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  摘要:法國戛納電影節(jié)因大海、美女和陽光(Sea Sex Sun)而被稱為3S電影節(jié)。每年盛事期間,在著名的海濱大道及附近的海灘上都會有眾多美女云集,期待著影界大腕、星探們的發(fā)掘,一圓她們的明星夢。你知道怎么用英語表達(dá)嗎?

  The 64th Cannes Film Festival sees the spotlight on at least two Americans: Woody Allen’s "Midnight in Paris" opens the festival.The cast of Allen's 41st film, a romantic comedy, includes Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, the Italo-French heiress, songwriter, singer and former model who is married to French President Nicolas Sarkozy.

  Robert de Niro will head the nine-person jury that will award prizes among the 20 films in the Cannes main competition. Thurman and Law join him on the nine-member jury, which also includes Argentine actress Martina Gusman, French filmmaker Olivier Assayas and Hong Kong filmmaker Johnnie To.


  評審團(tuán)由主席羅伯特• 德尼羅(Robert De Niro)率領(lǐng)9人組成,其中包括烏瑪•瑟曼、裘德•洛、阿根廷女演員馬蒂娜•古斯曼、法國導(dǎo)演奧利維耶•阿薩亞斯和香港導(dǎo)演杜琪峰。加納電影節(jié)上有20部主競賽單元片角逐金棕櫚獎項(xiàng)。


  “Cannes Film Festival”(戛納電影節(jié)),是最早也是最久負(fù)盛名的電影節(jié)之一(one of the world's oldest and most prestigious film festivals),戛納電影節(jié)上頒發(fā)的是“金棕櫚獎”(Golden Palm),電影節(jié)的活動分為若干單元,包括“正式競賽”(In Competition)、“導(dǎo)演雙周”(Directors’ Fortnight)、“影評人周”(International Critics' Week)等。