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時(shí)間: 謝君787 分享


  四、what 相當(dāng)于 that which 或 the thing (或 things) that (或 which) 的意思,也可引出主語從句、賓語從句和表語從句

  What (= The thing that) has been said above is very important. 以上所說的(事情)是很重要的。(主語從句)

  This is not what (= the thing which) I meant. 這不是我的本意。(表語從句)

  We can and we will do what (=the thing which) we long to do. We will be what we desire to be. 我們能夠而且決心做自己想做的事。我們要做自己理想中的人。(前一句中 what 從句為賓語從句,后一句中 what 從句為表語從句。)

  There is some truth in what (= the thing that) he has just said. 他剛才講的多少有點(diǎn)道理。(介詞的賓語從句)

  This factory is different from what it was be fore. 這個(gè)工廠和它原先樣子不同。(介詞的賓語從句。what 在從句中作表語。)

  The output of our multistate corporation is now three times what it was three years ago. 我們的跨國公司目前的產(chǎn)量是三年前的三倍。(what 從句是表語從句,頂一個(gè)名詞,而 three times 為定語,修飾這個(gè)“名詞”。)

  We have made the factory what it is today. 我們已使工廠變成今天這樣的規(guī)模。(what從句在句中作賓語補(bǔ)語。)

  What is it you don't like about winter weather? 你不喜歡冬天天氣的哪一點(diǎn)呢?(句中what 作表語,it 后省略了that. 本句為 "it is… that" 強(qiáng)調(diào)結(jié)構(gòu)的疑問句形式。)

  Gravity is what makes you weigh what you weigh. 地心吸力使你秤得你現(xiàn)有的重量。(第一個(gè) what 引出表語從句,而第二個(gè) what 從句則作賓語補(bǔ)語 weigh 的狀語。)

  The modern conception of computers is not what it used to be in the past thirty years. 計(jì)算機(jī)的現(xiàn)代概念已不是過去 30 年的那種概念了。

  五、what 作定語,卻無疑問詞含意,而表示 as much (或 many) as 或 any (或 all)… that 之意

  We will give him what support I can. = I will give him as much support as I can. 我們將盡我的能力支持他。(can 后省略 give.)

  Please show him what pictures (或 all the pictures) that you have taken. 請(qǐng)將你拍的全部照片拿給他看。(what 還可用 what ever pictures 代替,后者表示“無論什么樣的照片”。)

  She may operate what computers there are left in the room. 凡屬本房間內(nèi)的計(jì)算機(jī)她都可以操作。

  Please lend me what(或 whatever)reference books you have on this subject. 請(qǐng)借給我你所有的有關(guān)這個(gè)課題的參考書。

  注 1:注意“what + few 或 little + 名詞”結(jié)構(gòu),這時(shí)表示“少”的意思。例如:

  1)What few friends I have here have been very kind to him. 這里的朋友待他好的太少了!

  2)What little milk she has poured in the glass. 她倒入玻璃杯里的牛奶太少了!

  六、what 作感嘆詞用,修飾可數(shù)名詞單數(shù)時(shí),必須用不定冠詞

  What a wide foot bridge it is! 這是座多么寬的步行橋啊!

  What a beautiful house she lives in! 她住的房子多么漂亮啊!

  What a long way from Beijing to Shanghai! 從北京到上海是一條多么長的路程啊!

  What wonderful new-type multimedia computers the scientists can invent! 科學(xué)家能發(fā)明多么奇妙的新型的多媒體計(jì)算機(jī)啊!

  七、what 可引出比較狀語從句,這時(shí) what 可用 as 來代替

  We students are to the cause of world peace what (或 as) a screw is to a machine. 我們學(xué)生的作用對(duì)于世界和平事業(yè)來說,猶如一臺(tái)機(jī)器上的一顆螺絲釘。

  This nucleus is to the cell what Beijing is to China, and London to Britain. 細(xì)胞核對(duì)于細(xì)胞來說,猶同北京對(duì)中國以及倫敦對(duì)英國。



3.高中英語詞匯:What do you think的口語用法


5.distinguish近義詞 distinguish的常用短語