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時(shí)間: 桂香1115 分享




  A : I would like to ask you a question. 我想問你一個(gè)問題

  B : Yes. Please do. 好,請說。

  A : Would you care to answer my question on the warranty? 你可以回答我有關(guān)保證的問題嗎?

  B : I do not know whether you care to answer right away 我不知道你是否愿意立即回答。

  A : I have to raise some issues which may be embarrassing. 我必須提出一些比較尷尬的問題。

  B : Sorry, but could you kindly repeat what you just said? 抱歉,你可以重復(fù)剛剛所說的嗎?

  A : It would help if you could try to speak a little slower. 請你盡量放慢說話速度。

  B : I will try. 我會試試看。

  A : Could you please explain the premises of your argument in moredetail? It will help me understand the point you are trying to make. We cannotproceed any further without receiving your thoughts with respect tothe manner of payment. 你能詳細(xì)說明你們的論據(jù)嗎?這會幫助我了解你們的重點(diǎn)。我們?nèi)绻涣私饽銈儗Ω犊罘绞降囊庖?,便不能進(jìn)一步檢討。

  B : Actually, my interest was directed more towards what particularmarkets you foresee for our product. We really need more specific information about your technology. 事實(shí)上,我關(guān)心的是貴公司對我們產(chǎn)品市場的考量。我們需要與貴公司技術(shù)相關(guān)更專門的資訊。


  Excuse me, but aren't you Mr. Smith from America? 對不起,您是美國來的史密斯先生嗎?

  Here's my card / name card / business card. 這是我的名片。

  We've been looking forward to meeting you. 我們一直在期待見到您。

  I'm delighted to meet you at last. 很高興終于見到您了。

  How nice to meet you again! 又見到你真是太高興了。

  Is this your first time to China? 您是第一次來中國嗎?

  You can call me at my office during the day or at my home after six p.m. … 白天可以打我辦公室電話。下午6點(diǎn)以后可以打我家里電話。

  Direct contact will do good to both sides. 會晤對雙方都有好處。

  Are there any sights you'd like to see while you are in Nanjing? 在南京期間,你想去哪里觀光一番?

  Is there any place you'd like to visit in particular? I could help you arrange that. 你有沒有什么地方想要參觀的?我可以為你安排。

  I'll accompany you to the hotel. 我將陪你去旅館。

  Would you like an informal dinner with us tonight? 今晚我們吃頓便飯,怎么樣?

  Sorry to have kept you waiting. 對不起,讓你久等了。

  I'm sorry I'm late. 對不起我來晚了。


  1. add up to

  合計(jì)達(dá);總括起來意味著。此語本義指"合計(jì)為",在日常生活中多用喻義,即"總括起來意味著"。在使用中應(yīng)注意與"add up"一詞的區(qū)別。"add up"本指"把 … 加起來",其喻義為"言之有理,說得通"。

  如:The facts just don't add up.(這些事情合計(jì)起來不對頭。)

  A: The cashier said he had locked the safe before he left. 出納說他走時(shí)把保險(xiǎn)柜鎖上了。

  B: But how did the money disappear from it if it was locked? 如果鎖上了那錢怎么沒的?

  B: What do you think it all adds up to? 你想這一切意味著什么?

  A: It adds up to the fact that we have been cheated. 意味著我們被騙了。

  2.商務(wù)英語日??谡Z詞匯:agree to differ


  A: What do you mean? 你是什么意思?

  B: Considering the major contracts they might give us, I overlooked the small loss. 考慮到他們可能與我們簽訂大宗合同,小小的損失我就忽略不計(jì)了。