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  J: The erections of Cambridge are so beautiful and impressive.


  C: Yeah. And I notice that there are plenty of bridges in Cambridge, for example, Clare College Bridge④,the oldest of Cambridge’s current bridges.

  J:是啊。而且我注意到劍橋有很多橋,比如說,劍橋大學現(xiàn)存的橋中歷史最悠久的 是克萊爾學院橋。

  J: It survives as the oldest due to all its contemporaries being destroyed by the Roundhead forces in the Civil War, to make the town of Cambridge more defensible.

  J:這是因為在英國內戰(zhàn)期間,圓顱黨 武裝力量為了增強劍橋鎮(zhèn)的防御能 力,把和克萊爾學院橋同時代的橋 : 都毀了,所以克萊爾學院橋是現(xiàn)存的最古老的橋。

  C: But compared with Clare College Bridge, Bridge of Sighs is more beautiful.


  J: Bridge of sighs belongs to St John’s College and it has a long history.

  J:嘆息橋隸屬于圣約翰學院,歷史很 悠久。

  C: But why such a lovely bridge is called Bridge of Sighs?


  J: There are various versions about its special name. Some say that because of the strict graduate examination of the University of Cambridge, it’s difficult for students who don’t work hard to pass it.

  J:關于它特殊名字的來源,有很多的版本。有些人說是因為劍橋大學的畢業(yè)考試十 分嚴格,學習不夠用功的學生很難通過這個考試。

  C: Oh, I see! After flunking the exam, they would stand on the bridge and sigh or weep to express their regret. So the university named it Bridge of Sighs, to alert the students to study diligently④,

  C:哦,我知道了!學生們考試失敗后會站在橋上嘆息或是哭泣以表達他們的悔恨。 所以學校把這座橋命名為嘆息橋,提醒學生們要刻苦學習。

  J: You are very smart and this version seems to stand up under scrutiny. But still there are different versions.


  C: I'm curious about the other versions. Can you give me more details?


  J: Others claim that the name of the bridge comes from the fact that students who break the university’s rules have to stand on the bridge to reflect their mistakes as a punishment. When they think about their misbehaviors, they would have a sigh.

  J:有些人說這座橋名字的來源是這樣的:違反學校規(guī)定的學生必須接受懲罰,即站 在橋上反思他們的錯誤。當想到自己的不當行為時,他們會發(fā)出_聲嘆息。

  C: So many stories bring fame to this bridge. And that reminds me of a story that I heard many years ago. The story is that in Cambridge, students would sigh as they walked through this bridge, taking their last look at the city before taking the exams.

  C:這么多的故事綰這座橋帯來了名氣。這又讓我想起了多年前聽到的一個故事。當劍橋的學生們走過這座橋要去參加考試時,他們會嘆息,站在橋上看風景是他們 對劍橋鎮(zhèn)的最后一瞥。

  J: In fact, this bridge was named after Bridge of Sighs, Venice. The view from Bridge of Sighs was the last view of Venice that convicts saw before their imprisonment.

  j:事實上,這座橋是根據(jù)威尼斯的嘆息橋而命名的。從嘆息橋上看到的風景是囚犯 們進入監(jiān)獄之前對威尼斯的最后一瞥。

  C: You mean the enclosed bridge made of white limestone and having windows with stone bars in Venice, which connected the old prisons to the interrogation rooms in the Doge,s Palace?

  C:你指的是威尼斯那座由白色石灰?guī)r建造、帶有窗戶和石欄的封閉橋嗎?就是連接 舊監(jiān)獄和總督府審訊室的那座嗎?

  J: Yes. The bridge name, given by Lord Byron in the 19th century, came from the suggestion that prisoners would sigh at their final view of beautiful Venice out the window before being taken down to their cells.

  J:是的。拜仁勛爵在19世紀給威尼斯的這座橋取名為哎息橋。他是根裾這樣的聯(lián) 想取名的:犯人在被關進監(jiān)獄之前走在這座橋上,當他們從窗戶向外看美麗的威 尼斯最后一眼時會發(fā)出嘆息。

  C: I can see the structural similarity between the bridge in Cambridge and its Venetian namesake-they are both covered bridges.


  J: And Bridge of Sighs in Cambridge has connection with Lord Byron, too.


  C: Really? What connection?


  J: When Lord Byron fell from grace of Duchess of Bronte, he jumped off the bridge to commit suicide, but was saved by a passer-by. After that, the college sealed the open bridge to a gallery bridge.

  J:當拜倫勛爵失寵于勃倫特公爵夫人時,他從橋上跳下來想自殺,但他被一個路人 救了。從那以后,圣約翰學院就把原本是敞□式的橋梁封閉成廊橋了。

  C: Lord Byron is too emotional, but his story adds romance to this bridge.


  J: In the tourist guide of St. John's College, readers can find the description for the pictures of Bridge of Sighs emphasizes that the bridge has never brought any punishment for any students.

  J:在圣約翰學院的旅游指南上,讀者們可以看到在對嘆息橋圖片的描述上,校方強 調從沒有在橋上處罰過任何學生。


  劍橋大學為一所坐落于英國劍橋的研究型書院聯(lián)邦制大學,是世界著名研究型大學之一。 劍橋大學為英語世界中歷史第二悠久的大學,前身是一個于公元1209年成立的學者協(xié)會 。這些學者本為牛津大學的一員,但后因與牛津郡民發(fā)生沖突而移居至此。這兩所古老的大學在辦學模式等多方面都非常相似,并經(jīng)常合稱為“牛劍”。除了兩所大學在文化和現(xiàn)實上的協(xié)作已成為英國社會史的一部分外,兩所大學長久以來一直存在競爭,并經(jīng)常和牛津大學爭奪全英最佳學府的聲譽。