

時間: 朝燕820 分享






  5.讀故事__________________________6.go skating____________________________

  7.in winter_________________________8.on the ice______________________________

  9.in our group______________________10.a great idea____________________________


  1.what do you like ___________(do)? I like _________(dance)

  2.what _____she ______(have) ? she _________(have) a lot of stories.

  3.I can’t play football ,___________(也).

  4.Lucy and Lily _________ ___________ (都是) students.

  5.He _________ (也) likes English .

  6.I am good at ____________(swim).

  7.I usually play in the park ______________(和) my brother Tim.

  8.Do you like w_____________ yellow? Yes, I have yellow shoes ,a yellow hat .

  9.Parrots can t_______________and f______________.

  10.Do you like watching f_________? Let ‘s go to the cinema this Sunday .


  ( )1.—What do you like doing? —_____

  A. I like dogs. B. I like watching films. C. You like watching films.

  ( )2. I usually play basketball in the park_____ Tim. A. to B. at C. with

  ( )3.—Does Mary___ parrots? —Yes, she___. A. likes; does B. like; does C. like; do

  ( )4. They have lots of _____. A. hobby B. hobbies C. hobbys

  ( )5. Kate is good at _____. A. football B. play football C. play

  ( )6. Nancy likes___. A. swim and skate B. swimming and skating C. swiming and skateing

  ( )7.Let’s_____. A. play basketball B. playing basketball C. play the basketball

  ( )8.He _____ likes drawing. A. too B. either C. also

  ( )9.Su Yang and Su Hai _____ like swimming. A. all B. both C. too

  ( )10.I have _____ idea. A. a B. an C. /


  ( )1.What does Mary like doing? A.I like watching films.

  ( )2.Do they like football? B.That’s a great idea.

  ( )3.Does she have a friend? C.No,she doesn’t

  ( )4.What do you like doing? D.She likes reading books.

  ( )5.Let’s go skating this afternoon. E.Yes,they do.


  1.do, doing, you, what, like(?) ________________________________________________

  2.likes, films, she, watching(.) ________________________________________

  3.Tom, what, like, does, doing(?) _______________________________________________

  4.also, he, tennis, table, likes(.) ________________________________________________

  5.can, I, well, dance(.) ______________________________________________

  六、以“My Hobby”為題寫一篇小短文,介紹你的業(yè)余愛好。要求:1.條理清晰,意思連貫,語句通順。2.標(biāo)點正確,書寫清晰規(guī)范。3.不少于40個單詞。



  sing and dance 唱歌跳舞 be good at 擅長于

  with my brother 和我弟弟 read stories 讀故事

  in the park 在公園里 play the piano 彈鋼琴

  a lot of 許多 watch films 看電影

  talk about 談?wù)撃呈?my hobby 我的愛好

  their hobbies 他們的愛好 in winter 在冬天

  very well 很好 an idea 一個主意

  a great idea 一個好主意 this afternoon 今天下午

  on the ice 在冰上 be good at skating 擅長溜冰

  a big hole 一個大洞 in the ice 在冰里

  cold and wet 又冷又濕 like climbing 喜歡爬山

  like swimming 喜歡游泳 like drawing 喜歡畫畫

  play basketball 打籃球 play table tennis 打乒乓

  play football 踢足球


  1. What do you like doing? 你喜歡干什么?

  I like playing basketball and football. 我喜歡打籃球和踢足球。

  2. I can play basketball well, but I’m not good at football. 我籃球打得很好,但我不擅長足球。

  3. He likes playing football too. 他也喜歡踢足球。

  4. She also likes playing the piano. 她也喜歡彈鋼琴。

  5. They both like swimming. 她們都喜歡游泳。

  6. What does he like doing? 他喜歡干什么?

  He likes drawing. 他喜歡畫畫。

  7. What does she like doing ? 她喜歡干什么?

  She likes reading stories. 她喜歡讀故事。

  8. What do they like doing? 她們喜歡干什么?

  They like watching films. 她們喜歡看電影。

  9. Sam and Billy talking about their hobbies. 山姆和比利談?wù)撍麄兊膼酆谩?/p>

  10. Let’s go skating this afternoon. 咱們今天下午去滑冰。

  11. Look out! 小心!

  12. There is a hole in the ice. 冰里有一個洞。

  13.Do you like wearing yellow? 你喜歡穿黃色的衣服?

  14. We all like climbing very much. 我們都十分喜歡爬山。


  Yy / j / year, yes, yellow, you, young


  1. 詢問別人喜歡干某事,What do/ does … like doing ?

  喜歡干某事 like doing sth, doing表示喜歡經(jīng)常做一件事。主語是第三人稱單數(shù)時注意like后面加s.

  不喜歡干某事 don’t/ doesn’t like doing sth


  a. 一般情況下在動詞后面加 ing. 如 going, reading, drawing, playing…

  b. 以不發(fā)音的字母e結(jié)尾的動詞,去e再加ing. 如 dancing, making…

  c. 以“元音+輔音”結(jié)尾的重讀閉音節(jié)單詞,先雙寫輔音字母再加ing. 如 swimming, running, getting, putting…




3.譯林版英語五年級上冊知識點Unit 4


5.譯林版英語五年級上冊知識點整理Unit 5
