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  I don’t know what he needs. 我不知道他需要什么。(what在賓語從句中作賓語)


  Only then did I recognize what silly mistakes I had made. 只是在那時(shí)我才意識(shí)到我犯了多么愚蠢的錯(cuò)誤。(what在賓語從句中作定語)


  相當(dāng)于“the+名詞+that”或者all that,即好像是既包括了先行詞也包含了關(guān)系代詞,因此,有學(xué)者稱之為關(guān)系代詞型what。如:

  What (=The thing that) happened after that was interesting. 后來發(fā)生的事挺有意思。(what在主語從句中作主語)

  China is not what (=the China that) used to be. (what在表語從句中作表語)

  The boy dived into water and after what (the time that) seemed to be a long time, he came up again. 他跳進(jìn)水里,過了好像很久之后,他才又從水里出來。(what在賓語從句中作主語)


  一、what 作“什么”、“什么東西(或事情)”、“怎樣的人(指職業(yè))”等講

  What is on the plate? 盤子上放著什么東西?

  What are in the sky? 天空有些什么東西?(當(dāng)心中有數(shù),指復(fù)數(shù)名詞而言時(shí),在提問中就可用謂語的復(fù)數(shù)形式。若心中無數(shù),一般用謂語的第三人稱單數(shù)形式來提問。)

  What produces heat? 什么東西產(chǎn)生熱?

  What happened to him? 他發(fā)生什么事了?

  a. What is she, a nurse or a teacher? 她是干什么的,是護(hù)士還是教師?(不能用 which 代替。)

  b. Which is your teacher, she or he? 哪一個(gè)是你的老師,是她還是他?(不能用 what 代替,因?yàn)楸揪洳皇翘釂査穆殬I(yè)是什么。)

  What are three and three? 三加三是多少?

  What is the weather (或 the room 等) like? 天氣(或這房間等)怎樣?

  二、what 作“什么的”、“什么樣的”講,后面直接接名詞單復(fù)數(shù)均可

  What computers have you ever used? 你使用過什么樣的計(jì)算機(jī)?

  He doesn't know what beeper he should buy. 他不知道他應(yīng)該買什么樣的尋呼機(jī)。

  (At) What time will you go to the net friend club? 你何時(shí)去網(wǎng)友俱樂部?

  三、what 仍作“什么”或“什么樣的”解,可引出主語從句、賓語從句、表語從句等名詞性從句

  What knowledge property right means is not known to all of us. 知識(shí)產(chǎn)權(quán)是什么,并不是我們大家都知道。(主語從句)

  The question is what step we should take next. 問題是下一步我們?cè)摬扇∈裁创胧?表語從句)

  He knows what heat is. 他知道熱是什么。(賓語從句)

  We know what we are working for. 我們知道為了什么而工作。(賓語從句)

  We are thinking of what we should do next. 我們?cè)谙胂乱徊皆撟鍪裁础?介詞的賓語從句)

  This portable phone is not worth what I paid yesterday. 這架移動(dòng)電話不值我昨天付的價(jià)錢。(worth 的賓語從句)