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  Traffic safty

  1. 設計理念 英語復習,就是通過一定形式的教學活動將學生已獲得的零散的英語知識通過分析、歸類有機地串聯(lián)起來從而加深理解、增強記憶,使知識條理化、系統(tǒng)化進而達到融會貫通,使學生將具有綜合運用語言的能力、語言操作能力和書面交際能力。



  3. 復習重點和難點


  難點:基礎知識轉化為言語技能,并發(fā)展為運用英語進行交際。 4、復習方法和策略




  6.教學評價 評價手段:1:教師課堂語言評價 ;


  評價意圖:培養(yǎng)學生自主學習,激發(fā)英語學習興趣,提高英語寫作水平。 7、教學程序

  Step 1導入課題



  教師問:what can you see in the pictures?What happened?

  學生答:traffic accident.

  設計意圖及評價: 激發(fā)學生思考,鼓勵學生回答問題,準確引入正題 Step 2 Play a game and see which behaviors are right.

  設計意圖及評價:活躍課堂氣氛,看誰的反應最快,可以全班參與。 Step 3 師生互動、歸納整理

  老師問:what cause these traffic accidents?


  教師和學生:say out these phrases: bad weather : heavy rain, storms, heavy snow; bad roads; traffic rules; drive fast; drinking drive.

  設計意圖及評價: 以學生為主體,教師為主導,對所學相關的詞匯進行系統(tǒng)的復習和總結,使他們獲得成就感。 Step 4


  設計意圖及評價: 老師給出圖片,提示學生說出對應的信息點。幫助他們歸納整理思路。 Step 5 小組合作


  Discuss in groups and write down the simple sentences.

  2. 3. Reason(原因)


  Step 6直擊中考、思路點撥

  教師: 讓學生小組討論:as for us students, what should do to keep ourselves safe on the roads?

  教師和學生:say out the important points: obey the traffic rules, keep on the right of the road, look both ways, never play in the street, help children and old people cross the road.

  設計意圖及評價: 洞悉中考考點,讓學生做到心中有數(shù),學以致用,并有針對性地進行訓練鞏固。


  Step 7 Writing.(寫作) 書面表達:

  如今,道路安全越來越受關注,它已經成為人類意外死亡的重要因素之一。 Mr Li是一名警察,他想知道青少年對交通安全知識了解的情況。請你以“traffic safety”為題,寫一封郵件給他,幫助他收集有關的信息。


  2.我們中學生要具備哪些交通知識(至少3點)。 3. 要求大家要遵守交通規(guī)則。(詞數(shù)80個左右)


  作文專項練習 – 一

  假如你叫成功,(0.5分)愚人節(jié)快到了(0.5分),四川廣播電臺正在向聽眾們收集愚人節(jié)的故事,作為忠實聽眾的你打算把你的上個愚人節(jié)所經歷的事以電子郵件的形式(格式1分)交給電臺。故事是這樣的:上個愚人節(jié)的前三天你的同學Jimmy邀請你周六早上去他家參加一個化裝舞會,(1分)于是你非常激動,你決定把自己扮成一只超級猴子,(1分)你對自己的主意很自信(1分)。周六晚上終于到了,你興高采烈的穿上你的服裝來到Jimmy的家門口,(1分)你敲門進去后你非常尷尬的發(fā)現(xiàn)只有你一個人穿著戲服,(1分)當大家齊聲對著你叫:April Fool時,你才意識到你被大家愚弄了。(1分)你認為我們在開別人玩笑前應該想想你的玩笑會不會對比人造成傷害(1分),并祝大家有一個愉快的愚人節(jié)(1分)!要求: 80字以上.字跡工整,條理清楚. Dear Sir,

  My name is Cheng Gong, I’m one of your fans. April Fool’s Day is coming, I'd like to tell you something about my last April Fool's Day.

  Three days before last April Fool's Day, my classmate Jimmy invited me to take part in a costume party on Saturday at his home. I was so thrilled that I decided to dress up as a super monkey. I felt fairly good about myself. Then on Saturday morning, I dressed up happily and came to Jimmy's home. I knocked at the door and came in. I was embarrassed to find that I was the only person wearing a costume. By the time everyone said “April Fool”, I realized that I had been fooled by them. Although I wasn’t angry with my classmates, I do think we should think carefully if the jokes hurtful. Finally, I hope everyone can have a happy April Fool’s Day.


  Cheng Gong

  作文專項練習 – 二

  你叫成靜,即將告別初中生活,請回憶這三年來你的變化(1分)。三年前你在外貌(1分),學習(1分)和性格(1分)方面的情況;三年來你在這些方面的變化(3分)。最后展望未來,寫出你對未來的打算(1分),號召大家在最后的一學期中努力學習(1分)。8 0字左右,.注意標點,書寫整潔(1分)。

  My name is Cheng Jing. I will graduate from school soon. Three years ago, I used to be very short and a little fat, but now I'm taller and thinner. I used to like math only, and didn’t like English at all, but now I like English very much. I used to be very outgoing even a bit naughty, but now I can behave well. Soon, I'll become a high school student, I decide to try my best to enter a better school I like. There's only a little time left, let's study hard in the last semester! 作文專項練習 – 三

  關于學生上網,有人說好(1分),有人說不好(1分)。假如你支持學生應該被允許上網(1分),你會提出哪些理由呢?內容須包括以下要點:1) 網上交流(1分); 2)觀察世界(1分); 3)自我檢測(1分)。 請在最后提醒大家上網的至少兩點危害(2分),號召大家健康上網(1分)。80 字左右,注意條理清晰,結構完整(1分)

  It’s very popular for students to surf the internet now. Some say it’s good while others say it’s bad for students. I think students should be allowed to surf the internet. We are able to make many good friends on line. We can watch the world to get more knowledge. Also it helps us open up our eyes to the outside world. We can test ourselves on line and we can also train our listening skills on line. Of cause we mustn’t spend our time on games because it’s a waste of time. You should also know it’s bad for both your eyes and your health to play computers for a long time. We’d better surf the Internet in a healthy way, so we can not only enjoy ourselves but also learn much from it.

  作文專項練習 – 四

  假設上周你參觀了在你們市舉辦的國際機器人展覽(1分)。請談談你看到的機器人樣子(1分)和你的感受(1分)和愿望(1分),如果你有一個機器人(1分),你希望他是什么樣子(1分),他能為你做什么(列舉3方面) (3分).不少于80字。(字數(shù),格式1分)

  Last week, I visited the International Robot Exhibition in our city. Some robots looked like animals like cats, dogs and so on. Some robots even had the shape of humans. How wonderful they were! I really feel surprised and I wish I could have my own robot one day.

  If I had a robot, I would like it to look like a monkey because I love monkeys. I would ask him to do many chores for me. If I really had one like that, I would be the happiest person in the world. (I think if everyone had their own robot, the world would become more interesting than before!)


  一, Unit 1 談論學習

  I hear you have some problems in learning English . Don’t worry . I think there are three good ways to learn English well . First , I think you should , you can learn English by listening to English songs. Second , you should practice more and learn from mistakes . Practice makes perfect . Don’t be afraid of making mistakes . For example ,Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone by trying many times and learn from mistakes . Third , you should take notes in class. Notes can help you review what you have learned . You can take notes by writing down key words or by drawing mind maps. Learning is a lifelong journey . I believe you can improve your English if you work hard . Yours Tom 2, 你的英國筆友Frank想學漢語,請你給他寫一封信,告訴他如何學習漢語。 要求:1. 語句通順,書寫工整 。 2.可用所提示的詞語,也可以適當發(fā)揮

  3. 詞數(shù):60-80(提示詞語:go to Chinese classes, make friends, listen to the radio, dictionary, useful, read Chinese stories, talk with, difficult, ask a Chinese teacher for help…) Dear Frank,

  How’s it going? I miss you.

  Chinese stories. It's good for your listening and speaking. If you see some words , you can guess the words’ meaning by reading the sentences before and after it , or you can look them up in the practice Chinese more . Don’t be afraid of making mistakes . I hope you can learn Chinese well. Yours 二,Unit 2談論節(jié)日 (寫作思路: 1,節(jié)日地位 。2,節(jié)日習俗 。3,節(jié)日活動)

  (一),介紹你Spring Festival.

  There are many traditional festivals in China. My favorite festival is the Spring Festival . It comes in January or February . The Spring Festival is one of the most important festivals in China. Before the Spring Festival people often prepare something new and delicious food . On the eve of the Spring Festival , people often get together to have a big dinner . Chicken , fish and dumplings are special food . During the Spring Festival, family often go to visit their relatives and friends . Children can get much lucky money . I like the Spring Festival because I can spend a

  lot of happy time with my family .

  ( 二)介紹中秋節(jié)

  There are many traditional festivals in China. I like the Mid-autumn Festival best . It’s one of the most important festivals in China. It comes on lunar August 15th . Family often get together for the festival .On the Mid-autumn night family have a big dinner ,then they enjoy the full moon and share the delicious mooncakes with their family . The mooncakes carry people’s best wishes to the family the love and miss . I like this festival because I can spend a happy time with my family .

  三,Unit 3 禮貌請求,詢問

  假如你是剛來江西某所學校教英語Jeff Green,想在國慶節(jié)期間去上海東方明珠塔看看,因此想在網上預訂開心人大酒店的房間。請根據下面提示的要點給酒店客房部楊小姐發(fā)一封e-mail咨詢情況。 1,酒店離東方明珠塔有多遠?去那兒是否方便?2,從火車站到酒店應該乘幾路公共汽車?在哪一站下車。3,酒店能否幫忙找一輛出租車專供你使用?4,你想坐飛機回來,酒店能否幫你提前購買飛機票? 參考詞匯:上海東方明珠塔the Oriental Pearl TV,Tower of Shanghai .預訂一個標準間reserve a standard room.

  Dear Miss Yang

  During the National Day holidays . I’m going to Shanghai to visit the Oriental Pearl TV Tower of Shanghai . I plan to reserve a standard room for myself in your hotel , so I want to get some information. First , could you please tell me how far your hotel is from the Oriental Pearl TV Tower of Shanghai? Will you please tell me if it is convenient to get there ? Second ,could you tell me how I can get to your hotel from the train station ? Which

  bus should I take and at which bus stop should I get off ? Third , I want to know if your hotel can get a taxi that will only serve me . Finally , I plan to get back to Nanchang by air ,and I wonder if you can reserve a plane ticket for me .

  I’m looking forward to your reply . Thank you.

  Jeff Green









初三的學子們,在英語寫作復習課上主要復習什么內容呢?下面是學習啦小編給大家整理的初三英語寫作復習課,供大家參閱! 初三英語寫作復習課教案 Traffic safty 1. 設計理念 英語復習,就是通過一定形式的教學活動將學生已獲得的零散的英