
marry, married, marriage的用法區(qū)別

時(shí)間: 若木631 分享

  1. marry可以 用作及物動(dòng)詞,表示“娶,嫁,與……結(jié)婚”,結(jié)構(gòu)為:

  (1) marry sb 娶某人,嫁給某人

  (2) be / get married 已婚(狀態(tài))

  (3) be / get married to sb. 與某人結(jié)婚,嫁給某人

  (4) marry one’s daughter to sb. 把女兒嫁給某人


  They got married last week. 他們上周結(jié)婚了。

  John is going to marry Miss Lin. 約翰準(zhǔn)備娶林小姐。

  Miss Lin is going to marry John. 林小姐準(zhǔn)備嫁給約翰。

  She got married to one of her classmates. 她嫁給了她的一位同學(xué)。

  She married her daughter to a write. 她把女兒嫁給了一位作家。

  注意不能說(shuō): marry with sb. 或be married with sb.

  2. marry也用作不及物動(dòng)詞,表示“結(jié)婚”。例如:

  She married young. 她結(jié)婚早。

  He married late in life. 他結(jié)婚很晚。

  She married not for love. 她并不是因?yàn)閻?ài)情而結(jié)婚的。

  3. marry是非延續(xù)性動(dòng)詞,不可同表示一段時(shí)間的狀語(yǔ)連用,但be married表示的是狀態(tài),可以同一段時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)連用。

  They have married for twenty years. (誤)

  They have been married for twenty years. (正)

  It is twenty years since they married. (正)


  (1) 問(wèn)某人“婚否”,要說(shuō):Are you married? / Is she married? 等。

  (2) “未婚”可說(shuō):be single

  (3) 問(wèn)何時(shí)結(jié)婚:When did you get married? / When were you married?

  4. marriage 名詞,表示“婚姻,結(jié)婚,婚禮,夫婦生活,密切關(guān)系”等含義。

  Their marriage was a very happy one. 他們的婚姻非常美滿。

  She has had an offer of marriage. 有人向她求婚。

  marriage articles 結(jié)婚契約

  marriage portion 嫁妝

  The marriage of music and drama in opera. 歌劇中音樂(lè)與戲劇的密切關(guān)系。