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  Jack London, formerly known as John Griffith London (January 12, 1876 - November 22, 1916), American realist writer. He has written 19 novels, more than 150 short stories and stories, 3 plays and so on. The main works are: novel collection "wolf's son", novella "wild call", "love life", "white teeth", novel "sea wolf", "iron hoof" and "Martin Eden" and so on.

  Jack London was born in 1876 in San Francisco, a bankrupt family of farmers. Because of family poverty, since childhood engaged in physical labor. When child labor, loading and unloading workers and sailors, and then wandering around the United States. Rely on labor income was admitted to the University of California at Berkeley, because of poverty was forced to drop out after joining Alaska and other gold rush ranks. In the early years of the rough life experience for his later engaged in the creation of a rich source, his creative thinking is more complex, by Marx, Spencer, Nietzsche and other people influence, in his youth works, beating to the capitalism The pulse of social challenges, after the fame gradually into extreme individualism and emptiness, November 22, 1916 taking morphine over death.


  Early experience

  Jack London was born on January 12, 1876 in California, a bankrupt family of farmers. In childhood he had the taste of poverty and hardship. At the age of eight, in order to make a living, he had to go to a livestock farm as a shepherd. After the age of 10, he began in San Francisco near the city of Auckland when the newsboy, dock workers, sailors sailors, lin factory workers and so on. During this period, Jack London began to read a lot of novels and other books. At the age of 16, he was unemployed, had to wander in the eastern United States and Canada, living in the slums of the metropolis, and was "unemployed loitering" and arrested and imprisoned, a few months later to regain freedom.

  The poor and the lack of joy in childhood made Jack London mature early. Jack London had to work halfway from the age of 10, and whenever possible, he would spend his time reading. At the age of nine, Jack London has been familiar with the Washington Wales wrote the Spanish travel "Al Khan La". He also read some of the novels borrowed from the hired workers, what he caught at what. Jack London 11 years old left the ranch came to Auckland, in the free public library hungry to read the first book can be borrowed. Until 16 years old, he has been working - reading, reading - workmanship. Because the poor Jack London primary school after graduation to work, about 10 years old began to do newsboy and canned workers, in the street fighting in the training of a skill, became a small rogue head. His favorite activity is driving a vessel. At the age of 13, he had been driving the boat through the storm in the San Francisco Bay, others almost hard to believe, but that is the truth. Later, he saved a little money, bought a boat, the original is for fun, and soon after they met the ostrich thieves, they also do not like the cost of doing business. He gathered a group of companions, sailing to steal the San Francisco Bay farmer's oysters, and even burn someone else's boats. He fights alcoholism, laughs and races, and battles on hundreds of miles of sea. Soon he met the Bay Patrol, and vice versa to catch the oyster thieves.

  At the age of 17 he was on a hunting boat sailor, after North Korea, Japan, to the Bering Sea area to go hunting seals. On the way he passed the cold, storm, the most heavy hard labor training, participated in the hunting of various activities of the seal. Because from childhood in the Gulf to play the boat, he was a boat, in the age of the ship was small but won the praise of the owner and colleagues. But also because of the small beaten, able to participate in the sailors are the most brutal activities, so he paid a lot of friends, listening to many interesting and terrible stories. These are valuable materials of his ocean novels. "Sea Wolf" describes the rich life of the hunting seal ship is a wonderful example. The ocean life was so hard, but he did not forget to read, and when he returned to San Francisco Bay, he had finished the blessing of Lady Flattery and Tolstoy's Anna Card Lenina ".

  The road to literature

  Voyage return to his own experience written as a prose "Japanese Haikou typhoon", participated in the "Voice" magazine writing contest, won the first prize, get twenty dollars (second, three are college students) The Jack London, who had only received primary education, showed his creative talents for the first time, thanks to his usual hard work - he carefully read the excellent works of the literary masters and developed the habit of taking notes. Perhaps he is encouraged by this, embarked on the road of literature.

  At this time Jack London has been awakened from the early ignorance. He determined to master the most advanced technology: electrical, then to the Auckland tram company to job. He told the manager that he was willing to eat what he was trying to master. The manager allowed him to work for thirteen hours a day, without a Sunday, and he was tired and alive. Then he knew that there were actually two workers who had gone to work at the top of the day. The two men were $ 40 a month, eighty yuan, and he took thirty dollars a month. And a person who went to work by his top because there are three sons to feed, but can not for life, committed suicide. This is a very profound lesson for Jack London, he angrily threw out the hands of the coal shovel.

  The hard labor let him know a terrible truth: no matter how strong and strong, ten years, twenty years after there will always be more young and powerful people to take over him, threw him into the garbage heap.

  In 1904, he joined the unemployed team from San Francisco to Washington to petition the east coast. He was on the way for some reason out of the team, they steal the train in the North American wandering, with the car police, flight attendants hide and seek, travel around the country, as a pleasure. He was arrested and sentenced to thirty days of hard labor, witnessed the appalling reality of the American prison. After he was released, he steal the train to the west coast of Canada, and then from the sailor south, back to San Francisco. This special form of travel gave him a wealth of life experience, especially the experience of poor tramps. He understood the truth: the most concerned about the poor are often poor people.

  He has been interested in reading, even when doing Oyster thieves also read many books on his boat. He began to read a lot. He read the works of Saint Simon, Fourier, and Proudhon, and understood the evil of private property; he even read Marx's "communist manifesto" and understood how communism was going on.

  In order to study he was 19 years old when he entered the Auckland Middle School, ready to test university, while joining the Socialist Party. He attended the workers' rally, delivered a fierce speech, advocated the destruction of the existing social order, and had been arrested. When he was studying at Auckland High School, he published the novel "Ogasawara Islands" in the school's newspaper, which lasted two months, so that he was more interested in literature. In 1897, 21-year-old Jack London entered the University of California at Berkeley (UC Berkeley), but after the shortage of funds from Berkeley dropped out of school.

  He had hoped to rely on labor for a living, continue to study, but found that it is almost a fantasy. He worked in a laundry workshop, tired and dead, there is no time and energy to study. In his reading dream on the brink of collapse, Alaska found the news of gold, brought him a new hope. In March 1897, Jack London set foot on the gold rush.

  He got a little support, and three companions prepared eight thousand pounds of material to prepare for the winter in the Crocker. They had overcome the difficulties before the arrival of the winter, and went through the Yukon River near the Arctic, where he spent the winter.

  On the way to the Yukon River Valley, London's clever craftsmanship gave a wonderful opportunity to perform. They cut their own wood, made two ships, along the Yukon River downstream sailing. On the way they met a turbulent river, many people have tried to pass and fail, that the river is unable to cross the day of danger, but Jack London said he was sure to pass. He really and two companions driving a boat in the crowd of cheers in the Enron through the rapids, and then come back to drive the second boat. This caused a lot of dilemma of the attention of the gold rush, they continue to ask Jack to help the ship through the rapids. Jack London asked each boat for twenty-five dollars in remuneration, he at the helm, and partners together with a scattered wooden boat passing through the dangerous area. They made three thousand dollars for this. They could have earned five more, but they had no time, and they had to go downstream before the winter.

  He read many books in the winter camp of Yukon River, such as Darwin's "origin of species", Spencer's "primary principle", Marx's "capital theory", and Milton's "Paradise Lost" and Brown Ning's poem. These people in the "sea wolf" to see the sea wolf Larsen read, and Fan Weiden, Brewster discussed.

  Unfortunately, they did not have fresh fruit and vegetables, Jack London had scurvy, had to go home. He and his companions drove a ship, with 19 days to finish the 1900 miles range, came to the Bering Strait, from there to return to California. In this period of time he has sketched out some of the outline of the novel, and later wrote out for their own to win the immortal fame, but also to some of the people and the dog's story widely circulated, which will have "wild call "Rick the dog and some other people. After returning from Yukon, he had a little money and read many books. He read very hard, working 19 hours a day. He read economics, read history and historical writings, read biology, anthropology and philosophy, and read a lot of literary works. In his novel Martin Eden, the hero Martin Eden who saw a very hard study of this extremely hard life.

  Jack London's father died, in order to bear the family life, he began to odd jobs. When looking for work, Jack London wrote "down the river", but the manuscript to return to the. Waiting for the date of rejection, he wrote a twenty thousand outrageous serial novel, but also to return to the. Although the manuscripts were returned twice, Jack London was still out of time to write, continue to write new themes. Finally, "mainland magazine" published his first novel - "Cheers for the hurry", royalties only to the 5 yuan. Soon, "black cat" magazine and out of 40 yuan to write a novel, so, finally have a turn for the better.

  Transition journalist

  In 1900, Jack London's first novel collection "The Wolves" was published, immediately for him to obtain a great reputation and considerable generous income. At the invitation of the American News Agency, he went to Africa to interview the Boer War, and in London, the news agency changed the way, calling him not. At that time he was in the United States as a sailor to the London slums lived for more than three months, deep into the life there, made a detailed investigation, made first-hand information, returned after the publication of the newspaper "people in the abyss" The This book made him famous among American socialists.

  In 1904 he accepted the Hearst newspaper hiring, to the Far East interview the news of the Russo-Japanese War. He came to Japan, saw the Japanese government deliberately retreating the intention of national journalists, they quietly went to Nagasaki, would like to catch a ship to North Korea to the front, but the Japanese police as a Russian spy caught stand up. After the release he took a small motorboat to North Korea's Busan. There is no one hundred people on the motorboat food, can not shelter, only in the cold on the deck to sleep. To Busan he got a canopy boat, hired three non-English-speaking Koreans to help, on their own driving skills into the Yellow Sea, along the coast, in the cold forty degrees and the wind Sailed for six days and six nights, and finally arrived in Incheon. At this time he has been black and blue, feet, fingers and ears are frozen, but he took a break after the start again. This time he was riding a horse, for several weeks of horseback march took him to Pyongyang, it was already all the war correspondent can reach the most northern point. Where he was put into jail for the second time by the Japanese. After he was released from prison, he was only forty miles away from the front, from which there was a story and a lot of photos, completed the other journalists did not complete the task. He was again threatened with another arrest until he was intervened by the President of the United States. In the completion of the task of the interview, Jack repeatedly in the cold driving a canopy without sailing, so harsh life has a very personal experience. "Sea Wolf" has a vivid description of this life.

  Roaming the world

  In 1906, he decided to build a ship, driving himself around the world. He is expected to travel for seven years, a week around the earth, but he is not a good financial home, shipbuilding almost became a joke. That boat originally planned to spend seven thousand dollars, in fact, let him spend a few million, and a lot of problems. He can not wait, relied on his ability to sail on the departure, but he reluctantly to the ship to Hawaii, they had to start repair, after repair has been very difficult to open to Australia. The ship has been unable to move forward, he had to sell it to three thousand dollars low, the end of this time although the romantic but failed voyage.

  However, he still created amazing results in that voyage. He had driven the very bad boat from Hawaii to Massachusetts. At that time, the "Pacific Shipping Guide" pointed out that due to the impact of equatorial currents and trade winds, the currents were unusually complicated, and no one had ever traveled, but Jack London had driven a barely repaired ship through his death The He was infected with a strange disease on the way. In the "sea wolf" we read the tropical ocean and trade winds for the poetic description of the material, the material is about from here to get.


  On Tuesday, November 21, 1916, Jack London plans to go to New York the next day, and plans to take a long walk to see the Chicago tournament, buy some fine cattle, but that night he took excessive morphine death. There was a book on his desk, and he wrote some numbers of dollars. When he was suffering from uremia, but the doctor that the uremia as his death is not convincing. Then there are only two explanations: suicide, or the calculation of the wrong dose. From his daytime arrangements, not like suicide; but then the important dose calculation is also an error is also difficult to accept.




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