

時(shí)間: 玉蓮928 分享



  英 [ˈθɜ:ti] 美 [ˈθɜrti]


  n. 三十; 三十個(gè); 三十年代; 三十的記號;

  adj. 三十的,三十個(gè)的;


  1. 他全身發(fā)抖。He trembled all over.

  2. 他斜著眼睛看著那個(gè)姑娘,愛慕油然而生。He squinted at the girl, love rising in hisheart.

  3. 他站在那里,臉上帶著若有所思的神情。He stood there, with an air of thinking.

  4. 士兵們每4人一組前進(jìn)。The soldiers marched by fours.

  5. 衣服有點(diǎn)緊,但他還是使勁穿了進(jìn)去。Tight as the clothes were, he squeezed intothem.

  6. 他一躍而起。He sprang to his feet.

  7. 那孩子摔在地上,仰面朝天,一動(dòng)不動(dòng)。The child fell on his back, motionless.

  8. 孩子們像一群麻雀四散跑掉了。The children ran away in all directions, likea flock of sparrow.

  9. 火辣辣的太陽照在頭頂。The scorching sun beat down on my head.

  10. 這些規(guī)章制度對我來說沒有意義。The rules and regulations don't make anysense to me.

  11. 他坐在桌旁,嘴角叼著香煙。He sat at the desk, cigarette dangling fromthe corner of his mouth.

  12. 秘書是個(gè)五十歲上下的人,朝我笑了笑。The secretary, fifty-something, smiled at me.

  13. 我講完自己的故事,她哭了起來。When I was done with my story, she cried.

  14. 我突然意識(shí)到王老師的白發(fā)又比去年多了。It struck me that Mr. Wang had more gray hair than lastyear.

  15. 他爬上樹,手搭涼棚朝遠(yuǎn)處看了很久。He climbed up the tree, shading his eyes withhis hand and looking into the distance for a long time.

  16. 他的稅后收入高達(dá)5.5萬元每月。His after-tax income amounts to 55,000 yuanper month.

  17. 他翻過身去,背對著我。He rolled to his side, his back to me.

  18. 看著他那張飽經(jīng)風(fēng)霜的臉,我震驚了。Looking at his weather-worn face, I was shocked.

  19. 他是個(gè)糊里糊涂的人。He is a muddle-headed man.

  20. 她打開窗簾,頓時(shí)早晨的陽光灑滿房間。She pulled the curtain open and the morningsunshine flooded the room.

  21. 我爸爸做生意去了,媽媽生病了,所以就該我來做家務(wù)了。My father has gone out for business. Mymother is ill. It falls to me to do the housework.

  22. 我要的是家庭,而你注定是傳奇。I want a family, while you set to be a legend.

  23. 婚外情和家暴對社會(huì)穩(wěn)定形成了威脅。Extramarital affairs and family violence pose a threat to socialstability.

  24. 總共500學(xué)生參加了考試。500students in total sat the test.

  25. 她扭過頭來問道,“還記得我嗎?” She asked over her shoulder, "do youstill remember me ?"

  26. 生活欺負(fù)弱者,又有誰比孩子更弱呢?Life strikes the weak, and who is weaker than a child?

  27. 你最好去找他幫忙,以免事情失控。You'd better seek help from him to prevent things from getting outof hand.

  28. 進(jìn)屋他就開始收拾起東西來。Entering the house, he started tidying up.

  29. 他說著說著,眼眶里就噙滿了淚水。As he said it, his eyes brimmed with tears.

  30. 我們不要急匆匆做決定。We should not rush to a decision.


  1. 后半生我碰到不少好人。I met many nice people in the second half of my life.

  2. 這讓我顏面掃地。This made me lose face big time.

  3. 他膽子小,難道你不知道?He is chicken-hearted. Don't you know that?

  4. 萬一你錯(cuò)過火車,我會(huì)駕車送你去。In case you miss the train, I'll drive you there.

  5. “在家里,我說了算。” At home, what I say goes.

  6. “”把很多是非顛倒了。The Cultural Revolution turned many things upside down.

  7. 他犯了一個(gè)錯(cuò),結(jié)果大家都受到了株連。He made a mistake and get others implicated.

  8. 他停了停,盡量使自己恢復(fù)平靜。He paused, trying to regain his composure.

  9. 他跟著人流進(jìn)入紀(jì)念館。He followed a stream of crowd into the Memorial Hall.

  10. 我記得那天晚上我們一起伴著古老的阿富汗歌曲跳舞。I remember we danced to the ancient Afghan song that night.

  11. 快90歲的時(shí)候,他發(fā)現(xiàn)腿腳有點(diǎn)不好使。Going on 90, he began to feel rigid in his legs.

  12. 他打開收音機(jī),在京劇聲中進(jìn)入夢鄉(xiāng)。He turned on the radio, drifting into sleep with Beijing opera playing by his ears.

  13. 我跟他講了半天道理,最后他同意了。I reasoned with him for a long time. At last he agreed.

  14. 你必須戒毒。You must quit drugs.

  15. “快說,我在洗耳恭聽。” "Come on, I'm all ears."

  16. 無事不登三寶殿。One never visits the temple without a reason.

  17. 上周金價(jià)暴漲。The price of gold surged last week.

  18. 你可以吃個(gè)飽。You can eat your fill.

  19. 在小巷子里這棟樓看上去很打眼。The building is imposing in the alley.

  20. 他學(xué)會(huì)了喜怒不形于色。He had learned to conceal his feelings behind a placid face.

  21. 管住你的舌頭。Watch your tongue.

  22. 作為老教師,王先生認(rèn)為親自參與實(shí)踐對于學(xué)生很重要。As an education veteran, Mr. Wang thinkshands-on practice is very important for students.

  23. 他怒火中燒。His heart burned with anger.

  24. 我在餐館里做點(diǎn)臨時(shí)工。I did some odd jobs in the restaurant.

  25. 他做了后,其他人就如法炮制了。As he did it, the rest followed suit.

  26. 請留我們一點(diǎn)時(shí)間把真相搞個(gè)水落石出。Please allow us a little time to check things out.

  27. 他把怒火都發(fā)到了室友身上。He vented his anger on his roommates.

  28. 聽到這里,他癱倒在椅子里。Hearing this, he slumped into the chair.

  29. 他完成了4卷本的著作。Hefinished his four-volume work.

  30. 我把他們招呼進(jìn)屋。I ushered them into the house.






4.7 30的英文



輕輕一想,輕輕一寫,30的英文就出現(xiàn)在了紙面上。下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編給大家整理的30的英文翻譯,供大家參閱! 30的英文翻譯 英 [:ti] 美 [rti] thirty n. 三十; 三十個(gè); 三十年代; 三十的記號; adj. 三十的,三十個(gè)的; 30條常用英語句子 1.


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