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  Remember when you first decided – or someone decided for you in terms resembling an "offeryou couldn't refuse" – that it was time to get married? Remember all of the paper work youhad to fill out? Blood tests, marriage license, all sorts of other forms and miscellaneous legalformalities – it's only the tip of the iceberg, friend. Indeed, there is much, much more to come.

  還記得什么時(shí)候自己第一次覺(jué)得該嫁娶妻了嗎?還記得哪天別人開始義正言辭得說(shuō)"你該成家了"嗎? 還記得你曾填過(guò)的各式文件嗎?血液檢查、結(jié)婚證、各類表格和繁雜法律手續(xù)—-這只不過(guò)是冰山一角罷了。要知道你(如果結(jié)婚)要面對(duì)的,遠(yuǎn)不止這些。

  When it's time to fill out all the forms for your newly opened joint bank account, you'll besigning your life – and an inevitably large chunk of your future finances – drearily away. Whenit's time to fill out all the paper work for your shared health insurance, you'll be sighing awayas more precious hours of your life pass by. And there's more, much more, to come.


  When you really stop to take a good hard look at it all – and we imagine you're doing so now asyou read this – you'll realize that the state of being married is essentially a large, formallylegal, fiction. Does being married solve all of your intense personal issues, or does it merelycreate new and less immediately solvable problems?


  Does the fact that the two of you have cosigned a marriage license really make you that muchmore in love with, and committed to, each other? Whose idea was it to sign this paper,anyhow? Yours? Your spouses? Her parents? Was it peer pressure from your friends or yourchurch? This is a question worth inquiring into.


  6.Marriage Means Sticking To The Plan – No More Spontaneity


  Do you enjoy going crazy on the weekend? Driving up to Brooklyn on a whim and partying withyour best friend's brother's cousin's uncle's boss' nephew at a new Italian themed night clubthat just opened up? If so, plan on never doing so again. You've got a wife to come home to,paper work to fill out, dinner to eat, dishes to clean, television shows to watch, and a full nightof doing exactly what you did the previous four nights to look forward to. Sounds great, huh?It's your life when you're married, partner.


  Sure, you'll hear about married couples who manage to keep the "spontaneity" alive in theirmarriage. These are Fortune 500 execs and hotel heiresses who can afford to fly (frequentlyseparately) to any breezy location in the world that they please. The rest of us don't have it sogood. Spontaneity is a dead letter in a middle class marriage. What truly prevails is routine,and the desperate need to play things safely so as not to introduce some new and terrifyingpretense for misunderstanding and resultant bickering.


  If you have children, you can count on the drudgery to become even worse. You can't have ababysitter in every night if you expect to actually get to know your children. And, for obviousreasons, you can't be partying on the other side of town when they are going through theirfirst few pivotal life events. While witnessing these events is certainly a rewarding experience,the monotony that surrounds them may prove unendurable.


  5.Marriage Is Constant "Compromise" (MeaningYou Lose, No Matter What)


  One of the things that your father or fatherconfessor will continually attempt to drill into yourhead before you take the plunge is that marriageessentially consists of an endless series ofcompromises. Now, this is where your recollectionof the earliest events of your childhood ought to kickin. To wit, do you remember the various argumentsand disagreements that your mother and fatherengaged in while you were living under their roof? Who won the majority of those arguments?


  Sure, your Dad could always lead off strong with the "I'm the bread winner" charge. But wasn'tyour Mom quick to counter with "Who does the shopping, the clothes folding, the nose wipingfor the four year old, etc.?" When all else fails, she fought dirty: Cue up the old reliable waterworks! Your Dad really never had a chance.


  Yes, he could stage a "down tools" protest for a couple of hours by heading over to hisbrother's house to drink a few beers and commiserate in the garage. But, sooner or later, he'dbe back, doing exactly what he didn't want to be doing, with the person that he would leastenjoy doing it with. Some compromise, eh, Sharky?


  Of course, here and there, you'll win a few small victories. You'll get to keep a few of your oldhigh school yearbooks or a few Kiss concert T-shirts that you've almost, but not quite,outgrown. The rest of this compromise business is her domain, which she permits you to livein –pro tempore.


  4.Did You Enjoy The Premarital Sex? Good, Because Post Marriage Sex Is A Myth, MuchLike Nessie And Bigfoot


  Remember all the sweet good times you and your Significant Other had in the sack before youtied the knot? Let's hope they were good enough – and plentiful – enough to last you a lifetime. As it turns out, you'll need those sweet memories to see you through a long, intercoursefree desert of married life, which -need we remind you? – is currently scheduled to last untildeath do you part.


  The fact of the matter, in case you haven't guessed, is that sexual intercourse decreasessharply after marriage. There's a million logical (and perfectly joyless) reasons why this is so.To begin with, if children are the immediate sequel of your first few weeks of honeymoon sex,you can just imagine how strong your wife's aversion to further potential "accidents" mightbecome.


  If children are indeed involved in your life, you can likewise imagine how sharp of a toll thatlooking after the little bundles of joy will take on your potential allotment of sack whoopie time.


  There will come a stressful, intercourse free, period during which your little toddler(s) will wantto sleep with Mommy and Daddy so as to avoid the monster in the closet. There will come atime when Mommy will simply be so worn out after a stressful day at the office that she will befast asleep in the bed by the time you've finished brushing your teeth. Prepare for the comingdrought.



7.除了一紙婚書,婚姻再無(wú)意義 Remember when you first decided or someone decided for you in terms resembling an offeryou couldnt refuse that it was time to get married? Remember all of the
