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時(shí)間: 玉蓮928 分享



  Conversation One


  A. The relationship between farmers, Ward andSears.

  B. The development of the catalog sales business.

  C. The relationship between the catalog andtextbooks.

  D. The story of a Chicago retailer.


  A. Because he wanted to beat Ward.

  B. Because he wanted to help his brother Ward.

  C. Because he thought this business was profitable.

  D. Because he enjoyed competition in this business.


  A. Farmers.

  B. City people.

  C. Business people.

  D. Students.


  A. It helped students with spelling and adding.

  B. It helped students become familiar with a variety of goods.

  C. Students might order things from the catalog.

  D. Schools were short of textbooks at that time.


  Conversation One

  W: What are you doing?

  M: [19]I'm ordering some filing cabinets out of acatalog.

  W: What do you need them for?

  M: There's so much stuff piling up in my dormitoryroom. If I don't do something soon, I won't be ableto move in there.

  W: Do you usually order from a catalog?

  M: Sometimes. Why?

  W: Oh, it's just in the history class today we were talking about how the catalog salesbusiness first got started in the US. A Chicago retailer, Montgomery Ward started it in the late1800s. [21]It was really popular among farmers. It was difficult for them to make it to the bigcity stores so they ordered from catalogs.

  M: Was Ward the only one in the business?

  W: At first, [20]but another person named Richard Sears started his own catalog after heheard how much money Ward was making.

  M: What made them so popular?

  W: [21]Farmers trusted Ward and Sears for one thing. They delivered the products the farmerspaid for and even refunded the price of things the farmers weren't satisfied with. The catalogsbecame so popular that in some countries school teachers even used them as textbooks.

  M: [22]Textbooks?

  W: Yeah, [22]students practice spelling the names and adding up the prices of things in thecatalogs.

  M: Was everybody that thrilled about it?

  W: That's doubtful. Say they drove some small store owners out of business. Sears and Wardsold stuff in such large quantities. They were able to undercut the prices at some small familyowned stores.


  Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  19. What is the conversation mainly about?


  20. Why did Richard Sears start his own business in catalog?

  [C]解析:對(duì)話中女士說(shuō)到:“在得知Ward賺了多少錢(qián)以后,另一個(gè)名叫Richard Sears的人也開(kāi)展自己的郵購(gòu)業(yè)務(wù)。”可見(jiàn),Sears是為了賺大錢(qián),所以選C。“轉(zhuǎn)折but處出題”。沒(méi)有理由聽(tīng)不懂“how much moneyWard was making”!profitable是make money的同義替換。

  21. Who were the main customers of Sears and Ward's business?


  22. Why was the catalog used as textbooks?

  [A]解析:男士很驚奇地問(wèn):“Textbooks?”,下文女士給出了解釋:“是啊,學(xué)生們用郵購(gòu)表中事物的名稱練習(xí)拼寫(xiě),用其中的價(jià)格練習(xí)加法運(yùn)算。”所以選 A。適用“聽(tīng)到什么選什么”的原則。spelling與adding兩個(gè)詞一定會(huì)很“奪耳”!
