岱宗夫如何, 齊魯青未了。
造化鐘神秀, 陰陽割昏曉。
蕩胸生層云, 決眥入歸鳥。
會當(dāng)凌絕頂, 一覽眾山小。
what shall i say of the great peak? --
the ancient dukedoms are everywhere green,
inspired and stirred by the breath of creation,
with the twin forces balancing day and night.
…i bare my breast toward opening clouds,
i strain my sight after birds flying home.
when shall i reach the top and hold
all mountains in a single glance?
客從東方來, 衣上灞陵雨。
問客何為來, 采山因買斧。
冥冥花正開, 揚(yáng)揚(yáng)燕新乳。
昨別今已春, 鬢絲生幾縷。
out of the east you visit me,
with the rain of baling still on your clothes,
i ask you what you have come here for;
you say: "to buy an ax for cutting wood in the mountains"
…hidden deep in a haze of blossom,
swallow fledglings chirp at ease
as they did when we parted, a year ago….
how grey our temples have grown since them!