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  A new article in a special section on Culture and Psychology in Perspectives on Psychological Science, a journal of the Associationfor Psychological Science, explains that people in different cultures think about work in different ways.


  For example, people have different expectations about teamwork, says Cristina B. Gibson, of the University of Western Australia.


  Gibson has interviewed people to understand how they conceptualizeteams. “In the US, people used a lot of sports metaphors. Elsewhere, that just wasn't a common metaphor.” In Latin America, for example, many people talked about the work team as a family.


  “If you just use those two contrasts and think about what you might expect from your family versus what you might expect from your sports team, you start to see the differences.” Families are involved in all parts of your life, and are expected to celebrate with you socially. “Your involvementin your sports team is more limited. Less caretaking, more competitive.”


  Another example is in the realm of leadership. Many people assume that charismaticleadership is a good thing - using a strong personality to inspire loyalty in others. But that's not going to work for everyone, Gibson says. “The very same behaviors that are deemed desirablefrom a leader in one culture might be viewed as interference or micromanagementin other settings.”


  And as this research continues, she says, people should consider that cultures can vary a lot within countries, too, especially as large numbers of people continue to migrate between countries. “We can’t make these assumptions that everybody in the US is like this and everybody in China is like that.”



在不同的文化影響下,人們的工作理念也會有所不同。接下來小編為大家整理了不同文化決定不同的工作理念,希望對你有幫助哦! A new article in a special section on Culture and Psychology in Perspectives on Psychological Science,


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