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時(shí)間: 韋彥867 分享




  Checking In 住宿登機(jī)

  1. I’ll have the bellhop see to your bags. 我會(huì)讓行李員給您拿行李的。

  2. May I know your name and room number? 您能告訴我您的名字及房間號(hào)嗎?

  3. You forgot to put in the date of your departure. 你忘記填寫離開(kāi)日期了。

  4. May I use my credit card in place of a room deposit? 我可以用信用卡來(lái)代替房間保證金嗎?

  5. The girl at the reception desk is quite very forthcoming. 接待處的那位小姐相當(dāng)熱心。

  6. If you need a morning-call, please call the reception desk. 如果你想要叫醒服務(wù),請(qǐng)撥打服務(wù)臺(tái)電話。

  7. You have got altogether four pieces of baggage, have you? 您一共帶了4件行李,是不是?

  8. You can check luggage here. Please go through the formalities. 您可以把行李寄存在這里。請(qǐng)您辦一下寄存手續(xù)。

  9. To check in, you should at first go to the reception desk to register. 要入住的話,你應(yīng)當(dāng)首先去總臺(tái)登記。

  10. Would you please fill out this form while I prepare your key card for you? 請(qǐng)您把這份表填好,我給您開(kāi)出入證,好嗎?


  Reserving a Room 預(yù)訂房間

  1. Will you give me some discount? 可以打折嗎?

  2. What rooms do you exactly want? 您具體想要什么樣的房間?

  3. Is there a special rate for a group reservation? 團(tuán)隊(duì)預(yù)訂有優(yōu)惠嗎?

  4. Do you have a double room overlooking the sea? 你們有沒(méi)有俯瞰海景的雙人間呢?

  5. You pay the deposit just when you are checking in. 訂金是在您辦理入住手續(xù)的時(shí)候交納。

  6. Do you require a deposit to confirm the reservation? 確認(rèn)預(yù)訂是否要付訂金?

  7. You must pay a deposit if you want to reserve the room. 你要預(yù)訂房間,就得先支付訂金。

  8. We usually have high occupancies in the peak seasons. 在旺季時(shí),我們的客房率通常都很高。

  9. I’d like to reserve 10 double rooms with twin beds for five days. 我想訂10間有單人床的雙人間,總共5天。

  10. I have no reservation. Do you have a room available for tonight? 我沒(méi)有預(yù)訂。今晚有可住的房間嗎?


  Renting a Car 租車

  1. Fill it up with premium, please. 請(qǐng)加滿高級(jí)汽油。

  2. How much is it to rent an economy car? 租一輛經(jīng)濟(jì)車要多少錢?

  3. The daily rate is $ 32.00 plus 39 cents per mile. 日租金32美元,每英里外加39美分。

  4. Do you want me to check the tires / radiator? 你要我檢查輪胎 / 水箱嗎?

  5. I have to rent a car, and I need it for business. 我得租輛車,是為了業(yè)務(wù)上的需要。

  6. Fill it up with unleaded and check the oil, please. 請(qǐng)加滿無(wú)鉛汽油,并檢查下機(jī)油。

  7. You’ll have to use a credit card or leave a $ 100 deposit. 你得實(shí)用信用卡,否則要支付100 美元押金。

  8. We’re looking at cars at the rental agency at the airport. 我們正在機(jī)場(chǎng)的租車代理商這看車子。

  9. When our coach broke down, we hired a van to the hotel. 轎車拋錨后,買我們就租了一輛面包車去旅館。

  10. Most fo the retal companies even offer weekend specials. 大部分租車公司甚至提供周末特價(jià)。


  Taking the Ship 乘坐輪船

  1. How much does it cost by ship? 坐船去要花多少錢?

  2. When will the ship leave for Honolulu? 這艘船什么時(shí)候出發(fā)去檀香山?

  3. Do I need a reservation to go there by ship? 我坐船去需要預(yù)定嗎?

  4. The ship was due to sail the following morning. 這艘船定于第二天早晨啟航。

  5. Cruises offer a different kind of travel experience. 乘船游覽提供一種完全不同的旅游體驗(yàn)。

  6. On ship I fleeted time by reading detective stories. 在船上我讀偵探小說(shuō)來(lái)消磨時(shí)間。

  7. The swing of the ship makes many people seasick. 船的搖晃使許多人暈船。

  8. Do you like traveling by air better than traveling by ship? 與乘船相比,你更喜歡坐飛機(jī)旅行嗎?

  9. I don't like traveling by ship because I'm afraid of being seasick. 我不喜歡乘船旅行,因?yàn)槲覔?dān)心我會(huì)暈船。

  10. I think it is more comfortable and much cheaper to go there by ship. 我想乘船去那兒更舒服也更便宜。





