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時(shí)間: 朝燕820 分享


  當(dāng)期末就要來(lái)臨的時(shí)候,大家都準(zhǔn)備好了復(fù)習(xí)工作了嗎?讓我們來(lái)做一套試題卷吧!下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編整理的2017年譯林版六年級(jí)下冊(cè)英語(yǔ)Unit 5期末測(cè)試試題以供大家閱讀。

  2017年譯林版六年級(jí)下冊(cè)英語(yǔ)Unit 5期末測(cè)試試題

  一. 選擇下列單詞的劃線部分發(fā)音與其余三個(gè)不同選項(xiàng)。

  ( )1.A. window B. flower C. follow D. know

  ( )2.A. clown B. snow C. show D. tomorrow

  ( )3.A. across B. appear C. about D. April

  ( )4.A. appear B. pear C. near D. hear

  ( )5.A. steamed B. reach C. sweater D. weak

  ( )6.A.begin B. end C. bed D. forget


  1.在兒童節(jié) 2.arrive too late

  3.在我們的聚會(huì)上 4.a Western party

  5.在九點(diǎn)開(kāi)始 6.be a few minutes late

  7.一些氣球 8.have some fun

  9.帶一個(gè)禮物 10.snacks and drinks

  11.講故事 12. a lovely clown

  13.演戲 14.bring some potatoes


  ( ) 1. Willy told a story ______ the party yesterday .

  A. in B. on C. at

  ( ) 2. Here ______ some fruit and toys for you.

  A. have B. is D. are

  ( ) 3. It’s a nice day. Let’s ______ a picnic this afternoon.

  A. going to have B. having C. have

  ( ) 4. Just then, the rain ______.

  A. stopped B. stops C. is going to stop

  ( ) 5. It’s ______ Tuesday morning. Yang Ling doesn’t ______ to school.

  A. on; go B. /; goes C. /; go

  ( ) 6. ______ you ______ basketball tomorrow afternoon?

  A. Do; play B. Are; going to play C. Will; playing

  ( ) 7. You can be ______ minutes late for the parents’ meeting.

  A. a few B. a little C. few

  ( ) 8. ______ the window, you can see the colorful flowers.

  A. Look out B. Look out of C. Look out for

  ( ) 9. What ______ on the coming Children’s Day?

  A. do you do B. are you doing C. are you going to do

  ( ) 10. Let’s ______ a play on Christmas Day.

  A. put on B. put off C. take on

  ( ) 11. I’m going to play piano at the party.

  A. the B. a C. /

  ( ) 12.Children’s Day is .

  A. on June B. in June C. in July

  ( ) 13. is going to sing at the party? –Yang Ling is.

  A. What B. Who C. Where

  ( ) 14. are you going to the park?—Next Saturday.

  A. What B. Where C. When

  ( ) 15.I’m gong to the queen.

  A. be B. is C. am


  1.My cousins (be)going to (sing) a song this weekend.

  2. You talked (loud).We could not (hear )that.

  3. I like (play) with (he) .

  4. It is (rain) today. But it (be) sunny tomorrow.

  5. My birthday is on the (one) of May.

  6. Miss Li (teach) you English next term.

  7. Su Hai will (bring) some fruit to (we).

  8. There aren’t (some) (balloon) in this room.

  9. I want (visit ) him one day.

  10.How about (put)on a play? It’s (fun).

  11. (be)your brother (go) to the zoo this Saturday? Yes, he .(be)



  -What are the going to do on ?

  -They are going to a .


  What is Bobby ? He his “new ”.


  -What______ you going to do the party? I ’m going to some .


  We are going to a , and I’m going to a .


  On 1st June, we are going to have a p on C Day. We will b some s and d . Lily is going to b a clown with some colourful balloons. Nana is going to s and d . We will h a lot of f .
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