學習啦 > 學習英語 > 生活英語 > 旅游英語 > 國外旅游英語交流常用語


時間: 韋彥867 分享


  旅游的第一個好處是:緩解工作、學習的壓力,使精神得到徹底放松! 小編精心收集了國外旅游英語交流常用語,供大家欣賞學習!


  Can we go in?(我們能進到里面嗎?)

  Of course. (當然能。)

  Let's go to see the castle. (我們去看看那座城堡吧。)

  What a beautiful view!(多美的景色呀!)

  I want to stay longer.(我想多呆一會兒。)

  Let's leave now.(我們走吧!)

  I want to rest a while.I want to rest for a while.I want to rest.I want to take a rest.(我想休息一會兒。)

  May I take a picture here?Would it be all right if I took a picture here?(這兒可以照相嗎?)

  Would you take a picture for us?(您能給我們照張相嗎?)

  Will you take a picture of us?(能和我一起照張相嗎?)

  Would you mind posing with me? “pose”(為了繪畫和拍照)擺出姿勢、樣子”。)

  I'll send the pictures. (我會把照片寄給你的。)

  Where is the gift shop? Where can I find the gift shop? (哪兒有禮品店?)

  Where's the bathroom?

  Which way is the bathroom?

  Is the bathroom around here?

  Could you tell me how to get to the bathroom?

  How can I get to the bathroom?

  ( 洗手間在哪兒?)


  It's outside, to the left.It's outside, on the left.It's outside, to your left.It's outside, on the left-hand side.It's outside, on your left.(出去然后往左拐。)

  Can I walk there? (我能走得到嗎?)

  Is it walking distance?( *walking distance “能夠徒步行走的距離”。)

  Do you think I could walk there? (你覺得我能走得到那兒嗎?)

  You should take a bus.(你最好坐公共汽車。)

  Can I walk there? (我可以走得到那兒嗎?)

  You should take a bus.

  It would be better if you took a bus.

  I'd recommend taking a bus.

  You'd better take a bus.


  What's on tonight? (*on 除了表示“在……之上”之外,還有類似“電影上映,戲劇上演”的意思。今天晚上的節(jié)目是什么?)

  What's playing tonight?

  What are you showing tonight?

  How long does it last?


  How long will it last?

  How long is it?


  What time will it be over?

  What time will it end?



  1.Could you recommend a nice restaurant near here? 是否可介紹一家附近口碑不錯的餐廳?

  2.I want a restaurant with reasonable prices. 我想去一家價位合理的餐廳。

  3.Where is the main area for restaurants? 此地餐廳多集中在那一區(qū)?

  4.Is there a Chinese restaurant around here? 這附近是否有中國餐廳?

  5.Are there any inexpensive restaurants near here? 這附近是否有價位不貴的餐廳?

  6. Do you know of any restaurants open now? 你知道現(xiàn)在那里還有餐廳是營業(yè)的嗎?

  7.I'd like to have some local food. 我想嘗試一下當?shù)厥澄铩?/p>

  8.Do I need a reservation? 我需要預約位子嗎?

  9.I'd like to reserve a table for three. 我想要預約3個人的位子。

  10.We are a group of six. 我們共有6個人。

  11.How long is the wait? 我們大概需要等多久?

  12.Do you have a dress code? 餐廳是否有任何服裝上的規(guī)定?

  13.Could the ladies wear formal dresses? 女士是否需著正式服裝?

  14.No jeans, please. 請不要穿牛仔褲。

  15.May I have a menu,please?請給我菜單。

  16. Do you have a menu in chinese? 是否有中文菜單?

  17.May I order,please?我可以點餐了嗎?

  18.Do you have today's special?餐廳有今日特餐嗎?

  19.Can I have the same dish as that? 我可以點與那份相同的餐嗎?

  20. How do you like your steak?你的牛排要如何烹調?



2.旅游 常用英語口語句子


