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  兩個(gè)表面毫無關(guān)系的高中生——學(xué)?;@球隊(duì)隊(duì)長 Troy Bolton 跟性格害羞、成績優(yōu)異的新生 Gabriella Montez,他們兩人本是兩個(gè)不同世界的人,在除夕假期的一個(gè)跨年派對隨機(jī)抽取現(xiàn)場來賓一起唱歌的活動中,他倆發(fā)現(xiàn)原來彼此對唱歌都十分熱愛,假期結(jié)束后,他們更發(fā)覺原來就讀于同一學(xué)校!于是 Troy 及 Gabriella 打算參加試音,希望成為學(xué)校最新音樂劇的男女主角。Gabriella 新認(rèn)識的朋友 Taylor McKessie 及 Troy 的好友兼支持者 Chad Danforth 知道消息后均表示不贊成,Chad 不希望見到自己的籃球隊(duì)長登上舞臺,而 Taylor 則擔(dān)心自己帶領(lǐng)的學(xué)術(shù)比賽隊(duì)伍將失去一個(gè)重要的隊(duì)員。一向都是學(xué)校音樂劇主角的 Sharpay Evans 及 Ryan Evans 亦擔(dān)心自己在學(xué)校的地位將受動搖,于是聯(lián)同 Taylor 及 Chad 想盡辦法使 Troy 及 Gabriella 不能成為音樂劇的主角。雖然如此,但 Troy 及 Gabriella 并沒有因此而放棄,反而更積極追尋自己的夢想,亦影響到其他同學(xué)向別人展示一些他們一直隱藏起來的才華!究竟最后 Troy 及 Gabriella 的歌唱夢想能否實(shí)現(xiàn)呢?


  Same here. 我也是

  What is she up to? 她準(zhǔn)備干什么?

  Young man, the future is full of uncharted waters年輕人,未來是個(gè)未知數(shù)

  You got eyes, use them. 眼見為實(shí),看看吧

  Coming right up. 馬上來

  in the meantime 同時(shí)

  Don't strain yourself, slick. 不要太過分了,小滑頭

  It's been wild 有點(diǎn)瘋狂

  Hard to keep track of it all, I bet. 我想說,很難了解這些

  Get your head in the game! 全身心投入比賽

  Let's run it back. 再來一場

  You might want to think this one out.你必須考慮清楚

  Have blonde hair and wear designer flip-flops. 有一頭金發(fā),穿著時(shí)髦時(shí)裝

  I don't really want to see my sister crash and burn. 我真的不想看到我姐姐在那里怒氣沖天

  what was your favourite summer memory?你最美好的暑假回憶是什么?

  I gotta make bank.我得去賺錢

  we got off to a rough start, but you really came through.我們不打不相識,但是你真沒有在意

  We're not busy or anything. 我們沒什么

  Keep it coming, guys!加油,伙計(jì)們

  The big zero.什么都沒有

  Talk to me. 跟我說

  Here's the thing.有一件事

  Straight A's, quintuple straight A's, 成績優(yōu)秀,所有功課都優(yōu)秀

  he's really working someone.他在談?wù)?/p>

  we're kicking off another hot summer here in Albuquerque. So, for those cool enough to have a convertible, crank up the sound, breathe that fresh air, and say hello to summer!


  looking very sharp this summer.這個(gè)夏天你們看起來很精神

  With discretion.很謹(jǐn)慎

  "Whatever it takes." 無論什么條件

  don't mention that backstabbing yogini to me!不要跟我提那個(gè)只顧修煉瑜伽的人

  let's go for it.接受它吧

  Confirming assignments.確認(rèn)分配

  The promised land.愿望實(shí)現(xiàn)

  would you care for lemonade?你想要點(diǎn)檸檬水嗎?

  Henceforth, do clock in and out on time.從今以后請記住要按時(shí)上下班

  How sick is that 真糟糕

  We got a hoop out back 我們可以承受的

  All for one, and one for all, All right? 都是一樣的,不是嗎?

  Send the waiters right in. 讓服務(wù)員都就位

  college costs a fortune. 大學(xué)要花很多錢

  Keep an eye on them tomorrow and keep me posted. 明天看著他們,并和我保持聯(lián)系

  Big timeout on that one. 那個(gè)已經(jīng)過去了