to take one's hat off
例句:I sure take my hat off to my boss. I don't know how in the world he did it, but somehow he pulled some tricks out of the hat and got us five million dollars to save the business.
hat in hand
Hat是帽子,hand是手。Hat in hand從字面上來理解就是手里拿著帽子??墒牵鳛樗渍Z,它的含義就要比表面上深刻多了。Hat in hand這個俗語是幾百年前流傳下來的。當時,大多數(shù)國家的社會都分成普通老百姓,以及地主、貴族和統(tǒng)治國家的國王等有權勢的人。那時候,每當一個農(nóng)民或一個普通工人見到這些高官顯貴的時候,他們一般都要脫下帽子表示敬意,好像這些人都比他們高一等似的。當然,現(xiàn)在的社會組合已經(jīng)很不相同了。在當前,hat in hand的含義很簡單。意思就是:在逼不得已的情況下去求人幫忙,然而又感到難以開口、很難堪。
例句:With our new baby and my wife sick, my paycheck just isn't enough for my family to live on. With business so bad, I hate to do it, but I have to go to my boss hat in hand and beg for more money.
to wear two hats at a time
To wear就是“穿戴”的意思。To wear two hats at a time就是一個人同時戴兩頂帽子。這當然是從字面上來解釋。在實際生活中,你碰到過什么人同時戴兩頂帽子的嗎?恐怕沒有吧。但是,你會聽到美國人說某人同時戴兩頂帽子的。那這是什么意思呢?To wear two hats at a time是指一個人同時擔任兩個職務。
例句:They're so short handed at my cousin Joe's office that he has to wear two hats. He was already a Vice1 President, but now he is also the treasurer2 because the old treasurer quit and they can'tafford to hire a replacement3.
to pass the hat
To pass在這里是傳遞的意思。以前,美國教堂在禮拜結束前總是用一頂帽子在教徒當中一個個地傳遞過去,希望人們?yōu)榻烫镁桢X?,F(xiàn)在的教堂已經(jīng)不再用帽子了,而是用一個銅制或銀制的盤子來代替了。但是,to pass the hat卻超越了宗教的色彩,應用到日常生活中去了,意思就是讓大家捐錢為一個同事解決意外的災難。
例句:When Bill Brown's baby daughter was hurt in that auto4 accident last week, we passed the hat around the office and collected three hundred dollars to help pay the doctor's bill.
at the drop of a hat
At the drop of a hat從字面上來解釋就是:一旦帽子落地。這實際上也是一個信號的意思。也就是說,一有信號就馬上行動。這個說法可能是來自以前的決斗。在決斗的時候,裁判員一般都是舉著帽子,然后突然把它往地下一扔,作為決斗雙方可以開始開槍的信號。但是,at the drop of a hat現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)和開槍沒有關系了,它的意思已經(jīng)變成指一個脾氣一觸即發(fā)的人。
例句:Tom Atkins is usually a good-hearted friendly guy. But he has one problem -- a hot temper5. Say something he doesn't agree with, and he'll start a loud argument at the drop of a hat.