對于有留學經歷的學生,他們就擁有一個較高的職業(yè)出發(fā)點,自身競爭力和發(fā)展后勁也更強,所以出國留學很受歡迎。下面就是小編給大家?guī)淼暮啙嵄究?a href='http://regraff.com/shenqing/liuxue_1.html' target='_blank'>留學申請書范文(完整版)最新,希望能幫助到大家!
Dear _,
An experienced electronic engineer trained in China's major cradle of technological talents, I am submitting this document in support of my application for acceptance into your graduate program. With more than eight years of higher learning and quality research behind me, I now stand ready to pursue advanced studies and scale grander heights in my career.
Presently, I work at a leading Beijing-based center of telecommunications research and development, jointly run by Canada's Northern Telecom Ltd., one of the world's foremost IT enterprises, and the Beijing University of Yanjiu, a major higher-learning institution in IT technologies in China. Engaged in cutting-edge research and development at this center, I have accumulated a lot of advanced knowledge and expertise in IT technologies in a relatively short time.
I obtained this coveted position at such a respected international establishment on the strength of my research experience at the North China Institute of Computing Technologies, the country's oldest research organization in computer science. Exercising my diligence and creativity, I specialized in automation research and development in this institute, which not only gave me the opportunity to make full use of what I had learned at the university but also spurred me to constantly improve myself. I taught myself Computer Control Technology, Contemporary Control Theory, Electrical control Technology and Process Control & Automation Device, among other subjects.
Because of my strong skills in both hardware and software, I was appointed in 1995 the leader of a team to design the computer control system "Distributed Control System (DCS)". Under my effective leadership, the team completed design of the system structure, development of the modules, and programming of the software, and system debugging all in less than one year. A real-time computer control system, it can be combined with 2048 channels. For this project, I independently designed the kernels-CPU module, two other modules and the I/O interface software. The system is now a leading product in China's automation industry.
My research successes were built upon my solid undergraduate training at Tsinghua University, widely considered China's best engineering school. Between 1989 and 1994, I studied at Tsinghua as a major of electronic engineering, concentrating on basic courses as well as courses of my major. These courses solidly grounded me in theories of telecommunications and endowed me with all-round expertise in both software and hardware engineering. At the time of my graduation, my overall GPA ranked me among the top 10% of about 200 students in my grade.
Taking advantage of Tsinghua's emphasis on hands-on experience, I did a lot of lab work in my undergraduate studies. In my third year, I joined the university's Laboratory of Information Systems. In the lab I successfully designed the "2Mb/s PCM Digital Interface (32 frames)" used in the analogue PBX (Private Branch Exchange). In 1993, I independently designed a "Speech Signal Processing Card" used in the SUN SPARC station. This successful development of this card ended the situation in which the SUN SPARC station could not be used for speech processing and other multimedia applications. In the course of these projects, I became versed in hardware structure of the RISC computer, UNIX operating system and programming. All this laid a firm foundation for my career advancement.
My academic standing was so strong that I was offered acceptance into Tsinghua's graduate school without the normally mandatory admission exams. That was a privilege available to only the very best of each crop of graduating students. But I declined the offer, figuring that I should gain challenging research experience behind me, I think the time has come for me to not only undertake graduate studies but also undertake graduate studies in a quality program in the United States.
Ideally, I would like to enter into a Master's program that would lead me into Ph. D. studies later on. In such a program, I would like to focus my studies on one or a combination of the following areas: Control Systems, Communications Engineering, Digital Signal and Image Processing, or Microcomputer Applications. I will bring to the program a professional background significantly enrich my knowledge, enhance my expertise, and sharpen my research skills. If you accept me, you should find, some years down the road, that I will be a leading scientist in China's efforts to develop its IT industries.
Yours sincerely,
美國大學有 400 多所,其中很大一部分是綜合性大學,比如我們耳熟能詳?shù)墓?、耶魯?shù)瘸G嗵?,加州大學伯克利分校這樣的公立大學等。這些學校以科研和教學為主,在這樣的學校里,國際獎項的獲得者、杰出貢獻者可能就是你的校友。這些學??葡翟O置齊全,師資力量強大,學生包括本科、碩士、博士。在這里你可以學你所學,發(fā)揮你的長處。
再有就是專門以教學為主的地區(qū)性大學,如加州州立大學系統(tǒng)。這些大學不參與綜合性大學排名,只參與地區(qū)級排名。也有職業(yè)教育為主、門檻很低的社區(qū)大學。社區(qū)大學以門檻低、學費低、專業(yè)多樣為特色,學生在這兒可以拿到大專學位,然后在轉到綜合性大學。尤其是在加州, 70% 的加州大學系統(tǒng)的學生是從社區(qū)大學轉過去的。所以,只要我們想去美國上大學,總有一個學校適合你。
雖然綜合性大學與文理學院的教育理念有所不同,但美國留學本科教育體制總體上差不多,只要同學們能夠修完學分就可以申請畢業(yè)了。本科留學美國畢業(yè)需要幾年取決于同學們修學分的速度。不過,同學們還需要明白一點,那就是一些美國本科學生在大一、大二的時候是不確定專業(yè),只學習基礎課程的。大三開始才修本專業(yè)的學分,一般也需要兩年以上的時間才能修完本科畢業(yè)所需的學分。所以,一般來說,至少需要四年才能拿到美國留學本科畢業(yè)證。當然,和中國一樣,美國大學的熱門學校和熱門專業(yè)一樣需要競爭才能進,比如我們中國學生常說的金融、會計等商學院某些專業(yè),還有計算機專業(yè)等,需要高的 GPA 才能進。同一個學院下,專業(yè)相對來說就比較好換。
本科留學美國只要你足夠優(yōu)秀,而且想在學業(yè)上進步,你是可以進入更好的學校的,這就是我們常說的轉學。只要你大一,或者大二的成績足夠優(yōu)秀,你就可以轉到更好的學校。比較典型的例子就是美國總統(tǒng)奧巴馬。他一開始讀本科是在西方學院,大三轉到了哥倫比亞大學,法學院則進入了哈佛大學。我們每年都會幫助很多學生從 100 名之外的學校轉到頂尖,當然從國內高校也可以轉學到美國大學。
美國大學招生需要看學生的硬性條件和軟性材料兩方面的成績,而不像中國大學一考定終身,這樣就給去美國讀大學的孩子充足的準備時間,學生可以提前三到四年規(guī)劃和準備。美國大學招生看重學生的高中各科成績,而不是看總分,這就要求學生均衡發(fā)展,而不是偏科。去美國讀大學雖然要求考托福和 SAT ,但允許孩子語言能力有一定的提高空間。此外,更重要的是,美國大學很看重學生學習之外的能力,如學生的領導力、毅力、社會責任感等。因為在提升這些能力的過程中,孩子們的各種能力都得到了提高。所以,能去美國讀書的孩子一般都是智商和情商并重的學生。
美國SAT考試又稱美國高考,是美國大學入學考試。美國SAT考試分成SAT邏輯考試 和SAT專項考試, SAT邏輯考試分成語文,數(shù)學,和作文三部分,滿分為2400;其中數(shù)學部分(滿分800分)內容相當于中國初中難度,大部分中國高中生只要經過一段時間的訓練,都能夠考取750分以上;一般情況下,美國前60名的學校在申請的時候都要求SATI,中國的高中生在接收一段時間的學習之后,總成績大概在1600到2300之間。美國對美國SAT考試成績要求較低的大概在1700左右。如果想申請30名之前的的學生,美國SAT考試成績大概要達到2000以上。
GRE是美國研究生入學考試,與GMAT性質大致等同,GRE作為美國研究生學院的入學考試,適用于商科及法學以外的專業(yè)申請。GRE考試分兩種,一是General Test,二是Subject Test。一般申請人考的都是general test,主要是考察學生的基本英語能力以及對英語各方面知識的深度和廣度的掌握,包括寫作、語文、數(shù)學三部分。GMAT 是 Graduate Management Admission Test 的縮寫,GMAT中文名稱為經企管理研究生入學考試。GMAT 考試不僅考查申請人的語言能力和數(shù)學能力,還要測試其頭腦反應、邏輯思維和解決實際問題的能力。GMAT作為一種標準化考試,目前已被廣泛地用于商學院的錄取評估,是當前最為可靠的測試考生是否具備順利完成工商管理碩士項目學習能力的測試系統(tǒng)。GMAT是幫助各商學院或工商管理碩士項目評估申請人是否具備在工商管理方面繼續(xù)深造學習的資格的工具。除此之外,還有適用于法律考生的LSAT考試。GRE、GMAT、LSAT成績有效期均為5年。