,在句中作謂語→ He may be from the USA ,too .

  ※ maybe 和may be 可以互換:Maybe you are right . =You may be right .

  79. fist = first of all 第一,首先。強(qiáng)調(diào)事情發(fā)展的順序 → First I had to decide what to wear .

  at first = at the beginning 起初,起先。表示一件事情的開始階段→ I didn’t like this job at first .

  80. 表示時(shí)間的介詞

  in表示一段時(shí)間或較長(zhǎng)時(shí)間 → in the morning / afternoon / eveningin May ,2010

  on指在星期/具體某一天或特指某一天的上/下/晚上 → on Monday /on Children’sday /on Monday afternoon / on school nights

  at表示點(diǎn)時(shí)間或較短的時(shí)間 → at 8:00 / at noon / at night






