

時(shí)間: 韋彥867 分享



  A: I've read your resume, and I remember it says you worked in GE company for quite a number of years.

  A:我已經(jīng)看了您的履歷表,我記得上面說 您在通用電氣公司工作過好幾年。

  B: Yes. I stayed with them for almost four years since my graduation from University of Foreign Trade in 2003.

  B:對。自2003年我從外貿(mào)大學(xué)畢業(yè)時(shí)算 起,我已經(jīng)在那兒待了差不多4年了。

  A: Did you enjoy working there?


  B: Yes, I did. I started as an office clerk, and became a department manager three years later. About one year ago, I was appointed assistant to the general manager.

  B:是的,我喜歡。我從辦公室職員做起,3 年后成了一名部門經(jīng)理。大約在1年 前,我被任命為總經(jīng)理助理。

  A: What did you exactly do in that position?


  B: Well, I assisted the general manager with his work in many ways. Sometimes I presided over meeting or took part in some social activities in his name. I was also in charge of making credit inquires, approving payment terms and things like that. But I was mainly responsible for the feasibility studies of the projects, such as estimating the market potential of a newly developed product, competition in the industry, investment environment, credit study of the investment partners, and so forth.

  B:啊,我在很多方面協(xié)助總經(jīng)理工作。有 時(shí)候,我代表他主持會(huì)議或參加社會(huì)活 動(dòng)。我還要負(fù)責(zé)進(jìn)行信用咨詢、審批付 款條件,諸如此類的事情。但我主要是 負(fù)責(zé)項(xiàng)目的可行性研究,比如,評估一個(gè)新開發(fā)產(chǎn)品的市場潛力、行業(yè)競爭情況、 投資環(huán)境、投資伙伴的信用研究,等等。

  A: I can see you did a lot of work. Mr. Wei, you must have done a good job in that corporation. Not many young people at your age can expect to reach a higher position than assistant to the general manager. So I don't quite understand why left the post.

  A:看得出來您做了許多工作。魏先生,您 在那家公司一定干得很出色。沒有多少 像您這種年紀(jì)的青年人能指望擔(dān)任比總 經(jīng)理助理更高的職務(wù)。因此,我就不太 理解您為什么要放棄那個(gè)職位。

  B: I never easily give up something that is valuable. Before I decided to quit that position, I had made a thorough analysis of things like what I would gain and what I would lose here in your company. You know, Hongkong has always been a fascinating place to me, full of challenges as well as hopes. In addition to this, I have the specialized knowledge and the necessary experience of making a good assistant to the investment manager. Of course, opportunities to work abroad and a higher salary are also important to me. So I believe it’s worthwhile to come here to work.

  B:我從不輕易放棄有價(jià)值的東西。我在決 定放棄那個(gè)職務(wù)以前,就對于在貴公司 我會(huì)得到什么和我會(huì)失去什么之類的問 題做過全面的分析。您知道,對我來講, 香港從來都是一個(gè)迷人的地方,既充滿 了希望,又充滿了挑戰(zhàn)。另外,我具備當(dāng) 好投資部經(jīng)理助理的專業(yè)知識(shí)和必要的 經(jīng)歷。當(dāng)然,有機(jī)會(huì)出國工作和較高的 工資對我也很重要。所以,我相信來此 工作是值得的。


  A: Excuse me, is this personnel division?


  B: Yes. What can I do for you?


  A: I came about your advertisement for an assistant of manager. Is there any still available?

  A:我是來應(yīng)聘你們經(jīng)理助理的。還有空缺 職位嗎?

  B: Oh, yes. Won’t you sit down? What’s your surname?


  A: My surname is Xiao.


  B: What’s your first name, Mr. Xiao?


  A: It's Jianguo.


  B: I’m the director of personnel devision of the company, Mr. Brown.


  A: How do you do, Mr. Brown?


  B: How do you do, Mr. Xiao?


  A: Here is my resume.


  B: Fine. You've been in the States about six years, haven’t you?

  B:好的。你已在美國生活了 6年,是嗎?

  A: Yes, I came to study in Princeton University in 1989.


  B: Could you tell me what types of people you like to work with?

  B:能不能告訴我你喜歡與哪一類人一起工 作?

  A: To tell you the truth, I can cooperate with various people. I’m an easygoing person. But of course, I especially enjoy working with people who are responsible, friendly and helpful.

  A:說真話,我能和各種各樣的人合作。我 是容易相處的人。但是,當(dāng)然,我特別喜 歡與有責(zé)任感、待人友好、樂于助人的人 一起工作。

  B: Why are you interested in the position?


  A: I think I’m fit for the position. For I’m sure my major would be of great use for the position. I’m quite happy in my present work, but I hope I would have more responsibility and improve my position.

  A:我認(rèn)為我適合這一職位。因?yàn)槲铱隙ㄎ?的所學(xué)專業(yè)對這一工作一定會(huì)很有用 處。我目前的工作讓我很開心,但我希 望能承擔(dān)更多的責(zé)任,找到更好的工作。


  A: What contribution did you make to your current organization?


  B: I have finished three new projects, and I am sure I can apply my experience to this position.

  B:我已經(jīng)完成了 3個(gè)新項(xiàng)目,而且我相信 我能將我的經(jīng)驗(yàn)運(yùn)用到這份工作上。

  A: What make you think you would be a success in this position?


  B: My graduate school training combined with my internship should qualify me for this particular job. I am sure I will be successful.

  B:我在學(xué)習(xí)和實(shí)習(xí)工作中得到了鍛煉,使 我有能力勝任這份工作。我相信我能成功。

  A: Are you a multi-tasked individual? Do you work well under stress or pressure?

  A:你是一位可以同時(shí)承擔(dān)數(shù)項(xiàng)工作的人 嗎?你能承受工作上的壓力嗎?

  B: Yes, I think so. The trait is needed in my current position and I know I can handle it well.

  B:是的,我可以。這種特點(diǎn)就是我目前工 作所需要的,我知道我能應(yīng)付自如。

  A: What is your strongest trait?


  B: Helpfulness and caring.


  A: How would your friends or colleagues describe you?


  B: They say Mr. Du is an honest, hardworking and responsible man who deeply cares for his family and friends.

  B:他們說,杜先生是位誠實(shí)、工作努力,又 很負(fù)責(zé)任的人,他對家庭和朋友都很關(guān)心。





