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  2013年6月英語六級聽力真題第3套Section A

  Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes)

  Section A

  Directions:In this section,you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations.At the end of each conversation,one or more questions will be asked about what was said.Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.After each question there will be a pause.During the pause,you must read the four choices marked A),B),C)and D),and decide which is the best answer,Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.



  A) It will mainly benefit the wealthy.

  B) It will stimulate business activities.

  C) It will reduce government revenues.

  D) It will cut the stockholders' dividends.


  A) She doesn't think much of job-hopping.

  B) She will stick to the job if the pay is good.

  C) She prefers alife of continued exploration.

  D) She will do her best if the job is worth doing.


  A) Talk the drug user out of the habit.

  B) Stop thinking about the matter.

  C) Keep his distance from drug addicts.

  D) Be more friendly to his schoolmate.


  A) The son.

  B) Aunt Louise.

  C) The father.

  D) The mother.


  A) Move to anotherplace.

  B) Stay away for acouple of weeks.

  C) Check the locks

  D) Look after the Johnsons'house.


  A) He didn't wantto miss the game.

  B) He would liketo warm up for the game.

  C) He didn't wantto be held up in traffic.

  D) He wanted tocatch as many game birds as possible.


  A) It was burneddown.

  B) It was closeddown.

  C) It was robbed.

  D) It was blownup.


  A) She studies inthe same school as her brother.

  B) She isn't goingto work in her brother's firm.

  C) She isn't goingto change her major.

  D)She plans to major in tax law.

  Questions 19 to 21 are based onthe conversation you have just heard.


  A) Current issues in economics.

  B) Choices facedby conservationists.

  C) A recent biology lecture.

  D) Topics for a research paper.


  A) A scarcity ofjobs in their field.

  B) Inadequate training in methods of biological research.

  C) Difficulties in classifying all of the varieties of owls.

  D) A lack offunding for their work with endangered species.


  A) It has numerous traits in common with the spotted owl.

  B) Its populationis increasing in recent years.

  C) It may notsurvive without special efforts of conservationists.

  D)Its role in the chain of evolution has not yet been examined.

  Questions 22 to 25 are based onthe conversation you have just heard.


  A) Training given to music therapists.

  B) How music prevents disease.

  C) Studies on thebenefits of music.

  D) How musicians create music.


  A) In place of physical therapy.

  B) To control brain problems.

  C) To prevent heart disease.

  D) To relieve depression.


  A) They like tohave music in the operating room.

  B) They solved problems better while listening to music they liked.

  C) They preferredclassical music.

  D) They performedbetter when they used headphones.


  A) It increased the students' white blood cell.

  B) It increased some students' energy level.

  C) It improved thestudents' ability to play musical instruments.

  D) It released anatural painkiller in some students' bodies.

  2013年6月英語六級聽力真題第3套Section B

  Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.


  Passage One

  Questions 26 to 29 are based onthe passage you have just heard.


  A) She was boredwith her idle life at home.

  B) She was offereda good job by her neighbour.

  C) She wanted tohelp with the family's finances.

  D) Her familywould like to see her more involved in social life.


  A) Doinghousework.

  B) Looking afterher neighbour's children.

  C) Reading papersand watching TV.

  D) Taking goodcare of her husband.


  A) Jane got angryat Bill's idle life.

  B) Bill failed toadapt to the new situation.

  C) Bill blamedJane for neglecting the family.

  D) The childrenwere not taken good care of.


  A) Neighboursshould help each other.

  B) Women shouldhave their own careers.

  C) Man and wifeshould share household duties.

  D) Parents shouldtake good care of their children.

  Passage Two

  Questions 30 to 32 are based onthe passage you have just heard.


  A) To predictnatural disasters that can cause vast destruction.

  B) To limit thedestruction that natural disasters may cause.

  C) To gainfinancial support from the United Nations.

  D) To proposemeasures to hold back natural disasters.


  A) There is stilla long way to go before man can control natural disasters.

  B) Internationalcooperation can minimize the destructive force of natural disasters.

  C) Technology canhelp reduce the damage natural disasters may cause.

  D) Scientists cansuccessfully predict earthquakes.


  A) There werefatal mistakes in its design.

  B) The builderdidn't observe the building codes of the time.

  C) The trafficload went beyond its capacity.

  D) It was builtaccording to less strict earthquake resistance standards.

  Passage Three

  Questions 33 to 35 are based onthe passage you have just heard.


  A) By judging towhat extent they can eliminate the risks.

  B) By estimatingthe possible loss of lives and property.

  C) By estimatingthe frequency of volcanic eruptions.

  D) By judging thepossible risks against the likely benefits.


  A) One of Etna'srecent eruptions made many people move away.

  B) Etna's frequenteruptions have ruined most of the local farmland.

  C) Etna'seruptions are frequent but usually mild.

  D) There are signsthat Etna will erupt again in the near future.


  A) They willremain where they are.

  B) They will leavethis area forever.

  C) They will turnto experts for advice.

  D) They will seekshelter in nearby regions.

  2013年6月英語六級聽力真題第3套Section C

  Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time,you should listen carefully for its general idea.When the passage is read for the second time,you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard. Finally,when the passage is read for the third time,you should check what you have written.


  Certain phrasesone commonly hears among Americans capture their devotion to individualism:"Do your own thing." "I did it my way." "You'll haveto decide that for yourself." "You made your bed, now (36) _______ init." "If you don't look out for yourself, no one else will.""Look out for number one."

  Closely (37)_______ with the value they place on individualism is the importance Americans(38) _______ to privacy. Americans assume that people "need some time tothemselves" or "some time alone" to think about things orrecover their (39) _______ psychological energy. Americans have great (40)_______ understanding foreigners who always want to be with another person, who(41) _______ being alone.

  If the parents can(42) _______ it, each child will have his or her own bedroom. Having one's ownbedroom, even as an (43) _______, fixes in a person the notion that (44)_____________________. She will have her clothes, her toys, her books, and soon. These things will be hers and no one else's.

  Americans assumethat (45) _____________________. Doctors, lawyers, psychiatrists, and othershave rules governing "confidentiality" that are intended to preventinformation about their clients' personal situations from becoming known toothers.

  Americans'attitudes about privacy can be hard for foreigners to understand. (46)_____________________. When those boundaries arc crossed, an American's bodywill visibly stiffen and his manner will become cool and aloof.


  11-15 ACCDB

  16-20 ACBBD

  21-25 CCDBD

  26-30 CABCB

  31-35 CDDCA

  36. lie

  37. associated

  38. assign

  39. spent

  40. difficulty

  41. dislike

  42. afford

  43. infant

  44. she isentitled to a place of her own where she can be by herself, and keep herpossessions

  45. people willhave their private thoughts that might never be shared with anyone

  46.Americans' houses, yards, and even their offices can seem open and inviting.Yet in the minds of Americans, there are boundaries that other people aresimply not supposed to cross






