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  An anti-counterfeiting group said Friday it was suspending Alibaba’s membership following an uproar by some companies that view the Chinese e-commerce giant as the world’s largest marketplace for fakes.


  The International Anti-Counterfeiting Coalition told members that it had failed to inform the board of directors about conflicts of interest involving the group’s president, Robert Barchiesi.


  Earlier Friday, The Associated Press reported that Barchiesi had stock in Alibaba, had close ties to an Alibaba executive and had used family members to help run the coalition.


  The coalition, in a letter to members sent after the AP report came out, said conflicts weren’t disclosed to the board "because of a weakness in our corporate governance procedures." It said the failure was not because of "inaction on Bob’s part," referring to Barchiesi.


  The coalition said that is hiring an independent firm to review its corporate government policies.


  In its letter, the board said that as a result of members’ concerns, it was suspending a new class of membership under which Alibaba had recently joined. The move would affect two other companies that signed up under the new rules.


  Jennifer Kuperman, Alibaba’s head of international corporate affairs, said companies like Alibaba were important for solving the problem of counterfeiting.


  "Whether or not we are a member of the IACC, we will continue our productive and results-oriented relationships with brands, governments and all industry partners," she said.


  At issue is the independence of a small but influential coalition that lobbies U.S. officials and testifies before Congress.


  Alibaba’s membership could help shape the global fight against counterfeits. Fakes damage companies’ bottom lines, can harm consumers who unknowingly buy such products, and feed a vast underground money-laundering industry that supports criminal syndicates.


  In recent weeks Gucci America, Michael Kors and Tiffany have quit the Washington D.C.-based coalition, which has more than 250 members.


  The AP found several ties between the group’s president and Alibaba:


  —Barchiesi has owned Alibaba stock since its 2014 listing in New York. The IACC said in a statement that the holdings represent "a small percentage of his investment portfolio."


  —Matthew Bassiur, who took over as vice president of global intellectual property enforcement at Alibaba in January, hired Barchiesi’s son, Robert Barchiesi II, to work at Apple back in 2011. Alibaba said that hire was made on merit. Apple declined to comment.


  —Bassiur is a founding board member of the ICE Foundation, which supports U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement employees. Since 2013, the foundation has been run by Barchiesi’s other son, James Barchiesi. That same year, the foundation’s board voted to award a contract for "fiscal and operational management" to a private company, also run by James Barchiesi. The foundation has received grants of ,000 from the anti-counterfeiting coalition every year since 2012, tax filings show.


  Kuperman, of Alibaba, said Bassiur’s expertise would help the company "further instill trust in our marketplaces."


  "We are highly confident in his abilities and proud to have him at Alibaba in this critical global role," she said.


  Robert Barchiesi had also come under fire for his stewardship of the coalition and allegations of conflicts of interest on the move to include Alibaba.




  Imagine getting a soft drink from a vending machine using only your smartphone. Or scanning a QR code to buy goods from a newspaper ad.


  By harnessing these innovations — and more — China mobile shopping is barreling ahead of the United States. China is still the world's largest smartphone market, even though growth is slowing. It accounts for about 30 percent of the global smartphone market, and Chinese smartphone users are expected to jump from 526.8 million to 640 million in 2018, according to eMarketer. And its shoppers are using their gadgets to snap up a wide array of goods and services.


  Nearly half of all China's e-commerce sales, totaling 5.7 billion, are made with mobile devices, versus roughly one-quarter in the U.S., according to eMarketer. By 2019, China's mobile sales will account for 71 percent of those sales.


  "We don't see mobile buying plateauing for the next five years," said Monica Pearl, eMarketer's director of forecasting. "They'll increase because consumer behavior has changed." Feature-rich, cheap smartphones are also helping fuel the boom, she added.


  China is, after all, a mobile first market, explains Brian Buchwald, CEO of consumer intelligence firm Bomoda. So it has been able to leapfrog past other markets, which mainly used PCs for purchases.


  Sophisticated mobile payment apps are partly fueling the mobile boom. To grease buying, purchases are smooth and nearly seamless, since goods are bought in a few seconds with just one click. And an intense fight for market share between payment titans WeChat Pay and Alibaba's Alipay is fueling even more innovation. Apple Pay has only just recently stepped into the competitive arena.


  Meanwhile, the Chinese government has allowed a free-flowing retail and payments marketplace.


  "There are no restraints," said Michael Zakkour, vice president of China/Asia Pacific practice at Tompkins International.


  And that's good news for WeChat, A messaging app that's only five years old and is offered by the Internet giant Tencent. The app now has 650 million users. And a good chunk of them are using the app for mobile shopping. The result is that WeChat payments, along with Alibaba's Alipay, dominate the market. Because retailers can easily set up shop inside WeChat, users can plan family vacations, order a taxi or even design clothes without going anywhere else.


  "WeChat is the most influential app in the world," said Buchwald. "It has the functionality of an iTunes store. So you can do anything you want."


  This mobile preference is one-stop shopping for navigating a digital life. "We're talking about the emergence of chat commerce," said Lily Varón, an analyst at Forrester Research. "WeChat is becoming a commerce channel. And it's an ecosystem that's unlike anything in the U.S."


  And, she adds, unlike the U.S., there's also no digital divide in China by geography or age. "It's not just limited to younger consumers," she said.


  Meanwhile, e-commerce powerhouse Alibaba has its own Alipay app. Known as the PayPal of China, it is the dominant player in the mobile payment industry. And it's in a competitive tussle with WeChat to keep market share — fueling even more innovation.


  "They're both spending billions building new features and technologies," said Buchwald. "That includes making lots of different investments in start-ups." For example, Alipay is now testing ways to let shoppers pay just by scanning a physical feature.


  At the same time, Apple and Samsung are trying to break into this sector with partnerships with UnionPay, China's main bank card and payment firm.


  The U.S. is lagging behind though, and mobile payments have yet to gain traction. Even QR codes, which have largely flopped in the U.S., are used everywhere in China to buy goods. And mobile phones there already have scanners embedded in them.


  Once scanned and bought, goods are delivered quickly. And Alibaba, which has a massive logistics network, can get goods to customers within one day. Its ultimate goal is even loftier: deliveries to any Chinese city within 24 hours. Alibaba is even investing in drone companies, says Buchwald.


  These hyperkinetic deliveries are fueling ever more purchases. Last year, China's Singles Day — a consumer shopping day invented by Alibaba and much like Black Friday in the U.S. — totaled .3 billion, which is 60 percent higher than 2014. Those sales total more than Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales in the U.S. combined.


  "In China, spending as much money as possible on Singles Day is almost patriotic," said Buchwald. "It's more of a collectivist spirit there."


  Emphasizing community good over the individual goes back thousands of years in China. "It's the cowboy vs. the collective," said Zakkour. "So Chinese people want to make sure that products they're buying have acceptance." For this reason, mobile commerce was predestined to become successful there, he added.


  Los Angeles-based Revolve Clothing had to navigate this community spirit to sell its goods in China. "Social media there is very important," said Mike Karanikolas, co-CEO of Revolve, an online collection of up-and-coming fashion brands for men and women. "It's as if Amazonowned a big chunk of Facebook."

  總部位于洛杉磯的“Revolve Clothing”為了打開中國市場,著手利用這種集體主義精神。“在中國,社交媒體相當(dāng)重要,”Revolve Clothing的聯(lián)合CEO邁克·卡蘭尼克拉說道。Revolve Clothing是一家線上新秀,銷售各品牌男女潮流服裝。“這效果就像亞馬遜持有臉書的大量股份一樣。”

  For the online apparel retailer, ramping up sales to the Chinese market meant navigating longer purchase cycles. Purchases in the U.S. are made quickly, he explains. But in China, purchases can take up to 30 days because many Chinese consumers spend a lot of time researching goods and then checking them out with a circle of friends before making an online purchase.


  But in many ways, China's mobile mania may well be the new face of retailing.


  China is up to three years ahead of the U.S. in mobile shopping, said Buchwald. "And it's moving faster than any other area of the economy. It's the future."




  When setting business appointments in the Czech Republic, always make them well in advance.


  Punctuality for meetings is an important aspect of Czech business culture and it is taken extremely seriously. It is generally considered inappropriate to be more than five minutes late.


  Do not interrupt or raise the level of your voice during business discussions with Czech business people.


  Respect your Czech counterparts' sense of personal space. Close personal contact with business acquaintances is frowned upon and should be avoided at all times.


  Don't refuse any invitation offered to you, as crucial business decisions are often made outside the business environment. The Czechs value hospitality as a means through which to build both personal and business relationships.


  Expect to participate in some form of small talk and introductory conversation before entering into business discussions with Czech business people.


  Don't be surprised if your Czech counterparts ask you about your personal earnings. This is an acceptable line of enquiry to strangers in the Czech Republic.


  Czechs are non-confrontational and often take an indirect approach to business dealings. If they lower their eyes and become silent, they are uncomfortable with something you have said.


  It will take several meetings for your Czech business associates to become familiar with you and appear comfortable and friendly.


  One of the most underlying and inherent features of the Czech culture is their polite and humble approach to life.


  During business dealings a direct “no” will often be replaced by an expression such as “it is difficult” or “we will see” in order to avoid confrontation and maintain a certain level of politeness.


  Business is conducted slowly. You will have to be patient and not appear ruffled by the strict adherence to protocol.


  Business is hierarchical. Decision-making power is held at the top of the company. Decisions are reached slowly.


  Avoid high-pressure tactics. Czechs generally offer what they expect to get and do not often give counter-offers.


  Czechs are private people until they get to know you. They are formal and reserved. Once you develop a personal relationship, Czechs open up a bit, but they are never overly emotional.


  Leadership and authority is vertical in structure. Czech managers maintain their status and separate themselves from subordinates. As a result of the hierarchical system of Czech business, decision-making power is centralized and is rarely questioned or challenged by those of a lower rank.


  5 Key Topics to Use in Conversation


  1. Weather, nature and historical beauty


  2. Your home country, city and culture


  3. Your work experience and humorous anecdotes as they relate to work


  4. Hobbies and sports such as golf, tennis and soccer


  5. Anything about art, music and culture


  5 Key Topics to Avoid in Conversation


  1. Extremely serious topics not related to work


  2. Global problems, war, the nuclear issue or pollution


  3. Money - although they may ask you about it, they don't talk about their own wealth


  4. Politics in general


  5. The old communist regime



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