

時間: 玉蓮928 分享



  1.give rise to, lead to, result in, trigger 考試大替換cause.

  2.There are several reasons behind sth 替換..reasons for sth

  3.desire 替換want.

  4.pour attention into 替換pay attention to

  5.bear in mind that 替換remember

  6. enjoy, possess 替換have(注意process 是過程的意思)

  7. interaction 替換communication

  8.frown on sth 替換be against , disagree with sth

  9.to name only a few, as an example 替換 for example, for instance

  10. next to / virtually impossible,替換nearly / almost impossible


  1.individuals,characters 替換(people ,persons)

  2.positive, favorable, rosy (美好的),promising(有希望的),perfect, pleasurable , exc ellent, outstanding, superior 替換good

  3.dreadful, unfavorable, poor, adverse, ill (有害的)替換bad 如果bad 做表語,可以有 be less impressive 替換 eg: An army of college students indulge themselves in playing games, enjoying r omance with girls/boys or killing time passively in their dorms. When it approaches to graduation ,as a result, they find their academic records are less impressive.

  4.(an army of, an ocean of, a sea of, a multitude of ,a host of, many, if not mos t)替換many. 注:用many, if not most 一定要小心,many 后一定要有詞。 eg:Many individuals, if not most, harbor the idea that….同理 用most, if not all ,替 換most.

  5.a slice of, quiet a few , several 替換some

  6.harbor the idea that, take the attitude that,hold the view that, it is widely share d that, it is universally acknowledged that 替換think(因為是書面語,所以要加that)

  7.affair ,business ,matter 替換thing

  8.shared 替換common

  9.reap huge fruits 替換get many benefits )

  10.for my part ,from my own perspective 替換in my opinion

  11.Increasing(ly),growing 替換more and more( 注意沒有growingly 這種形式。所以當 修飾名詞時用increasing/growing.修飾形容詞,副詞用increasingly. eg:sth has gained growing popularity.Sth is increasingly popular with the advance ment of sth.

  12.little if anything, 或little or nothing 替換hardly

  13.beneficial, rewarding 替換helpful,

  14.shopper,client,consumer,purchaser, 替換customer

  15.exceedingly,extremely, intensely 替換very

  16.hardly necessary, hardly inevitable ... 替換 unnecessary, avoidable

  17.sth appeals to sb, sth exerts a tremendous fascination on sb 替換sb take inter est in / sb. be interested in

  18.capture one’s attention 替換attract one’s attention.

  19.facet,demension,sphere 代aspect

  20.be indicative of ,be suggestive of ,be fearful of 代 indicate, suggest ,fear


  1. very:

  pretty, much, quite, greatly, highly, extremely

  2. important:

  vital, critical, essential, influential, meaningful, prominent, significant

  3. more and more:

  an increasing number of, increasingly, on a rise

  4. think:

  believe, argue, maintain, hold the view that

  5. like:

  enjoy, be fond of, be in favor of, prefer

  6. first/second/third:

  第一: To start/begin with, on one hand, initially

  第二: Furthermore, in addition, besides, on the other hand, moreover, next

  第三: Last but not least; then, thus, hence, consequently

  7. many/some:

  most, few, more than, less than, no more than, no less than, the majority of, the minority of, an overwhelming number of

  8. and/but:

  not only…but also, as well as, however, nevertheless, otherwise, whereas, on the contrary, conversely

  9. in my opinion:

  personally, as far as I am concerned, as to me, from my angle, from my point of view, from my perspective, from my way of thinking

  10. Every coin has two sides. / How time flies.

  a two-edged sword (雙刃劍)

  Happiness takes no account of time. (歡樂不覺時光過)







